Movie Chronicles

Transformers 2 video game walkthrough June 12th, 2009

G4 have posted a mas­sive 16 minute walk­through of the Revenge of the Fallen video game, work­ing through as either Bum­ble­bee or Starscream. A boss fight with Dev­as­ta­tor is also included.

Marcus Nispel to direct new Conan movie June 11th, 2009

A short while ago we had word of a short­list of poten­tial Conan movie direc­tors; their spe­cialty was in hor­ror movies. The list included Christoph Gans, Neil Mar­shall and direc­tor of choice, Mar­cus Nis­pel. Nis­pel helmed the The Texas Chain­saw Mas­sacre and Fri­day the 13th remakes and more wor­ringly, the ter­ri­ble Viking movie, “Pathfinder”.

A new direc­tor was sought after Brett Rat­ner stepped down from the helm due to sched­ul­ing con­straints. The movie is likely to have a smaller bud­get and could begin pro­duc­tion as early as August this year, with reports sug­gest­ing Bul­garia as its locale.
Dirk Black­man and Howard McCain are cur­rently work­ing through Dean Don­nelly and Joshua Oppenheimer’s first draft.

An announce­ment as to who shall play Conan is expected shortly.

Clifton Collins Jr. to have Thor movie role? June 11th, 2009

MTV are report­ing that Star Trek and Crank: High Volt­age actor Clifton Collins Jr. is in talks for a role in the Thor adaptation:

“I had a lit­tle meet­ing. I think I can say that much. […] [’Thor’ direc­tor] Ken­neth Branagh is a bad-ass. I’ve been a fan of his as an actor and I know he’s gonna be amaz­ing as a direc­tor for this piece.”

“Believe me, I’m itch­ing to say all kinds of stuff,”


“It’s going to be a beau­ti­ful thing, I’m sure,” said Collins. “It’s an amaz­ing comic book. If you grew up read­ing these comic books, he was def­i­nitely a bad-ass, that guy.”

No word yet on the char­ac­ter he might play.

Signing with Green Lantern writer Marc Guggenheim in LA June 11th, 2009

Edward, owner of Collector’s Par­adise, has writ­ten to inform us of a sign­ing event with Marc Guggen­heim to take place this Sat­ur­day June 13th. Marc Guggen­heim is one of the writ­ers work­ing on the Green Lantern movie adap­ta­tion. He has also worked on CSI, Broth­ers & Sis­ters and Law & Order.


Collector’s Par­adise
7131 Win­netka Ave
Win­netka CA 91306

Transformers 2 Wheelie footage now in English June 11th, 2009

The Ger­man dubbed footage of Wheelie attempt­ing to steal from Mikaela and being caught in the act is now avail­able in Eng­lish (with Japan­ese sub­ti­tles). Turns out Wheelie is an incred­i­bly feisty lit­tle robot, I’d imag­ined he’d be quite timid.

First web chat date?
“You’re hot but you ain’t so bright“
“That’s my eye you crazy bitch”

Thanks for the heads up Randy!

Transformers 2 t-shirts and US Première contest at Hot Topic June 11th, 2009

Hot Topic are sell­ing a range of Trans­form­ers mer­chan­dise to coin­cide with the movie’s release. A lot of the cloth­ing fea­tures car­toon char­ac­ters, rather than opt­ing to use the fig­ures from the movies. To mark the occa­sion, they have a con­test to win tick­ets to the US Pre­mière of Revenge of the Fallen on June 22nd.

Con­test to win tick­ets to US Pre­mière, June 22nd

One Grand prize win­ner will receive:

# Two (2) Round-Trip Air­fare Tick­ets
# Hotel Acco­mo­da­tions, One (1) Room for Two (2) Nights
# Two (2) Tick­ets to the pre­mière of Trans­form­ers: Revenge of The Fallen!

Enter the Trans­form­ers Con­test


I’ve included some of the best shirts below, avail­able for $19 each at the moment. Click the images below or view all the Hot Topic gear. I par­tic­u­larly like the Free­dom shirt:

Transformers Optimus Prime Freedom T-Shirt

Transformers Decepticon Tank Top

Transformers Bumblebee Galaxy T-Shirt

Soundwave Satellite mode and Transformers 2 robot auditions June 11th, 2009

Para­mount Pic­tures UK have updated with some inter­est­ing and fun Trans­form­ers good­ies for us to pick out.

Sound­wave Satel­lite mode

The offi­cial UK Revenge of the Fallen site reveals Soundwave’s satel­lite mode in ren­dered CG form:

And Gen­eral Tekno over at TLAMB has man­aged to extract the clean ver­sion for us all:

Revenge of the Fallen Robot auditions

Five robot audi­tions (e.g. a drill and a George Fore­man grill) have been posted in jest, the video embed­ding doesn’t seem to be work­ing cor­rectly so I rec­om­mend you check them out on the PPUK site: TF2 Robot Auditions

Trans­form­ers 2 Wallpapers

A 1920x res­o­lu­tion of the standee is also avail­able for download:

Transformers 2 viral sites, “RealEffingDeal” and “GiantEffingRobots” June 11th, 2009

In the trail­ers for Trans­form­ers 2 two web­sites were revealed on t-shirts, the​re​al​eff​in​gdeal​.com and giant​eff​in​gro​bots​.com/. Each of them relates to alien con­spir­a­cies and are peri­od­i­cally updated with new sto­ries, some made up and some link­ing to real news items.

The­Re­al­Eff­in­gDeal (TRED) is run by Sam Witwicky’s new flat mate Leo. Giant­Eff­in­gRo­bots (GER) is report­edly the voice of Agent Sim­mons, coun­ter­ing the child­ish giant robot claims. Recent updates on each of the sites has spurred me to make this post, espe­cially as the ROTF mar­ket­ing builds up.

Click the ever excit­ing more link to read the rest of this entry if the TF2 viral cam­paign holds your inter­est. I’ve cov­ered some of the best bits. A lot of the UFO non­sense on Leo’s site isn’t overly inter­est­ing, but hid­den within are some good Trans­form­ers gems.

Read the rest of this entry »

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