Movie Chronicles

Dark Knight Chronicles June 15th, 2007

Wel­come to this newly formed news site ded­i­cated to pro­vid­ing you with all the lat­est Bat­man: Dark Knight movie and pro­duc­tion news. Site launched on 15th June 2007.

We have a date: July 10th 2009 June 9th, 2007

Noth­ing more to really say, Dis­ney has set forth not just a vague Sum­mer 2009 indi­ca­tion, but a spe­cific date — July 10th to be exact, 2 years and one month from now. The ball, like that one in Indi­ana Jones, is cer­tainly rolling now, Park­our and all.

Via Com­ing­Soon.

Matt Greenfield Video Interview via Animé North June 3rd, 2007

Our friends over at Ani​mes​ta​tion​.net, have posted a marathon inter­view ses­sion with Matt Green­field which took place a few days ago at Animé North.

The Evan­ge­lion live action stuff starts at the end of video 2. In video 3 you’ll learn about Weta’s involve­ment, designs for “shell retrieval” vehi­cles and Greenfield’s pro­jected time frame. A great inter­view all around.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3


Video 4:

Video 5


You can see the Ani​mes​ta​tion​.net YouTube account here.

Sands of Time Script Review June 1st, 2007

Latino Review is a web­site infa­mous for its early pre­views, pub­li­ca­tions and reviews of in-development first draft scripts. This time they have done it again with a review of Bruckheimer’s Prince of Per­sia adap­ta­tion, with screen­play writ­ten by Jor­dan Mech­ner and Jef­frey Nach­manoff. Their conclusion?

Rat­ing: A-, Almost Per­fect

What does that mean in real terms? Not a lot really, but it is encour­ag­ing. To sur­mise the fairly lengthy review:

  • Expect a lot of Park­our (remem­ber that scene in Casino Royale?) — Per­son­ally I feel that this film is per­fect for some park­our exhi­bi­tion­ism, meld­ing seam­lessly with the sub­ject mat­ter: “Park­our is a phys­i­cal art of French ori­gin, the aim of which is to move from point A to point B as effi­ciently and quickly as pos­si­ble, using prin­ci­pally the abil­i­ties of the human body.
  • The script begins with Nizam and the Per­sian Army inter­cept­ing some smug­glers. Dis­tan is intro­duced in a knife throw­ing contest.
  • Dis­tan is soon in pos­ses­sion of a cer­e­mo­nial dag­ger with a glass han­dle filled with sand and encrusted with stones.
  • By the end of act 1 the sto­ry­line of the film is setup (not revealed here) and the pow­ers of the dag­ger briefly unveiled.

And here is a prospec­tive movie poster:

Prince of Persia Movie Poster

Peter Jackson confident about Halo Movie May 26th, 2007

In an inter­view with OnFilm, Peter Jack­son says that once Halo 3 hits, with the Halo pub­lic­ity machine run­ning and the hype boil­ing over the Halo Movie will soon see its devel­op­ment woes dis­ap­pear. He is also res­olute that Neill Blomkamp is the man to deliver Halo to the big screen.

“We wouldn’t want to do it with any­one else. It’s Neill’s call.”

For more Peter Jack­son news, The Hob­bit, Lovely Bones, Dam­busters etc, check out Cinematical’s arti­cle.

But I’m sure you guys are all too busy play­ing the Halo 3 beta to read this news post, let alone any links I point you to.

Matt Greenfield at Animé Central 2007 May 16th, 2007

Triv­ial Being min­ion darthikari attended a panel at Animé Cen­tral (acen) this week­end. When the Evan­ge­lion live action project came up, Matt Green­field said that the movie is still hap­pen­ing, and that Weta and undis­closed “big names” are still on board, but that he could still not announce any details.

The only news here is that the sta­tus of the Evan­ge­lion live action movie(s) seems unchanged by the announe­ment of the four-movie ani­mated re-make by Gainax.

