Movie Chronicles

August 17th Shoot Part Deux August 19th, 2007

A few more pic­ture gal­leries have emerged overnight, show­ing more of Bruce Wayne’s car and a lit­tle bit of Gary Old­man to boot.

This first set is from Gold­moon:

And a sec­ond set from Spin­naker:

In other news, I have just added Flickr embed­ding sup­port to the forums, amongst other things.

More of that Life Sized Warthog August 18th, 2007

In this week’s Bungie update there has been posted a sec­ond full size, fully func­tion­ing Warthog pic­ture. This time with it’s sus­pen­sion raised and with a human, armour clad gun­ner on the turret.

Click the image for full size.

user posted image

And this is what they had to say about the upcom­ing Blomkamp short:

“The above image shows just how to scale the Warthog that WETA has been mak­ing is – that’s a real life human man­ning the gun. While there’s still not too much to talk about regard­ing the excel­lent work of Neill Blomkamp, the stu­dio did get a sneak peak of his next short ear­lier this week. It prompted a num­ber of “Wait, was that a…” and “ZOMGz” from the var­i­ous folks around here, and need­less to say, when it sur­faces next, you’re in for a gritty and delight­ful treat.

Look­ing for­ward to the next live action short. I am sure it will make us all sali­vate a lit­tle more about how great a fea­ture length Halo movie would be.

Batman’s Flat Out August 18th, 2007

Whilst every­one is pre-occupied with those nefar­i­ous leaked Dark Knight stills, we’ll con­tinue to bring you the scoops from the street level. This time it comes via Flickr user Lego Dreams. Today we see our caped cru­sader flat out on his back prepar­ing for an upcom­ing stunt.

And the rest of the pic­tures can be seen through this sexy slideshow embed. Includ­ing more on set shots of vehi­cles, the stunt and our Dark Knight on the floor:

And Chicago­Trav­eler has a cou­ple more from the same scene.

After the break, see the more spoiler filled pictures.

Read the rest of this entry »

19 Awesome Movie Stills from The Dark Knight August 17th, 2007

At long last some­thing fleshy and solid to get our teeth into! Here are a ton of pic­tures from the actual Dark Knight film, pro­mo­tional shots by the look of things — screen­shots if you will. Mul­ti­ple Joker shots and rem­nants of what we heard about in that trailer.

EDIT: After some research and much delib­er­a­tion I have decided to remove these pic­tures from this site. It seems that yes, the pic­tures are offi­cial, but that they were leaked with­out per­mis­sion from a WB owned com­puter. They were instead to be used as some sort of prize to a viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign. It feels like we are chil­dren and we have opened out presents before Christ­mas. When Christ­mas comes we wont be half as excited.

For those too late to the party, don’t worry — they will undoubt­edly resur­face in a few weeks as part of an offi­cial cam­paign. Or alter­na­tively you could catch them on the sites not yet asked to remove the images — they will always be some­where. I shall per­son­ally repost the images once they have been offi­cially released by the WB.

In the mean time, a num­ber of web­sites are still host­ing these pic­tures, I’ll list them here:
Slash­Film | IESB | First Show­ing | Film School Rejects | Flickr | X-realms | The Movie Blog

I have also started a topic on the forums to dis­cuss the pic­tures: Forums

Reports from the August 12th Shoot August 16th, 2007

It seems like Nolan and his team have been at it once again in down town Chicago, although this time with a notable addi­tion — Chris­t­ian Bale has at long last been spot­ted on set. These pic­tures and set reports are all from the August 12th shoot. To out­line the events we have, via X-realms, El Eshoo’s report — to start with:

I had a chance to watch/gawk at some film­ing of Bat­man (Sun­day, Aug 12th) at the 330 North Wabash Build­ing. They had sev­eral dif­fer­ent vehi­cles out there (Gotham Police Dept, Gotham News Vans, Mil­i­tary vehi­cles, Bomb Squad truck, etc.) which was cool to see. But I’d say the best of all: I was lucky enough to be 10 feet from Christo­pher Nolan, Aaron Eck­hart and Mr. Bruce Wayne him­self … Chris­t­ian Bale! They were film­ing some “Press Con­fer­ence” stuff in the lobby of 330 ear­lier in the day, broke for lunch around 1:00-ish and then filmed some more “Press Con­fer­ence” stuff.

