Movie Chronicles

Wiretap from Rossi’s Deli April 15th, 2008

Glenn Barhyte’s email, acces­si­ble through the Gotham Police secure doc­u­ments web­page, has a new mes­sage from Mel Finn, in the inbox reading:

Seems MCU had your boy’s diner under light sur­veil­lance. Wire­tap showed noth­ing unusual, just phone orders for var­i­ous menu items. That is, until just before the inci­dent. Check out MCU3932571. It’s odd, one caller seemed to know some­thing was ready to go down, but didn’t feel like warn­ing anyone…

That num­ber refers to a secure doc­u­ment which con­tains a record­ing of the deli’s order line:
Down­load Wire­tap MP3

I Believe in Har­vey Dent has also updated,





Friends, my entire cam­paign I’ve talked about how this cam­paign is a strug­gle for this city’s soul. On the one hand, there are those peo­ple who prey on the inno­cent cit­i­zens of Gotham. On the other hand, there is our move­ment to take back Gotham from crime and corruption.

At Rossi’s Deli, we saw that strug­gle play out. Play out inside the head of the hostage taker, Sgt. Frank Notaro. Some are call­ing him a “crazed smear cop” but he encap­su­lates the choice fac­ing us. Do we con­tinue to allow our worst nature to lead us? Or do we take a chance on hope?

That’s the choice I laid out to Frank Notaro. And he responded. He released an inno­cent, ter­ri­fied girl. He turned him­self in. And he is now talk­ing to the police about mob involve­ment in the smear cam­paign against me.

That’s the real les­son of the inci­dent. We must, all of us, have the courage to hope. If we have the power to change our­selves, if we have the power to change one per­son, then we have the power to change Gotham.

Harvey Dent Believes in Two Things April 15th, 2008

Clowns Against Dent are back with a new video, Har­vey Dent believes in two things, Crime and Cor­rup­tion. The date, 7/2/08 is now seen in card form.

Thanks Bryan and Keith!

Official Gotham Knight Trailer April 14th, 2008

Conference Cancelled, Hostage Episode Ensues April 13th, 2008

From the Har­vey Dent website,

Today’s press con­fer­ence was unex­pect­edly can­celled due to a hostage cri­sis located at a nearby deli. In a self­less move, Mr. Dent entered the premises, exchanged him­self for a woman who was being held at gun­point, and nego­ti­ated the suc­cess­ful release of the remain­ing patrons in the restau­rant. Watch this site for updates. We will release more details when they become available.

Down­load the MP3 Audio of the situation

The hostage sit­u­a­tion was insti­gated by des­per­ate cop, Frank Notaro, he takes a woman hostage before request­ing wit­ness pro­tec­tion for him and his fam­ily. Har­vey Dent exchanges him­self for the woman before Notaro is arrested.

This all took place at Rossi’s Deli — Notaro’s mad­ness was tripped in the event of see­ing his part­ners (Cis­neros) death in a car explo­sion, also killing his entire fam­ily — all whilst leav­ing a mes­sage on Rossi’s answer phone. Down­load the voice­mail mes­sage and lis­ten to the scene

For some back story on Frank Notaro I rec­om­mend read­ing our cov­er­age.

Glenn Barhyte’s email, acces­si­ble through the secu­rity pages at Gotham Police, has two new mes­sages from Frank:

Deal’s Off
I saw it. With my own eyes. Best part­ner I ever had. Dead. What the hell’s going on?

Thank’s For Nothin
Looks like you’re out hav­ing break­fast or some­thing. I knew I couldn’t trust IA to keep my fam­ily safe. I’m going to Rossi’s Deli to take care of Con­do­loro myself, don’t try to stop me.

The Unfolding Francis Notaro story April 10th, 2008

This is a very large, though side inves­ti­ga­tion tak­ing place as part of the Dark Knight’s viral mar­ket­ing. A lot of inter­est­ing details, doc­u­ments and images have been unveiled as a result of this sleuthing, so I’m going to do my best to relay all of this to you now.

