The Brazilian site Omelette got the scoop on this first, but that’s all in a foreign language, so let me explain. The rumor is that in front of IMAX screenings of I Am Legend, a 7 minute prologue segment of The Dark Knight will run. This will not be a trailer, but an entire scene with beginning, middle and end.
According to Omelette the segment shall feature Heath Ledger as The Joker — a sort of background if you will, running in parallel with the end of Batman Begins and the start of TDK. Film ick think that the footage will revolve around a bank heist, which was shot in the IMAX format.
This shall only run in front of the IMAX version of I Am Legend, a proper Dark Knight trailer may instead run in normal cinemas, but that is merely conjecture.
We’ll keep you posted!
The ever informative and interesting Quint over at AICN has heard some rumors circulating about the next Superman movie involving one particular actor from Superman I and II reprising his role. I’ll let Quint Continue…
This [source] has personally observed Bryan Singer at work on VALKYRIE and apparently [Singer] has been putting pressure on one of his cast members to return to his star-making role as a villain in Singer’s SUPERMAN sequel.
That, of course, would be Terence Stamp, the role would be that of General Zod.

For some background reading on the Zod subject I recommend Wikipedia, which has summaries of Zod’s history and role within the Superman movie universe.
Once Military Director of the Kryptonian Space Center, Zod had known Jor-El, Superman’s father, when he was an aspiring scientist. When the space program was abolished after the destruction of the moon Wegthor (caused by renegade scientist Jax-Ur), he attempted to take over Krypton. Zod created an army of robotic duplicates of himself, all bearing a resemblance to Bizarro. He was sentenced to the Phantom Zone for his crimes.
This was a turn up for the books. Unlike the well anticipated Chicago demolition, this explosion came completely unprompted and minus the live video footage, helicopter feed and local photographers.
However, The London Paper were on scene to capture some images and make a comprehensive report, to our delight.

The emergency services were flooded with calls from local residents who feared the defunct electricity generating plant had been targeted by terrorists.
But they were reassured the 200ft fireball, accompanied by columns of grey smoke, which could bee seen for miles across the capital, was a special effect for the latest Batman film.
SPOILER: The spectacular stunt scene, in which Batman actor Christian Bale narrowly cheats death, is believed to be the opening sequence of the fifth caped crusader movie The Dark Knight.
Resident Marck Jason, 24, of Battersea, said: “I was gobsmacked. I was just walking home and saw this bloody huge explosion.
“Obviously my first thought was that it was a terrorist attack and I dialled 999.
“I know it’s sort of cool that the place is being used for a film, as its a brilliant building, but a bit of warning wouldn’t have hurt.”
If anyone has more from the scene we’d love to hear from you!

Via Daily Mail
Not related to the gears of war movie directly, however it is of interest to the readers of this blog, so I am mentioning it here.
Jerry O’Flaherty, art director for the Gears of War video game, will be undertaking the challenge of directing Warner Bros’ CG-animated Thundercats adaptation — so reports Variety.
I think I would prefer a live action Thundercats, maybe it’s just the thoughts of who could pull off the Cheetara role, whilst looking sexy and not ruining their career.
Are many people interested in this movie?
Thanks to John again for the heads up!
Fellow Briton whatleydude has managed to snap a picture of a Gotham City police van whilst it encircled London on the M25 motorway, atop a trailer.
Supplied with the expressed permission of Whatleydude.
GamePro were given the opportunity to talk with Gears of War movie writer Stuart Beattie, in an exclusive interview. Here are some choice extracts from the informative article:
“The perception of videogames in Hollywood is changing slowly. Hollywood likes to do what’s proven. They’ve already proved that books work, and plays can work, and recently that comic books can work. But they’ve yet to have a film be as successful as say Spider-Man, that’s based on a videogame.
[…] While there are more and more videogame movies being made because there are more and more videogames being made, there still hasn’t been that one that has hit it out of the park yet. At the moment, I would say the perception of videogame movies in Hollywood is: they are interested, they’re intrigued, but they’re still not completely sure if it can actually work.”
As for the use of a 300-esque green screen approach,
“[…] That film was shot completely on green screen, which is amazing when you actually see the film. It’s probably how we’re going to do Gears of War.”
[Referring to GOW] It’s a planet and it’s a bubble and it’s a building. It’s an epic sci-fi war and an enormous film. To get it made at all, the only way to make it for a price is to be on a soundstage. But the game also has that look, which is really interesting, so I think it will dovetail really nicely.”
Beattie also hopes that the film will be “extremely collaborative”.
As to our previous story, wherein we reported that the movie could be on hold, we received this very encouraging E-mail,
GEARS OF WAR is not stalled in any way, shape, or form. We are simply in the process of finding the right director. This is always a delicate and difficult task, and with multiple looming strikes, even more so. Be patient, stay tuned, news will come.
“Bedford Today”, a local news website, are reporting that Rory’s First Kiss (aka the latest Batman sequel) signs have been appearing in the Cardington area once again:
It is believed the secrecy-shrouded shoot at Cardington involves the massive Gotham City set built in the rear of the shed for the earlier movie and left standing afterwards.
The Times & Citizen understands dog-handlers have come over from the USA for one sequence, thought to involve a chase featuring the Batmobile.
Via Bat Movie News
Movieweb have posted a pressing interview with Michael Caine. Here he once again talks up the brilliant portrayal of The Joker by Heath Ledger,
“I can tell you the biggest secret. The most shocking thing for both you and I, […] It’s Heath Ledger as the Joker. He is going to surprise a lot of people. He is absolutely terrifying. I’d say that he is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen on screen.”
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