Collider had the chance to meet with Michael De Luca (writer of Judge Dredd, producer on Blade II, Zathura, Ghost Rider) at ShoWest and discuss, amongst other things, the Metal Gear movie adaptation. I’ve picked out the relevant MGS related content from the interview for you. De Luca discusses the aim of the adaptation and achieving an independent cinematic aura whilst staying true to the franchise, he also clarifies his previous comment on Kurt Wimmer — he is not directing, he isn’t even hired yet — he is currently involved in the adaptation writing process. Though this doesn’t rule him out for a directing role in the future.
Collider: So this is the question that every fan…I’m asking this for every fan…what are you going to do to finally make a kick-ass video game movie?
Mike De Luca: I mean, hopefully not screw it up. For me adapting a video game is just like adapting a book or a play or any other…whenever you’re adapting from another medium for film you try to take into account what you need to do to make it a movie.
With books it’s how you compensate for not being inside a character’s head and with video games I think what you have to compensate for is the loss of interactivity, you know. What makes video games fun is that you get to be the character and you’re sitting there ruling the universe and it’s a really first person interactive experience. When you’re in your theatre seat, you’re stuck with these subjective versions of the story and the game from a director or the writer’s point of view. You can’t interact with what’s going on so whatever turns you on about the game, you’re immediately disadvantaged […]
So I think the bar is higher and I think in the past, people haven’t realized that they set the bar low for video game movies thinking that oh, there’s a built in audience and we don’t need to go crazy with this movie. […] [In Metal Gear Solid] the Cain and Able story between Solid Snake and Liquid Snake and their relationship with their father and the storyline of Metal Gear Solid 4 has the makings….there’s so much story in Metal Gear as opposed to other video games that I think it’s going to be a challenge but it’s an upscale problem to have so much thematic subtexts and story material to draw from, so I think we have a leg up already. It’s such a rich universe and Kojima is like George Lucas in terms of creating this universe so what it says about war by proxy in this kind of future where war has been outsourced to private companies I think can be almost very topical and also kind of satirical in like a “Robocop” kind of way, so I think if we can get a script that honors the storyline of all 4 games, but that also has a cinematic aesthetic you know the kind of aesthetic Verhoeven brought to “Robocop” or the kind of aesthetic the Wachowski’s brought to “The Matrix”. If there’s a cinematic identity to the piece that exists on its own, it doesn’t conflict with the DNA of the game, you know that’s our goal is to pull off those 2 things. Not mess with the DNA of the game but provide a movie that is an adaptation but that has it’s own cinematic identity so even if you don’t play the game you know, you’ll come out of that movie feeling like you did at the end of “The Matrix” or the end of “Robocop”. That’s our goal anyway.
Collider: I guess that being said, have you thought […] $100 million movie—this is a summer blockbuster or this is going to be one of these mid-range kind of things?
Mike De Luca: No, they know it’s big. I mean, we don’t want it to be crazy big but they know it’s big on the bigger side of things.
[…] This writer Kurt Wimmer is one of the people we’re looking at to talk to about pitching on it.
[…] Kurt is like one of many people we’re talking to about pitching us back a take on adapting the franchise. He hasn’t been hired or anything.
I thought I would split out the Harvey Dent related viral news to a new post, save everything from getting too congested as the news keeps coming. It seems that those signed up to participate in the campaign have started to receive their rewards in the post,
SHH User Anita18 received a Gotham City voter’s card in the post:
Others have received the latest issue of The Gotham Times. A lucky few have also had some interesting Harvey Dent promotion buttons, with one side melted or burnt away (alas Two Face) — sent via the Concerned Citizens For A Better Gotham (pictures thanks to Marvel152):

We’ve had some more viral news submitted to us in the past 24 hours, let’s see what else we have…
Joseph Candoloro
First up, emails that were sent to Mr Joseph Candoloro were met with this reply,
Your business is important to us. Mr. Candoloro sees the law as something that should work FOR people, not against them. We’re excited about talking to you about how we can help you, so please call our offices during regular business hours.
Continuing with this theme, from the record found at St Swithuns, Mr. Candoloro married one Angela Rossi, Bryan Gray has pointed out that entering “Al Rossi” or “Randolfo Rossi” into the record search leads us to Albert Rossi’s (a witness at the marriage) Baptism certificate. (Randolfo Rossi is the father of Albert Rossi).

