Who honestly knows what is going on with the Halo Movie adaptation at the moment? Last week Neill Blomkamp came out and stated that the movie in its current form was dead and that we shouldn’t look forward to a Halo Movie any time soon.
I’d seen stories like this before so I was a little reluctant to post the news article, that and it would mean the end of this blog, which isn’t something I look forward to. So I held on with what little hope I had left.
Seems like my hope wasn’t entirely in vain. This week Peter Jackson’s representative, Ken Kamins spoke to Computer and Video games. It first outlines the dastardly ways that Fox and Universal attempted to force the film makers to a less than opportune deal. Most importantly however, he states that everybody is supremely confident in Neill and that production is still underway and that give Halo 3’s $300 million in sales a number of movie studios have renewed interest.
Writer James Vanderbilt is, at the moment, frantically working on “flipping” David Benioff’s Wolverine movie script into a film-able format before the WGA contract deadline arrives at midnight tonight (31st October):
Fox’s “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” which is being penned by James Vanderbilt (“Zodiac”), [… is] among dozens of scripts that are being flipped, a process that actually is uniting execs and scribes in one goal: to get a script that is filmable. — Hollywood Reporter
Whilst looking towards the future, it is reported that Vanderbilt has been chosen by Sony executives to pen the fourth Spider-man feature:
Several writers were being considered for the fourth installment, and Vanderbilt apparently was chosen by Sony executives for his character-driven approach to the story rather than a focus on special effects. — Coming Soon
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More details soon.
Variety are running an interesting report concerning the next Superman film, dubbed Man of Steel,
“Superman Returns” scribes Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris have opted not to come back and pen a sequel to the 2006 summer pic that would have reunited them with helmer Bryan Singer. The three also worked together on “X2: X-Men United.”
The article continues, stating that WB are now accepting pitches for new writers. There is also some speculation about the nature of the next movie, some saying that it will be revolutionised in the same way that the new Hulk feature is being improved, whilst the WB are adamant that it will remain a true sequel to Superman Returns.
The website Kino has posted some details from an interview with the Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan and producer Charles Roven, sadly however, the website is entirely in German. Not to worry, Batman on Film have some interpreters (otherwise known as Google Translate) to work it all out for us non-bilinguals:
As we already know, Batman (Christian Bale) travels to Hong Kong. Producer Chuck Roven confirmed [the] Asian trip but would not reveal why Batman goes there. “Gangster hunting” was mentioned.
The new Batman suit will be equipped with “[white] lenses” (some sort of bat sonar equipment).
The prologue that will be shown in IMAX in December is the first five minutes of the film.
Here’s a translated quote from Chris Nolan: “[The Dark Knight] is not ‘The Joker Begins’. We did not want to tell how the Joker became what he is.
“In those five minutes [of the prologue], we show how the Joker goes from being a small-time crook to Gotham’s greatest villain. It’s like ‘The Rise of the Joker’.”
Meanwhile, composer Mel Wesson, working with James Newton Howard and Hans Zimmer on the Dark Knight score, mentioned the dark theme they were aiming to achieve (via BatMovieNews):
This is the one I’ve been waiting for. Another outing for Gotham’s Dark Knight, together with Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard. I began working on ideas in mid September ’07, it’s a long schedule but it’s good to have time to experiment and expand the ideas we had on Batman Begins into the darkness.… don’t forget ‘Not all jokes are funny’.
It seems our candle melting Dark Knight teaser over at Why So Serious is beginning to get a little old and weary with time. Yes, the pumpkin is beginning to fray at the edges as rot sets in and the candle begins to reach its end.

Well spotted all those that sent this in.
EDIT: Right side only it seems, many people have suggested references to Two Face.
Why So Serious has updated, removing the forward link to the atrocious clown site, replacing it with a simple yet haunting flash file depicting a flickering jack-o-lantern with a bat shaped ghoulish grin. Creepy.
And the rumors — A viral marketing campaign to reach its pinnacle come Halloween?
(Thanks for the heads up Jay)

EDIT: Some astute viewers have noticed that the candle is slowly burning down, if you go to the site now you will see that the candle is much shorter.
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