Movie Chronicles

Batpod Video The Second August 1st, 2007

Just a video of the vehi­cle in action, could be con­sid­ered a spoiler. We get to see the bat suit bel­low­ing in the wind on this one though. This is from film­ing on July 29th:

Hans Zimmer discusses Batman’s theme tune August 1st, 2007

Super­Hero­Hype have an exclu­sive inter­view with Hans Zim­mer and here is what he had to say about our Dark Knight:

The biggest news from Mr. Zim­mer, who told us that he’s “play­ing around” and “get­ting some ideas” is the fact that he’s craft­ing a new Bat­man theme for the sec­ond movie in the relaunched fran­chise. “It’s going to evolve,” He told us. “There is a big Bat­man theme which I was play­ing with for the last one, but I always felt the char­ac­ter hadn’t earned it yet, so I just want to go and play around, and I now want to go and com­plete that theme, so that’s part of the idea. I felt I had a good start, and now it would be really nice to develop that world a lit­tle further.” 

Shane Kim talks about the short movie July 31st, 2007

Can you explain what that Halo short movie was about? Was it real time?

It was live action. What you saw was a short film that’s not related to any movie. Neill Blomkamp is the direc­tor, with Peter Jack­son as exec­u­tive pro­ducer, and he wanted to work on the Halo movie. The Halo movie is not in pro­duc­tion. The stu­dios that were involved, for what­ever rea­son decided to back out of it, but we’re still very inter­ested in talk­ing to peo­ple in Hol­ly­wood about it.

In the mean­time, we’re going to use these film shorts to help pro­mote the Halo uni­verse and get the world super excited and crazy for Halo 3. Neill did an amaz­ing job on that short film. I’m a huge fan of the Halo uni­verse, and watch­ing that short film sent goose­bumps all over. That’s Halo com­ing to life in a way that I think I lot of peo­ple can really get into it, even if they’re not videogame play­ers. We think Halo can be one of those epic sto­ries like Star Wars. We still have work to do, there’s no ques­tion about that, but we believe that Halo has the potential.

Source: Game­Pro

Rent a Clown July 31st, 2007

Why So Seri­ous has departed, and in its wake has left behind a cheesy grinned clown site, right out of the bygone era of Geoc­i­ties. Quite annoy­ingly, the high res­o­lu­tion down­load links of the Dark Knight Teaser Trailer have been removed.

After the break we have some more on set images from Chicago, warn­ing, Spoil­ers ahead… Read the rest of this entry »

New Official Joker Picture July 28th, 2007

Revealed in the Why So Seri­ous escapades, we have this lit­tle delight star­ring Heath Ledger and Mag­gie Gyllenhaal,

Joker Picture The Dark Knight

Official Dark Knight Teaser Trailer July 28th, 2007

WhySoSe­ri­ous has updated and our lit­tle adven­ture has ended with puz­zles being solved and trail­ers being unearthed.

Here are the down­load links:

EDIT (31st July) : All WhySoSe​ri​ous​.com links now redi­rect to a new viral site:

Quick­Time [DEAD], High Def­i­n­i­tion (Best)
Quick­Time [DEAD], High Def­i­n­i­tion (Medium)
Quick­Time [DEAD], High Def­i­n­i­tion (High)

Any­one have some mir­rors of the high res­o­lu­tion videos?

Why So Serious? Part 2 July 27th, 2007

Time to solve this puz­zle. Feel free to dis­cuss this in the comments.

“Ready to play a Joke? Tell your stooges to look up. They’ll tell you what to do next”

Answer: inside joke

New link on next page: Jok­ers: Sur­veil­lance Specialist

Sec­ond answer: Jack the Ripper

Third pass­word: moun­te­bank (the mp3 is in morse code)

Fourth pass­word: Crime of Passion

Read the com­ments for the rest of the answers! 

The Dark Knight Teaser Leaked July 27th, 2007

Seems like the teaser trailer leaked online, and up onto YouTube, though it has since been removed by Warner Broth­ers because of copy­right issues. To be hon­est, there’s not much to see, just some streams of light.

Here is the transcript:

Bruce: “I knew the mob wouldn’t go down with­out a fight. But this is dif­fer­ent. They crossed the line.“
Alfred: “You crossed the line first, sir. You ham­mered them. And in their des­per­a­tion, they turned to a man they didn’t fully under­stand. Some men aren’t look­ing for any­thing log­i­cal. They can’t be bought, bul­lied, rea­soned, or nego­ti­ated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.“
Joker: Start­ing tonight, peo­ple will die. I’m a man of my word. [Laugh]

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