Through some clever detective work the Rossi trend continues. Rossi’s Deli which was the original meeting place of the “Citizens for Batman”, DarkxXxPixie at unforums found the website, Rossi’s Delicatessen —

Gotham City Clerk
Pierre has also informed me of Gotham City Clerk website —, which bears some informational messages but most importantly a website for another DA candidate.
Please excuse the inconvenience, as we are currently rebuilding our website and file system after server damage due to the recent Orange Line destruction. We hope to be back online serving Gotham City very soon.
Forms and applications for the following services are still available at our N. 6th St. offices: Parking permits, business licenses, dog licenses, festival/block party/raffle/bazaar permits, nightclub licenses, oath of office forms, operator licenses, retail licenses, liquor licenses, street vendor licenses, medical registration forms, notice of claim forms, and garage sale permits.
The Gotham City Clerk announces approval for extensive absentee voter support in the upcoming municipal election. Once the system is in place, we will post details and procedures for both online and mail-in absentee balloting.

Trust Garcetti
That candidate is Roger Garcetti and his campaign website is — This comes with some new promotional buttons to promote Mr Garcetti, an email address to volunteer — “” and under the Who is Garcetti we find this — what are the chances that these lead to further sites?
The Gotham Fraternal Order of Police says, “Garcetti has the
experience, and partners with police to stop crime.”
The Gotham Police Union says “Roger Garcetti has the integrity,
the toughness, and the judgement to lead and win the war against crime.”
The Italian Heritage Society of Gotham says, “Roger Garcetti’s
dedication and loyalty make him the candidate to trust.”

“The charges made by some of Gotham’s finest police officers against Harvey Dent are extremely serious. These brave men in blue have stood up against Harvey Dent’s intimidations and the tsunami of positive press Harvey Dent has been reaping to tell their story. It is an astounding act of courage, and I commend them all for having the guts to tell the truth to the Gotham public. I salute each and every one of them.
These police officers are some of the finest we have. Many have received medals for bravery on duty. All of them place their lives at risk every day to protect you and me.
It was always obvious that Harvey Dent’s mad lust for power was corrupting his prosecutions. Now, we have proof. Affidavits and testimony by police officers that Harvey Dent threatened and bribed police officers to entice them to testify against their innocent brothers on the force.
It is time to end the sorry chapter that Harvey Dent has forced upon the Gotham people. I expect his resignation from his job and his withdrawal from the race, if he has any honor at all left.”
Acting District Attorney Roger Garcetti
Trust Garcetti
We stand at a crossroads in Gotham. Ours is a city of great character, with unlimited potential and a creative, diverse, and hard-working families.
But Gotham faces a critical problem — growing crime. To take on the problem of crime, we need experienced leaders that target mobsters, thugs, and killers — not the people who are sworn to protect us. If I’m elected District Attorney, I’ll give the police the tools they need to fight crime — because that’s how we’re going to make our streets safe.
Every day I work hand in hand with the real heros of Gotham — our brave men in blue. Gotham cops are some of the finest men I’ve ever had the honor to know. Every day, they put their life on the line to protect this city. They risk their lives because they believe in justice, in law, in order.
And that’s why the Gotham Police Union has endorsed me, Roger Garcetti. They’ve come to know me very well in my time in Gotham. I’ve always supported the police in every way possible. And now, when they are under attack by a “runaway prosecutor,” they’ve turned to me once again. In their endorsement, they said, “Roger Garcetti has the integrity, the toughness, and the judgement to lead and win the war against crime. He is the best friend police have ever had, and we endorse him strongly.”
I am honored to have the support of Gotham police officers. They are the best people to answer the question, “Who will make our city safer?” And the answer is me, Roger Garcetti.
Vote for me, and I will protect all the people of Gotham.
Thank you.
In an interview with Bloomberg, Hans Zimmer spoker about his work on The Dark Knight, alongside James Newton Howard,
Oscar-winning composer Hans Zimmer was struggling to find the right music to represent the Joker in “The Dark Knight,” the new Batman movie scheduled for release this summer.
Zimmer, who wrote the scores for “The Lion King,” “Gladiator” and more than 100 other films, had already composed a two-note signature for the fiendish character, played by the late Heath Ledger. But he wanted to expand that sound to symbolize the Joker’s penchant for anarchy.
“I’ve been sitting here all night trying to find out what else to do with those two notes,” Zimmer said during an interview last month at his Santa Monica, California, studio.
Zimmer, who collaborated on the score with James Newton Howard, said Ledger’s death from an accidental drug overdose in January wouldn’t change his musical approach to the Joker. The composer said the best tribute would be an accurate reflection of Ledger’s portrayal.
“The worst thing I can do is stray from that course and not be rigorous about his performance,” the tall, balding composer said in a German accent that reflects his native country.
At last, we have some big juicy news to get our hungry chainsaws plunged into. Wyck Godfrey, (producer of Eragon, AVP, I Robot), has spoken out about the Gears adaptation for the big screen:
“We’ve got our script on and a director we’re about to attach. We’ll hopefully make [the Gears of War movie] early next year for the summer of 2010.”
Thanks Elias, Coming Soon has updated with an “urgent announcement” concerning slanderous remarks. Many election campaign participants have had a phone call alerting them to this.
3/30 Urgent Announcement
Harvey Dent rejects the slanderous charges made by a shadowy group of unknowns calling themselves “Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham.”
Harvey Dent has always been truthful and upright in his prosecution of corrupt cops.
There is no truth to any of the charges put forth by the operatives behind this shameless group.
Don’t listen to the lies and innuendos of the people who want to keep Gotham the way it is!
If you want real change in Gotham, join our movement to take Gotham back
• Meet Harvey Dent! Harvey Dent will be at a Townhall Meeting to answer all
your questions about how to take Gotham back! 3pm, April 1, Gotham
Community Center #12, Gainley
• Harvey Dent accepted the endorsement of the Gotham Firefighters Association
March 27. Thank you Gotham firefighters!
• The 100th new volunteer at Harvey Dent Headquarters this week will receive
a free dinner with Harvey Dent himself! So come on down!
This comes in response to the Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham website, It is very much an anti Harvey Dent campaign, with petition (download) and video advert.