Then they brought in some Army-type guys along with cam­ou­flaged Hum­mers and Trucks with machine-gunners to shoot some Heli­copter fly-bys. They closed down a SHITLOAD of areas for this (police stop­ping traf­fic from Michi­gan Ave to LaSalle), not allow­ing any­one in the area (no foot traf­fic aloud dur­ing fly-bys down Chicago River towards lake) and were even heav­ier on the NO PICTURES crap. The chop­pers came pretty low as they passed over the court­yard out­side of 330 North Wabash where mil­i­tary and Gotham press peo­ple were all around. Cam­eras on the ground were film­ing the fly-bys.

Mr. Eshoo was able to take a fair few pic­tures in his time amongst Rory’s First Kiss:

TDK Press Conference - Empty


Choppers Coming In


Gotham City News and Media Vans

For more of these shots check out the X-realms report. Next up, Sterno74 man­aged to cap­ture a fan­tas­tic high res­o­lu­tion shot of the fake National Guard fly overs, click the image for large or check out his flickr pro­file.

Mean­while rolandin has got some very nice high res­o­lu­tion pho­tos of the sta­tion­ary Bat­pod. Or some more heli­copters via gtrietsc’s flickr gallery.

And last, but cer­tainly not least, a fel­low by the name of Spanish39 was on loca­tion to snatch a few more images, this time of the infa­mous Chris­t­ian Bale as Bruce Wayne — here he is with Christo­pher Nolan:


This weeks shooting details, Harvey Dent August 16th, 2007

Slash­Film picked up the scoop on this spoiler from one Tophrman, and the fore­warn­ings go: these could be fake, they could be real — either way you take some sort of risk in read­ing the details.

Con­tent hid­den, mouse-over it to reveal the spoilers:

  • Har­vey Dent reveals him­self to be Bat­man at a wild press con­fer­ence at Supe­rior Court Dent.
  • The National Guard patrols through down­town Gotham.
  • At Wayne Enter­prises, a new char­ac­ter named Reese (played by Joshua Harto) tries to black­mail Lucius Fox using Batman’s identity.
  • Bruce Wayne dis­cusses his plans for Lau (played by Chin Han) with Lucius Fox. But the real ques­tion is, who is Lau?
  • Some­one breaks in to the Wayne Enter­prises’ Research and Devel­op­ment, and Fox is notified.
  • Jim Gor­don explains “just enough” to get Har­vey Dent (Aaron Eck­hart) to issue search war­rants. For what, we don’t know.
  • Jim Gor­don tells Com­mis­sioner Loeb (played by Colin McFar­lane) that his life is threat­ened, Loeb drinks to that.
  • Har­vey Dent promises the Mayor a crime-free 18 months right before a fake Bat­man hits the May­ors Office window.
  • A fake Bat­man hangs from the flag­pole out­side City Hall.
  • Jim Gor­don tries to get Reese out out of the street entrance of a tv stu­dio, but an angry mob appears. Bruce Wayne serves as a dis­trac­tion. I won­der what Reese was doing on TV? May-be he was there to reveal Batman’s iden­tity? But if so, why would Bruce Wayne help him out? The actor play­ing Reese (Joshua Harto) looks pretty young. May-be he’s an up-and-coming reporter who some­how fig­ured out Batman’s true iden­tity? But this still doesn’t explain why there is an angry mob await­ing his exit from the building.

Two Villains? August 15th, 2007

Brain over at the Blue Tights forums was lucky enough to bump into Mike Dougherty, screen­writer for Man of Steel. This is what he had to say,

I asked him if he was a part of the sequel because every­thing I have seen says Singer and Har­ris are writ­ing the script and that he isn’t men­tioned. He con­firmed that he is writ­ing it with the two just like the last pic­ture. I then expressed to him that I was hop­ing the delays of Super­man: The Man of Steel weren’t true. He said that they were on track and that the goal is still to have the movie out in the Sum­mer of 2009. He seemed a lit­tle hes­i­tant about it but did his best to try and reas­sure that it will get done by then. I asked if he could give any more info on the film. He responded, “There are TWO vil­lains,” and he smiled.

The next great action sequence August 15th, 2007

Hol­ly­wood­Chicago have reported that efforts are being made to pro­duce an explo­sive new action scene, don’t read on if you are wary of spoil­ers — this source is well accounted for.

Here is the biggest infor­ma­tion of all. Mark Aug. 29, 2007 down on your cal­en­dars. They will implode a four-story build­ing on the for­mer Brach Candy fac­tory site.

I have been told this will be a day shoot. A typ­i­cal build­ing implo­sion does not have any flames. This will be different.

They will load the build­ing with large amounts of gaso­line and other flam­ma­ble mate­r­ial for a huge explo­sion and ulti­mate implo­sion of the building.

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