Latino Review have received some concept art in the post claiming to be Mickey Rourke’s Whiplash in Iron Man 2. The style of the image is inline with concept designs, the Rourke-ness and details are non-distinct, something a faker probably wouldn’t do. We’ll have to wait and see if it’s the real deal or not.
Possible Whiplash Concept Art May 18th, 2009
Transformers Movie Universe and Comic Previews May 18th, 2009
Two book previews for you, offering more insight into the Revenge of the Fallen plot. First up is DK’s ‘Transformers: The Movie Universe’, a kids book with all the facts and figures about each of the robots. Second comes the comic adaptation of the movie, released this Wednesday.
Transformers: The Movie Universe Preview
Find out everything you ever wanted to know about the Transformers including footage from the films Revenge of the Fallen and Transformers, with this explosive guide.
Read behind-the-scenes stories from the Transformer movies, secret dossiers, mission objectives, stats, top 10s, amazing facts and more. Get access to the data files of your favorite heroes from Optimus Prime and Megatron to Bumblebee and Sam Witwicky.
Step into dramatic battle scenes and learn everything you ever wanted to know; from an insiders guide to Cybertonian history to the secrets behind the Transformers military hardware. Plus, fantastic cross-sections will take you deep inside their incredible world

Movie to Comic Adaptation Preview
Linkin Park’s “New Divide” track for Transformers 2 now online #newdivide May 18th, 2009
Linkin Park’s new single for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has it’s online première right now. I have to say, the opening is pretty tight:
Tom Hiddleston cast as Loki May 18th, 2009
Briton Tom Hiddleston has been cast as Loki, Thor’s nemesis, so reports Nikki Finke. Hiddleston has worked alongside director Kenneth Branagh on two previous occasions — in Ivanov at Wyndhams Theatre, London, and in the BBC miniseries, Wallander.
Hiddelston was also considered for the Thor role.
More official Transformers 2 images; Isabel Lucas, Megan Fox May 18th, 2009
Another batch of six official Revenge of the Fallen snaps have been released, this time showing us Megan Fox hiding behind a wall, Isabel Lucas looking scary with an astronomy book (kind of like that girl in Men in Black), Shia running from tanks and smoke, Ramon Rodriguez sitting in Bumblebee and Shia and Agent Simmons in the Smithsonian — presumably with Wheelie in the bag.
Megan Fox
Isabel Lucas
This shot of Isabel Lucas is at a whopping 3888 x 2592 pixels, at 8mb.
Ramon Rodriguez
Josh Duhamel
Sam Witwicky and Agent Simmons
Five new Official Photos; Megan Fox, Optimus Prime May 18th, 2009
Five new Official Transformers 2 photos show Megan Fox in a leather jacket, Sam Witwicky in front of Bumblebee, Optimus Prime driving off an aircraft, the Autobots and Tyrese Gibson.
Optimus Prime driving off a large aircraft is particularly interesting — notably the plane could be the as of yet unnamed (but similar to ‘Silverbot’) aircraft autobot that we have seen in toy form.
Megan Fox
Thanks for the heads up Jason!
Chris Hemsworth cast as Thor! May 17th, 2009
We recently reported that the Thor casting was in its final stages, now we have our first solid casting news. Chris Hemsworth will be playing Thor in Kenneth Branagh’s big screen adaptation as well as in 2012 as part of The Avengers movie. You may have just seen him as Captain George Kirk in Star Trek, he’s also starring as the lead in Red Dawn and Joss Whedon’s ‘Cabin in the Woods’.
How Chris was cast
The way Chris Hemsworth got the part of Thor is one of those great Hollywood backstories that happens only once in a blue moon. Ward had found Chris during one of the manager’s many scouting trips to Australia. Ward brought him to Los Angeles and really put him out there to casting directors and production executives. As for the major agencies, I hear CAA passed on the meeting, Endeavor took it but passed on repping him, and ICM was interested but dragged their feet. But Ilene Feldman understood his appeal immediately.
Chris had read for the part of Thor but wasn’t given a test because a casting director had nixed him early on. I’m told Chris’ younger brother Liam (who’s also a ROAR client) then tested for the role of Thor, but Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige passed. Then, after a conversation with Ward (“You’ve got to reconsider Chris, he’s your guy”), Feige decided to let Chris read again. […] Branagh came to town last week and saw the Chris test and made the final casting decision today.
Our old list of probable casting decisions did not include Hemsworth:
Charlie Hunnam
Tom Hiddleston
Alexandar Skarsgard
Liam Hemsworth
Joel Kinnaman.