First up, we have some words from Paul Birchard (via indieWire). Non-too revealing, they give us another fascinating insight into Heath Ledger’s portrayal of this famous character:
As regards to how Heath Ledger *seemed* as the Joker, he seemed like he WAS the Joker, and didn’t need to let anyone know it — rather contained, but ready to explode at any moment in an unexpected fashion. Menacing, but more because he seemed like he was probably crazy, and maybe violent, rather than that he was TRYING to scare you. (and by the way, all he did during the scenes I was in was sit in his holding cell, reacting and listening…so, he’s a very fine actor if I imbibed all this from just watching him sit there…) He didn’t talk a lot between takes, but he also wasn’t “Don’t approach me!” in his manner — a real pro, in other words.
In short, he seemed just like the Joker SHOULD seem.
Before more Joker — I am going to slip in this little link, be an Extra on The Dark Knight. And here is an RFK casting call. (links via our friends at BatMovieNews)
Spoilers after the jump. Read the rest of this entry »
Film Rotation are reporting a suspected time that we may see our much anticipated Batman trailer, precisely,
The first of THREE full length theatrical trailers for Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight will debut in front of the much-anticipated Will Smith apocalyptic action-horror, I Am Legend, in late November/early December this year.
Categorised as a rumor.
Mary Jane has sent in this tidbit of news for us,
Beginning Saturday, August 11 and continuing through Saturday, August 18, preparations for and filming of a feature film currently disguised as “Rory’s First Kiss” is scheduled at 330 North Wabash. The filming takes place in the lobby, thirteenth and third floors as well as the exterior south plaza. The actual filming dates are: Sunday, August 12 in the lobby (southwest side), Wednesday and Thursday, August 15 and 16 on the 13th floor, and Friday and Saturday, August 17 and 18 on the 3rd floor and exterior.
Next up, after the break, check out the image of the Joker Semi that Eric sent us and some Harvey Dent spoilers… Read the rest of this entry »
Today at BlizzCon 2007 we have heard our first solid and interesting information with regards to the Warcraft, or to some, the World of Warcraft Movie. This movie will be big, huge, EPIC even — in fact, Thomas Tull (producer of 300) stated a budget of over $100m would be committed, with a projected 2009 release date. Legendary Pictures are 100% committed to this project, it shall be a “tent-pole”, something to stand next to and say “we did that!” — whilst remaining true to the game and fan base.
The plot for the film will take place approximately a year before the start of World of Warcraft, including races you have played and lands you have wandered in, where lots of plot arcs are melded into a two and a half hour story. The film itself will revolve around a ‘badass’ new hero, with a theme towards conflict and culture — being a War Movie rather than a quest movie, from an Alliance’s perspective.
“It’s actually not like the great adventure. It’s not so much a quest movie. It’s more of a war movie. Well, okay, it’s absolutely a war movie. Cultures grinding up to a horrible moment where it just all spills over and gets out of control. Less of an adventure party quest-type situation. More of an armies building to an inevitable conclusion type situation.”
And w.r.t to the Alliance:
“While my heart lies with the Horde and Thrall’s an interesting character, from a movie making standpoint, a blockbuster movie its a little rough to try and tell it from the perspective of this green looking dude.”
No director or cast have yet been assigned to the project and Tull stated that recognizable actors to play main roles was not a necessity:
“We are starting those conversations. We’re going to be looking for someone of Zak Snyder (300) or Chris Nolan (The Dark Knight, Batman Beings) calibre,”
The not so good news — seems they are aiming for PG-13 content which claims to be a compromise. I personally miss the days of old when action heroes swore blindly.
“I can tell you that this is the one thing about running a studio and making these things that’s hard. You want to not compromise and have the right level of intensity. The story and the director’s vision is what’s ultimately going to dictate that. Personally one of my favorite movies of all time is Lord of the Rings, which has a PG-13 rating.”
The film is still in its scripting process, but Tull stated that they are currently working with something that they are very happy with.
And now for the first piece of concept art of the Teldrassil:
Other Q & A info:
Classes will be in the movie, but can’t give details since still in scripting process, not exactly clear and we don’t know yet, but we want many familiar elements in the movie as possible
What races will be represented? Not very easy to answer considering the timeline we’re talking about, so they are not sure about if the Forsaken have yet joined the Horde But not everyone can be in the spotlight in the first movie anyway
Warcraft has a lot of strong characters, would you consider going back to do another movie on Arthas? I would consider that, sure, but we haven’t talked about what other films might deal with. We have to get the first movie right first before you deal with franchises.
This is based on two or three major moments in the games, so it isn’t radically apart from the continuity, so it really holds together. We want it to taste like the World of Warcraft world. but it’s also really fresh. I understand the fear that you don’t want us to screw up the story, but we will be respectful of the continuity but will hold up as a killer 2 hour movie. It is a little modified.
There’s so much in this world to deal with, so you use that as a jumping off point to tell a kick ass story. They want the players to enjoy the movie experience, if they are too much a slave to the story that won’t be the case. They want to respect the world, but to translate it to the screeen and is great on film.
And here is an after-video from IGN:
We’ve heard some information about an animé filler between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, now a leaked document (is it true? No way to validate the info yet) has informed us that this will take the shape of six short films, much like the Animatrix, each with a different screenwriter (Josh Olson — History of Violence, David Goyer — Batman Begins, Brian Azzarello — famous comic book writer). They will introduce a number of popular characters from the DC comics whilst continuing plot arcs from Batman Begins. Expected to be PG-13 rated and geared towards core fans, this collection shall bereleased 2–4 weeks prior to the movie.
To take a gander at this document, which has its validity put into doubt by the misspelling of Olson as Olsen — (or just a typo that escaped), check out the page here.
Also, here’s a fun Gotham flag as seen on Fighting the Suburbs (guy standing in the picture ruthlessly cropped out!):

My Fox Chicago are back with more candid videos and photography from this week’s filming.
And for the videos, the first shows the scene being shot in the above images and can be found here. The second video is from a slightly different angle.
“We’ve got more behind-the-scenes footage from the ongoing production of Batman: The Dark Knight going on right now in Chicago. These are from overnight last night into this morning.
In these clips, you can see Heath Ledger dressed as The Joker preparing for a scene, and in the link after that, video of the scene being produced.”
Thanks for the heads up Steve.
A “reliable studio insider” revealed to that the director of both the Gears of War Movie and the remake of Escape from New York would be Len Wiseman.
Don’t recognise the name? This was the fellow that created both of the Underworld features as well the fourth Die Hard film, Live Free or Die Hard. He is also the lucky husband of one Kate Beckinsale.