More info on the ADV panel (with­out the live action news) here: ANN: Animé Cen­tral 2007: ADV Films

Dis­cus­sion thread: acen update

David Hayter has no involvement in the Metal Gear Solid Movie May 15th, 2007

David Hayter will have no defin­ing involve­ment in the live action metal gear solid movie adap­ta­tion. Hayter him­self, the voice of Solid Snake and screenwriter/actor, wrote a treat­ment for the film how­ever Kon­ami and the big play­ers turned it down.

Hayter has not been hired to script or pro­duce the upcom­ing fea­ture, should he have been, the film may have fol­lowed his intended direc­tion, which was, “Metal Gear as the Apoc­a­lypse Now of the dig­i­tal age, with Snake at the cen­ter of a swirling whirlpool of Genomic/military mad­ness.

A 90% major­ity vote at IGN believe omit­ting Hayter from the pro­ceed­ings is a mis­take.  Hayter has pre­vi­ously been involved with the screen­plays of Brian Signer’s X-men and X2 and he is cer­tainly expe­ri­enced enough to do the job, cou­pled with a plen­ti­ful stash of MGS knowl­edge surely he’d be the per­fect man for the job?

Source: IGN

Frank O’ Connor discusses Halo, beta, film and all May 13th, 2007

Joys­tiq were at the Halo 3 pub­lic beta event in New York this week and they had the oppor­tu­nity to inter­view Frank O’Connor, Bungie’s writ­ing lead — you prob­a­bly all know him from the reg­u­lar Fri­day updates he posts.

Here’s what he had to say about the on-hiatus Halo film that we haven’t heard much about in the past few weeks:

How about the movie? What’s hap­pen­ing there? I imag­ine that in your posi­tion that you’re also respon­si­ble for the writ­ing on that.

Well, we cer­tainly work with them on the story bible, but they have Hol­ly­wood script writ­ers. They’re not just gonna let me sit and write a movie. But the movie’s on hia­tus right now. They need to sort out the finances, the pol­i­tics of it. It’s really com­mon in the movie indus­try for would-be com­peti­tors to coöper­ate on prod­ucts, and you add a stu­dio and a big cor­po­ra­tion like Microsoft in the mix and it’s really com­pli­cated. I per­son­ally wish that we kept up the momen­tum with the movie so that I could see it next year. That’s not going to hap­pen. But tech­ni­cally the movie is still a work in progress that will hap­pen one day so we’re just wait­ing until everything’s right and all our ducks are in a row to make it hap­pen properly.

Are Microsoft, and Peter Jack­son as pro­ducer, still wed­ded to Neil Blomkamp as direc­tor? That was one of the prob­lems that the financiers had.

That was one of the rumors. It’s a lot more com­pli­cated than that. But Neil Blomkamp is still work­ing really closely with Peter Jack­son. Hon­estly, I’d be really curi­ous to see what Neil Blomkamp — if you’ve seen any of his shorts — what he could do with the phys­i­cal­ity of the Mas­ter Chief. See­ing the Mas­ter Chief in video games is one thing; he’s run­ning around with guns and rocket launch­ers. I’d like to see him tak­ing out some trucks bare-handed, clam­ber­ing across rooftops, leap­ing from build­ing to build­ing, in a way that you can only really do in a movie. You can take such artis­tic lib­er­ties with the game­play ele­ments, that I think Neil Blomkamp would be able to do some­thing fan­tas­tic but I lit­er­ally don’t know if he would be the direc­tor who made the movie even­tu­ally. I have no idea.

He’s cer­tainly an inter­est­ing choice, a unique choice.

As a direc­tor, he cer­tainly speaks to the mil­i­taris­tic, real­is­tic sort of anachro­nis­tic almost, human ele­ment that we have in the game. If you look at Halo, you’ll see that human tech­nol­ogy in the 26th cen­tury is barely changed from the 21st. I think he’d be able to do some really inter­est­ing things with atmos­phere as well as with action.

So it looks like things are still going to head for­ward some­time in the future, just the nitty gritty busi­ness deals and fund­ing to get sorted, as per usual. Also… bring on the Halo 3 beta (did you all get your Halo 3 beta invite?), I think we’re all look­ing for­ward to it.

Full inter­view at Joys­tiq, read on for info about Halo 3 mul­ti­player, story lines and Peter Jackson’s episodic content.

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