Back­ground on Francis

Fran­cis Notoro is a Gotham police offi­cer that appears on the “Con­cerned Cit­i­zens for a Bet­ter Gotham” web­site, one of the eight that damned Har­vey Dent in a press conference:

Eight Gotham police offi­cers stood up for the truth today at a morn­ing press con­fer­ence at Gotham’s Hotel Inter­na­tionale. One by one, the police offi­cers took the podium and told their story. Their dev­as­tat­ing tes­ti­mony showed that Dent is a dis­hon­est, cor­rupt, out-of-control pros­e­cu­tor who threat­ened police offi­cers in order to get them to tes­tify against inno­cent cops who Dent wanted in jail. Fran­cis Notaro, Sergeant, told the press corps that Dent had offered him money to tes­tify against an inno­cent cop, Jimmy Scaliano.

He cur­rently fea­tures in CCFABG’s lat­est adver­tise­ment: CCFABG Ad

And update to the Gotham Police web­site, award­ing him the Gotham Medal of Com­men­da­tion:

At a cer­e­mony in City Hall’s Ban­quet Room yes­ter­day, Gotham Police Depart­ment Sgt. Fran­cis X. Notaro received the Gotham Medal of Com­men­da­tion. It is the high­est medal one can receive from the Mayor of Gotham, and requires “an extra­or­di­nary act of courage in the face of real dan­ger to one’s self.” Mayor Gar­cia as well as numer­ous other dig­ni­taries were there to honor Sgt. Notaro, who was accom­pa­nied to the event by his wife Han­nah and his two chil­dren, Samuel, 7, and Rachel, 4.

The com­men­da­tion emerged from Sgt. Notaro’s actions of May 13 of last year. A crazed gun­man began shoot­ing up passers-by in an alley down­town off of Jack­son and Colum­bus at around 2 AM.

Notaro, who was not on duty at that hour but hap­pened to be close by, heard the shots, went straight to the scene of the inci­dent, and shot and killed the per­pe­tra­tor. Notaro’s actions put him­self at grave risk of death, while sav­ing the lives of inno­cent bystanders.

“Sgt. Notaro reflects the very best of Gotham,” said Mayor Gar­cia. “He rep­re­sents the spirit of ded­i­ca­tion, duty, and com­mit­ment to the rule of law that we all can admire.”

The Fan Inves­ti­ga­tion and Mystery


Frank NotaroAll the infor­ma­tion posted so far is read­ily avail­able on the viral sites. Here is where the jour­ney really begins. Look­ing at the updated Gotham Police page, the pic­ture of Frank Notaro used asks not to be hotlinked — this begs us to look at the URL:


By incre­ment­ing the num­ber on the image we can find a few more pic­tures of Frank with his chil­dren. The name in the URL, ‘jlevine’ refers to one James Levine, cited in The Maiden Avenue Report:


Using the known folder and try­ing some dif­fer­ent file names, this inter­view is uncov­ered: Down­load, here’s an excerpt:

Notaro: Har­vey Dent offered me cash money to lie about a good cop.
Yep, that’s what the ad says.

Cash money. To lie.

What cop was he try­ing to pros­e­cute?

James Scaliano.

Scaliano, Scaliano…Ahh, Scaliano, this is the guy who was found guilty of shak­ing down shop own­ers for pro­tec­tion money and roughin’ up guys for the shy­locks.
Notaro: Lies. All lies. Scaliano was a good man.

Voice­mail Messages

Mov­ing swiftly on, hope you are with us so far. Onto a site we uncov­ered a short while ago, that of CCFABG leader Joseph (aka Joe) Can­do­loro. On this page is a tele­phone num­ber, 1866 626 8049, com­bin­ing it with the price of “Joe’s favourite” at Rossi’s deli (1149), yields voicemail.

