Movie Chronicles

Final Transformers 2 poster lands June 3rd, 2009

Empire have posted the final Trans­form­ers 2 poster which is in a sim­i­lar vein to the exist­ing ones; Shia and Megan Fox are run­ning away, a pyra­mid appears in the back­ground and Opti­mus Prime and Bum­ble­bee stand over the whole affair — although this time their poses are lit­tle more aggressive.

New Avengers, Thor, Captain America and Iron Man logos June 3rd, 2009

Com­ing via Pit­doc, AICN and the Las Vegas licens­ing show, we have updated Iron Man, Thor, Cap­tain Amer­ica and The Avengers logos, as well as an ‘Avengers Assem­ble’ badge.

First Iron Man 2 poster June 3rd, 2009

Com­ing via Pit­doc, AICN and the Las Vegas licens­ing show, we have our first look at an Iron Man 2 poster, click for super high resolution.

Spider-man 4 poster surfaces June 3rd, 2009

Pit­doc have snapped a shot of the first Spider-man 4 poster at the recent Licens­ing Show in Las Vegas which comes via AICN. These are avail­able in very high res­o­lu­tion by click­ing the image. The sec­ond one is a tidy up of the first, cropped and with lev­els, con­trast and color corrected.

Spider-man 4 poster

Spider-man 4 poster tidied up

LG Transformers 2 campaign kicks off — wallpapers, etc. June 3rd, 2009

LG are using Revenge of the Fallen to pro­mote a num­ber of new prod­ucts, includ­ing their ‘Versa’ phone. The ad, fea­tur­ing Opti­mus Prime and a trans­form­ing phone is embed­ded below:

LG have also launched their tie-in web­site that focuses on NEST with var­i­ous mis­sions, wall­pa­pers and ringtones.


Some of the shots in their images sec­tion are new:


Exam­ples of LG’s Trans­form­ers wall­pa­pers (1280x1024 resolution)

Two more Transformers 2 TV Spots — “Wanted” and “Mystery” June 3rd, 2009


A good sound­track runs through this TV spot, which fea­tures a lot of Devastator


Talks of diplo­macy and a lit­tle bit of new footage:

‘Fate’ Transformers 2 TV Spot June 2nd, 2009

Fate rarely calls on us at a moment of our choos­ing… Not really any new footage here, a re-cut of some of the things we’ve already seen, nonethe­less, a new TV Spot for us:

Excellent fan made Green Lantern trailer June 2nd, 2009

With Nathan Fil­lion fic­tion­ally cast as Hal Jor­dan in the Green Lantern movie, this fan made trailer, cre­ated by Jaron Pitts, is an awe­some vision of what the fran­chise could be:

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