Kung Fu Rodeo has posted some excellent previews of The Gotham Knight animé, thanks to Juno for the heads up.

Kung Fu Rodeo has posted some excellent previews of The Gotham Knight animé, thanks to Juno for the heads up.
The official Harvey Dent website, “ibelieveinharveydent.com” has been updated to include a new message and some text entry boxes for your email and phone number,
“We have the power to change Gotham City, soon you’ll find out how”
On doing so you get a quick confirmation email reading:
Citizens of Gotham! The future of our city rests in your hands! Alone, we are helpless against the thugs and killers menacing our city. Together, we have the power to take back Gotham. In just a few days, you’ll find out how. Please click … to verify your e-mail address. Keep an eye on http://www.ibelieveinharveydent.com and get ready to join a movement that will transform our city!
It looks like the second major viral marketing campaign shall be focusing around Harvey Dent, rather than the Joker, which falls in line with the rumors we have heard concerning the third Dark Knight trailer.
Via Hollywood Chicago and with thanks to Austin
… in case you somehow missed it, which I can scarcely believe.
The debut trailer:
The announcement:
The third Dark Knight trailer is set to land in the next few weeks — how, when and where is not quite certain yet. It is widely rumored to revolve around Batman and Harvey Dent, with much less of a focus on The Joker.
Dark Horizons have recently heard that a slot before the feature film “10,000 BC” is the most likely candidate for the first trailer showing — and that premières on March 7th. We’ll keep our fingers crossed.
As an aside, the article also linked to the MTV blog which has a video with one of the new Batman toys, Bruce Wayne’s Lamborghini Murcielago.
ComingSoon have posted a second gallery of images from the Mattel toy show, this time revealing The Joker action figure and freeing others from their restrictive child-proof packaging. Looks like their are two versions of the Joker toy — a Heath Ledger lookalike and a stylised kids representation. Also included are some close-ups of the Batmobile, Bruce Wayne’s Murcielago and Batpod auto-mobile toys.
Thanks to Ghell again for the very fast heads up!
First stop — people taking pictures should know how to focus the subject. Rant over, moving on, Dark Horizons has got the scoop on the Mattel Two Face toy for The Dark Knight, this constitutes our very first look at the Two Face character, aka Harvey Dent portrayed by Aaron Eckhart — even if it is in the form of a toy.
Below are some photos snuck out from a restricted press event at the recent Toy Fair in New York showing off the Two-Face tie-in action figure from “The Dark Knight”. The photo displays the look of the Two-Face form of Harvey Dent (Eckhart)
Spoiler pictures after the break! Thanks to Juno and Ghell for sending this in.
We saw a glimpse of these a couple of weeks ago, before the pictures were pulled from websites. Now Coming Soon are back with a full gallery of action figures and play time auto-mobiles. Whilst there is one Joker henchman figure, there is a distinct lack of Joker figures, possibly to respect the memory of Heath Ledger.
Mattel will be going whole hog with dozens of toys that start rolling out around May 1. There are maybe a dozen different variations of Batman in different outfits, including a “battle cape,” “stealth wing” and “Firefly Batman” (possibly inspired by the comic book villain). Noticeably absent from the display were any figures for his new arch-nemesis the Joker, probably out of respect for the family and friends of Heath Ledger, though we did get to see a few pictures. Mattel was even more secretive and careful about having any pictures of their figure for Two-Face on display, but one was listed in the materials as part of the first wave of action figures, as well as there being a new Scarecrow figure, confirming his appearance in the sequel. Instead of any of these, they had a “Gotham City Thug,” one of the Joker’s clown-faced henchmen, on display. Even more interesting were some of the vehicles on display including a look at the Batcopter and the Batpod, which is the new Batcycle, and something called the “Treadator, Ultimate Pursuit ATV” (that’s “all-terrain vehicle”), which we may have to wait and see if it’s actually a vehicle from the movie. The new “Dark Knight” toys also include a Zipline Gun and a Disc Shooting Jet, fairly typical toys customized for the movie, but the most interesting new toy might be the “Interactive Bat” which hopefully, we’ll be able to see in action on Tuesday.
Shia has been happily discussing the new Transformers movie adaptation with British publication Empire, although keeping the secrets to himself it seems:
“It’s going to be bad-ass. We’re not making another one unless it is, and Mike is definitely not resting on his laurels — he’s doing insane shit again. And the pre-vizes that I’ve seen… it’s just massive. If the first one was any indicator of how massive massive can be, this is going to blow that out of the water. It’s insane. Mike’s mind was just kind of made for this — it’s amazing. There’s going to be a lot more characterization with the robots, which I’m excited about. […] There’s gonna be new robots on both sides. I can say that the war isn’t over… It’s hard to do interviews when you’re not allowed to talk about the movies. It’s like I give two or three things away and then I get reprimanded for it. It’s never fun to get reprimanded by these people”.