Joe’s Favorite
An 8oz sir­loin cooked to order and 3 fan­tail shrimp, breaded and fried. $11.49

The first mes­sage we hear is a lit­tle gem from Albert Rossi which reveals a secure doc­u­ment num­ber, IA176495U (“killed by the men upstairs”) and he leaves his num­ber at the end of the mes­sage, 1866 580 3840. Use the pin “9482” to access his voice­mail — these let­ters cor­re­spond to his mother’s name Zita (we found this out at St Swith­uns). Using this a series of voice mes­sages were uncov­ered. These mes­sages reveal the secret sto­ries of three char­ac­ters — Can­do­loro, Rossi and Notaro. Within a mes­sage to Rossi, Notaro reveals his num­ber to be 1866 626 608 3515. Com­bin­ing this with his date of birth as a pin (32976 — aka 3/29/76) we get access to another phone and set of messages.

Down­load Pack of all MP3 Voicemails

Secure Inter­nal Documents

Now onto the real nitty gritty. Every­thing so far has been triv­ial. For those that didn’t know, the Gotham Police web­site has a secret login page at this loca­tion. Back in Decem­ber we used this to retrieve some secret doc­u­ments. We login using user­name: Barhyte­Glenn, pass­word: tevre­den­heid,

By sub­mit­ting Frank’s name to the We Are The Answer web­site, you get this email response,

Thank you for your sub­mis­sion. Offi­cer Fran­cis Notaro is cur­rently being inves­ti­gated to deter­mine his guilt or innocence.

We Are The Answer will keep the cit­i­zens of Gotham informed regard­ing this, and other, inves­ti­ga­tions of police officers.


That code at the end is very intrigu­ing. It turns out that it is Base64 encoded, decod­ing this gives us three doc­u­ment num­bers, IA823497, IA8376121, IA8388555.

Log­ging into the secure doc­u­ments page and enter­ing the num­ber from Rossi’s voice­mail reveals the offi­cial inves­ti­ga­tion into the use of deadly force by Franci Notaro — this shows that his story has incon­sis­ten­cies. The doc­u­ment has since been removed from the archives (as per the voice message).

Next up we have the first of the Inter­nal Affairs num­bers, which gives us a wire­tap record­ing between Rossi and Notaro which reveals details of a cover up, regard­ing the events that led to Notaro’s commendation.

Down­load Wire­tap MP3

The sec­ond of the encrypted doc­u­ments is Notaro’s Bank state­ment. Note the $10,000 deposits from JC, believed to be Mr Candoloro.

Last but not least, there is some DNA evi­dence from the crime scene:

These sam­ples prove the victim’s innocence.

Many many thanks to the mem­bers at Super­Hero­Hype

Heath Ledger’s death leading to a cut scene? April 10th, 2008

Cin­ema Blend are report­ing that, in pre­view screen­ings of The Dark Knight, most has gone down well — but one scene involv­ing Heath Ledger as The Joker has left peo­ple aghast. There are now rumors it shall be removed for the final cut. To save on the spoil­ers (it’s noth­ing too major), I’ve posted the details after the break.

In other news, the Dark Knight’s first review has sur­faced online, chock filled with spoil­ers and all in Por­tugese, which was found online. Bat­man On Film have posted a very loose trans­la­tion of this — do not read it if you want to enjoy the movie to its fullest. They claim ele­ments match infor­ma­tion that is cur­rently held secret, they are giv­ing it their back­ing and believe it to be gen­uine, I shall remain scep­ti­cal however.

Thanks Keith for both stories!

Read the rest of this entry »

Live & Streamed Harvey Dent Press Conference, Sunday 3pm (EDT) April 10th, 2008

I Believe in Har­vey Dent has updated, there will be a LIVE event:


Har­vey Dent real­izes that the slan­der­ous and untrue charges trumped up by a mys­te­ri­ous group never seen before in Gotham pol­i­tics has dis­tracted from the real issues fac­ing Gotham — how to make our city safe again and fight the crime and cor­rup­tion that is endan­ger­ing our future. I Believe In Har­vey Dent will hold a press con­fer­ence on Sun­day, April 13th at 3:00 pm (EDT) for an impor­tant announce­ment regard­ing the cam­paign. The audio of this event will be streamed live on this website.

