As per our report, Iron Man 2 filmed at Randy’s Donuts yesterday, our only picture so far comes from Jon Favreau himself. We also know that both Scarlett Johansson and Samuel L. Jackson were on set.
Another day at the office.

Kevin Feige, the President of Production at Marvel Studios, recently spoke to Empire to fill us in on their upcoming features, informing us that Zak Penn is hard at work on The Avengers script:
“Zak Penn is already on board The Avengers [as writer] and he’s spending a lot of his time looking into what we’re doing with Iron Man, Thor and Captain America, seeing how we’re tying it all together. And he’s beginning to outline the script now – he’ll be doing that over the summer.”
“All of the Marvel movies leading up to The Avengers will be based in our new facility in Manhattan Beach, in LA. There will be location work that will take us out occasionally, but our home base will always be here. ”
Kevin Feige, the President of Production at Marvel Studios, recently spoke to Empire to fill us in on their upcoming features — informing us that casting decisions on Loki, Odin and the main female role will be made shortly (Natalie Portman and Josh Hartnett are rumored). Production is likely to begin at the start of next year.
“We will probably be having cast announcements in the next month or so on Thor,” he told us. “We’re looking to cast Loki and Odin soon, and the main female role. And we’ll also hopefully have lockdown shortly, gearing towards the beginning of production, which will be early next year. So I think there will be a lot of announcements between now and then.”
“But [director Kenneth] Branagh’s here, we’re prepping, and he’s put together some spectacular animatics already for our first action scene. We’re digging into the second and third now, and we are just embarking on a rewrite of the draft.”
Chris Pine and Ryan Gosling have both been linked to the Green Lantern role, now another name has been thrown into the mix, one Bradley Cooper (The Hangover, Alias, Wedding Crashers):
[…] I’ve just spent the last hour or so on the phones, tracking down a rumor I heard, and HitFix can exclusively report that Bradley Cooper is now one of the guys most likely to don the suit and slip on the power ring as The Green Lantern for director Martin Campbell.
Let’s be clear: they have not hired him yet. But the process is far enough along that this is more than just a meeting or some spot on a wish list. Keep in mind that Campbell likes to see a lot of people when he’s casting… and even when he’s screen-testing, he seems willing to explore as many options as possible… but with the film set to shoot later this summer, they’ve got to start making their choices, and now’s the time to put people in front of the camera and see who really works in the suit.

Jon Favreau has twittered again today, giving us the juice that Samuel L. Jackson is on set filming his first scenes as Nick Fury, alongside Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark:
Now shooting first scene with Tony Stark and Nick Fury.
Earlier he also revealed that Scarlett Johansson is in the Black Widow outfit
Scarlett’s first day on set in the Black Widow outfit. You’ve never heard a crew get so quiet so fast.
Our exclusive report yesterday revealed that these scenes were likely to be on 805 W. Manchester Blvd., Inglewood, Ca. 9030.
The biography for Ravage states that he enters the earth’s atmosphere and suggests that he takes the form of ‘soft’ creatures that inhabit the planet. Perhaps this implies Alice (Isabel Lucas)? We also get to see confirmation of the toy’s rather weak ‘re-entry’ mode which doesn’t resemble much of anything, I personally prefer the bird like transformation that TF08 concocted.
Bulleting down through the atmosphere at better than 15 times the speed of sound, Ravage considers the data he has already amassed, on the small, soft creatures that inhabit this planet. They seem weak and fragile, yet they are the ones that destroyed Megatron, that is a fact he will keep in mind as he penetrates their most sensitive installation, against such an unpredictable enemy, stealth will be his watchword.

Character posters of Bumblebee, Starscream and Optimus Prime have today been unveiled via Yahoo. The posters each show an incredibly detailed rendering of the characters:

New images of the Ice Cream truck, Arcee, Ravage, Jetfire, Jolt and more have appeared on the Walmart website, unearthed by “Heat Guy”. Here are a few of the highlights:
Ice Cream Truck Twins
Skids and Mudflap combine to form the Ice Cream truck alt mode:





These next characters may not appear in the movie:
Blaze Master

Dead End

(aka a red Sideswipe)

Thanks for the heads up R.
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