GenZhao at TFW2005 has posted images of the new Mudflap Fast Action Battler toy which is being sold on eBay. He is also selling a Deluxe Class Skids toy (view auction).
Mudflap FAB toy March 17th, 2009
Sam Raimi on Spider-man 4 March 17th, 2009
MTV has spoken Spidey-4 with Sam Raimi; no real juicy gossip bits to be had, but good to hear the project is moving swiftly forward nonetheless. It does appear that the dual Spider-man 4 & 5 shooting schedule that was previously rumored may have been dropped, possibly in favor of The Avengers movie coming in 2012.
“The writers, producers and I are working out what the story will be, but we haven’t been talking in terms of Part 4 and 5. […] I’ve read that [about ‘Spider-Man 5’] also, but right now we’re just working on the story for ‘Spider-Man 4,’ just that one film.”
“We’re definitely talking about working from all the material in the comic books and nothing [invented] outside of that. All the characters or villain or villains, whatever we decide to do will be from Stan Lee’s creations or those that came after him.”
[On who will be the next villain(s)]
“I do have a pretty good idea, but I’m just not a liberty to say yet,”
[On Kirsten Dunst in Spider-man 4]
“I can’t imagine making a ‘Spider-Man’ movie without Kirsten,” he said, seemingly contemplating the idea in his head with a long pause. “Of course it can be done because Spider Man has existed without the character of Mary-Jane but she’s one of my favorite parts and it would be a shame not to have her in the picture. I’m hoping she’ll be in it and I’m planning on having a story with her in it.”
Autobot Aircraft toy spotted, carries Optimus Prime March 17th, 2009
Yayabee at The Arker has posted images of a new Transformers 2 toy. It is an autobot that appears to have an alt mode of a Antonov An-225 aircraft — inside it carries a very small Optimus Prime. The AN-225 is a Russian craft that matches the rear wing and underside design of the toy as well as carrying a spacecraft on top, though it has two additional engines and the nose cone appears different. It also has similarities with the C-130 Hercules.
Whether this character shall appear in ROTF is debatable — it is plausible that the Autobots board the craft (maybe at the Boneyard) to travel to Egypt, but it doesn’t make sense for a Russian plane to be there. Another angle is the craft is originally supplied by the combined UN force in a bid to help fight the Decepticons.

Kids coloring book reveals big TF2 plot spoilers March 17th, 2009
SPOILERS ARE IN THIS POST. Posting scans of kids coloring books doesn’t seem like a suitable past time, so I don’t intend to do it too often. But today there are some scans of the new Revenge of the Fallen coloring book that have hit the interweb. Within it there are the usual robots that can be colored in but, more interestingly, a much simplified storyline for the sequel — including the presumed finale.
Spoilers after the break…
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Chances of a Jon Favreau helmed Avengers movie? March 17th, 2009
Favreau had previously ruled out participation in Marvel’s Avengers movie due to their aggressive scheduling — Marvel’s original release date was set for May 2011, one year after the scheduled Iron Man 2 release, which would simply make things impossible. That release date has since been pushed back to May 2012, putting an extra year in The Avengers development cycle. Favreau has previously expressed an interest in helming The Avengers movie and combined with the relaxed scheduling opens the door to an interesting rumor. New spy ‘Fuzzy Dunlop’ spills the beans to AICN:
–Avengers is delayed a year because of financing issues but also because the plan is for Favreau to helm it. Everybody here loves the guy and he wants to do it, but it would have been impossible for him to do before the date change given his Iron Man 2 commitments. Also partly the reason why he agreed to do the Stark sequel on such an accelerated schedule was so he could get given first dibs on this. It would still be a punishing schedule for him, so hes not firmly confirmed yet, but he is certainly the presumptive director at this point.
- Iron Man starts rehearsals in a few days, which is why the casting is finally coming together so quickly.
Call me Fuzzy Dunlop
Freida Pinto next Bond girl? Unlikely March 17th, 2009
I think we can almost certainly cast these as fake in the category of rumor mongering for the sake of jumping on the back of another movie’s success to sell newspaper copies. The Sun report that Slumdog Millionaire star Freida Pinto has been invited to screen test for James Bond 23 — producers were supposedly impressed by her during casting for Quantum of Solace, but at that time she was too young to play a ‘secret agent’s lover’.
The Sun are continuing with their already debunked Danny Boyle to direct rumor. Maybe Dev Patel will be the next Bond?
Skids and Mudflaps arguing twins, Turturro to voice Jetfire? March 17th, 2009
A reader at the Shoot for the Edit forums has posted a translation of a French TF2 article that contains some spoilers. Specifically it appears to reveal the start and end of the movie in a very vague manner, before outlining a few scenes involving Shia, Bumblebee, Skids and Mudflaps and Agent Simmons, John Turturro. The magazine suggests that Turturro also voices an old Transformer that loses parts with every move — undoubtedly this is Jetfire, whilst Bay outlines his thoughts on the bickering twins which come across like some sort of mechanical jar jar binks.
Set: Egypt, in front of Kheops Pyramid, stands an ancient 30’s palace built for King Faruk’s guests.
At “Action”, Shia runs through the yard, stops at the doorstep and hits the door with his shoulder. Megan Fox, John Turturro and Ramon Rodriguez come next and hurry inside the building.
Shia heads up, shout a few words at an imaginary Bumblebee, and gets in. Three cars, the Camaro, the red TRAX and the green BEAT, start quickly and stop a bit further away to look out. The three vehicles are driven by black-suited (and thereby “invisible”) stuntmen behind the smoked glass.
At the end of the day, the crew moves to the third and smallest pyramid, Mykerinos. John Turturro, back as always angry agent Simmons, has to climb up a few stones. This hasn’t been done for 30 years: Too many accident occurred and Egyptians had forbidden it. Turturro will try to run from an imaginary Decepticon.
Michael Bay says: “I had the idea of these two stupid Transformers, Skids and Mudflap. They’re twins who can’t stop bickering, but they do heroic things at the beginning of the movie.
Bumblebee, on his side, has become more serious. He doesn’t want to leave Sam’s parents’ garage. There is also an old Transformer, who loses screws and bolts at every move. And it’s John Turturro voicing him.”
The movie will start at Gyzeh, Egypt, long before pyramids were built, and will end at the same place nowadays, with a huge fight between Autobots and Decepticons.
It’s said that we’ll learn in the movie how pyramids were built. Does it involve any Transformer?
Sideswipe and Rampage toy bios March 17th, 2009
TF08 have posted packaging shots of the Sideswipe and Rampage toys, including their biographies. An interesting point to note is Rampage’s jack hammer mode — a sort of third configuration, possible movie appearance of a giant crushing pneumatic drill?
The stink of diesel fumes and hot tar follows Rampage wherever he goes. His treads are packed with metal shards stripped from his victims and the countless scratches covering his chassis are testament to hundreds of brutal battles. He lives to pound his enemies into submission and thinks of little else. His idea of beauty is the sight of sun glistening off the raw edges of shredded Autobot armor.
Sideswipe was built to fight. He is sleek, fast, and accomplished in battle, focusing on his enemy with absolute attention. His blades are a shining blur as he leaps through the air, twisting to avoid enemy fire. Converting from vehicle to robot at blazing speed, he uses every trick in the book to get close to his opponent and put his powerful swords to work.