CLARIFICATION The Gotham Machin­ists Union has not “with­drawn their endorse­ment” of Har­vey Dent for DA. Their spokes­men clar­i­fied that the endorse­ment has merely been “sus­pended” for the time being. The Har­vey Dent cam­paign looks for­ward to the con­tin­ued sup­port of the Gotham Machin­ists Union.

DONUT SUPPLIER NEEDED The Har­vey Dent cam­paign lives and breathes off its vol­un­teer crew. Hun­dreds of Gotham cit­i­zens have joined the cam­paign to change our city. But this week, our donut donor stopped donat­ing donuts to us. And as any­one who has worked on a cam­paign knows, if the vol­un­teers are the life’s blood of a cam­paign, then donuts are the life’s blood of the vol­un­teers. If any of you know of a donut donor who would like to get involved in the cam­paign to take Gotham back, please have them con­tact the cam­paign. Thank you.

Thanks to Bryan and Will for send­ing this in so quickly.

Gotham Ferry System, Kinsley Travel April 9th, 2008

We’ve got some more inter­est­ing viral web­sites for you today. First up, the Maiden Avenue Report has been updated. It now reads, “the end is near” [for Har­vey Dent]. The links to the clown videos have been removed and “spon­sors” have been added which link to new web­sites, most of the pages in rota­tion we have already covered.

Kins­ley Travel:

What’s of most inter­est here is the “Check Flight Sta­tus” panel on the right.


Roman­tic Week­ends
Caribbean Escapes
Pack­age Deals from Gotham to Italy, Greece and the Far East
w Golf Packages

Kinsly Travel is a full-service travel agency with over 25 years expe­ri­ence. THE GOTHAM TIMES travel colum­nist says, “Kinsly spe­cial­izes in find­ing a fun and afford­able trip on short notice.”

A travel agent can take care of busi­ness, let­ting you have all the fun.

“Saved my mar­riage! And you guys did all the work!” – Steve P. from Haysville

“When my bag got stolen, Iris worked with our hotel and our air­lines and put us in touch with the con­sulate! She saved our Get­away!” – Gary R. from South Hinkley

“You did it again! The per­fect escape!” — Mau­reen M. from Pettsburg

Con­tact us:
1866 307 0988

The email response:

“Kinsly Travel! Plan your Get­away with us! Kinsly Travel has been serv­ing Gotham’s travel needs for over 20 years! Now you can check flight sta­tus on our web­site.
Your email is impor­tant to us, and we’ll do our best to get back to you. We spe­cial­ize in per­sonal responses and spur of the moment travel plans.
We can make your get­away fast, effi­cient and fun!”

Gotham Ferry System


The Gotham Ferry keeps its fair city on the move, with an annual total of 8 mil­lion peo­ple using the ser­vice. 28,000 pas­sen­gers a day — not includ­ing week­end days — travel between the Sheal Ter­mi­nal and Petts­burg Ter­mi­nal. Ser­vice is pro­vided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Gotham Ferry boasts reli­a­bil­ity, with over 97 per­cent in on-time recorded trips.

The Ferry is $1.00 from Gotham to Pettsburg.

Petts­burg to Gotham is free.

Sys­tem Sta­tus Hot­line
1866 296 9883

Call­ing this num­ber gives:

“Thank you for call­ing Gotham Ferry Sys­tem. Cur­rently all fer­rys are opper­at­ing normally.”

And the email response:

Thank you for con­tact­ing the Gotham Ferry Sys­tem, Gotham’s his­toric sea-link. The Gotham Ferry Sys­tem is proud to serve the peo­ple of Gotham City and sur­round­ing areas. If you’re receiv­ing this email in response to a request for infor­ma­tion, we’re either rout­ing your mes­sage to the appro­pri­ate staff mem­ber or unable to respond at this moment. Please be patient.

Thank You,

Gotham Ferry System

Hat tip on this one goes to Bryan, thanks!

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