Ad text:
I know Harvey Dent.
I worked with Harvey Dent.
I did case after case with Harvey Dent.
Harvey Dent is no hero.
Harvey Dent has not been honest
about the Gotham Police Department
Harvey Dent lied to the court.
I know, I was there, I saw the whole thing.
Harvey Dent is lynching good cops
For headlines and poll numbers
He’s using money, threats, and blackmail
To get good men locked up.
Harvey Dent is framing good cops
for his own political purposes.
Harvey Dent betrayed those cops.
He betrayed his office.
He dishonored this city, he most certainly did.
Harvey Dent cannot be trusted.
Paid for by Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham
Update from the Joker
The Joker phones that came in the cakes have been ringing again, this comes from one of the “clowns left in” Vlkers54 via Hollywood Chicago:
“Hey clown, ready to get to work? (I replied “yes”.) Ok, good. You are 1 of 17 clowns still left in the game (remember, there were 22 phones intially) I have a letter for you. Here is your secret letter..are you ready for it? Your secret letter is “L” as in “Laugh”. Can you remember that? Good. Now get to work and tell all of your goons. We’ll be in touch soon.”
The letters currently stand at:
W-E-Y-R-V-T-A-N-C-A-L-C-E-G — looks like it may include the word “Harvey Dent”
Initial heads up via Adam
Joseph Candoloro
I just noticed this name at the very bottom of the Concerned Citizens website,
“Joseph Candoloro, Esquire, is the founder of Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham.”
Trying out the name yields this interesting website: –people may want to try out that email address and telephone number:
Joseph Candoloro and his associates provide legal representation in family law cases in Gotham. Our services are highly individualized to address our clients’ particular situations.
Family law litigation is complicated by ties of blood and emotion, but we have developed an arsenal of techniques to cut through complications with surgical precision, an approach that while it seems ruthless, we feel causes the least long term damage. Our approach includes a personalized attorney-client relationship, based upon each client’s individual circumstances. We strive to be the voice of reason during a highly emotional time, and we work hard to settle matters without litigation whenever possible.
When litigation is unavoidable, we are formidable advocates for the clients of our firm.
Contact information:
Joseph Candoloro & Associates
101 East 11th Avenue
Gotham City
1866 626 8049

He also turns up at St Swithuns record search: