Glenn Barhyte’s email, accessible through the Gotham Police secure documents webpage, has a new message from Mel Finn, in the inbox reading:
Seems MCU had your boy’s diner under light surveillance. Wiretap showed nothing unusual, just phone orders for various menu items. That is, until just before the incident. Check out MCU3932571. It’s odd, one caller seemed to know something was ready to go down, but didn’t feel like warning anyone…
That number refers to a secure document which contains a recording of the deli’s order line:
Download Wiretap MP3
I Believe in Harvey Dent has also updated,
Friends, my entire campaign I’ve talked about how this campaign is a struggle for this city’s soul. On the one hand, there are those people who prey on the innocent citizens of Gotham. On the other hand, there is our movement to take back Gotham from crime and corruption.
At Rossi’s Deli, we saw that struggle play out. Play out inside the head of the hostage taker, Sgt. Frank Notaro. Some are calling him a “crazed smear cop” but he encapsulates the choice facing us. Do we continue to allow our worst nature to lead us? Or do we take a chance on hope?
That’s the choice I laid out to Frank Notaro. And he responded. He released an innocent, terrified girl. He turned himself in. And he is now talking to the police about mob involvement in the smear campaign against me.
That’s the real lesson of the incident. We must, all of us, have the courage to hope. If we have the power to change ourselves, if we have the power to change one person, then we have the power to change Gotham.
From the Harvey Dent website,
Today’s press conference was unexpectedly cancelled due to a hostage crisis located at a nearby deli. In a selfless move, Mr. Dent entered the premises, exchanged himself for a woman who was being held at gunpoint, and negotiated the successful release of the remaining patrons in the restaurant. Watch this site for updates. We will release more details when they become available.
Download the MP3 Audio of the situation
The hostage situation was instigated by desperate cop, Frank Notaro, he takes a woman hostage before requesting witness protection for him and his family. Harvey Dent exchanges himself for the woman before Notaro is arrested.
This all took place at Rossi’s Deli — Notaro’s madness was tripped in the event of seeing his partners (Cisneros) death in a car explosion, also killing his entire family — all whilst leaving a message on Rossi’s answer phone. Download the voicemail message and listen to the scene
For some back story on Frank Notaro I recommend reading our coverage.
Glenn Barhyte’s email, accessible through the security pages at Gotham Police, has two new messages from Frank:
Deal’s Off
I saw it. With my own eyes. Best partner I ever had. Dead. What the hell’s going on?
Thank’s For Nothin
Looks like you’re out having breakfast or something. I knew I couldn’t trust IA to keep my family safe. I’m going to Rossi’s Deli to take care of Condoloro myself, don’t try to stop me.
This is a very large, though side investigation taking place as part of the Dark Knight’s viral marketing. A lot of interesting details, documents and images have been unveiled as a result of this sleuthing, so I’m going to do my best to relay all of this to you now.
Background on Francis
Francis Notoro is a Gotham police officer that appears on the “Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham” website, one of the eight that damned Harvey Dent in a press conference:
Eight Gotham police officers stood up for the truth today at a morning press conference at Gotham’s Hotel Internationale. One by one, the police officers took the podium and told their story. Their devastating testimony showed that Dent is a dishonest, corrupt, out-of-control prosecutor who threatened police officers in order to get them to testify against innocent cops who Dent wanted in jail. Francis Notaro, Sergeant, told the press corps that Dent had offered him money to testify against an innocent cop, Jimmy Scaliano.
He currently features in CCFABG’s latest advertisement: CCFABG Ad
And update to the Gotham Police website, awarding him the Gotham Medal of Commendation:
At a ceremony in City Hall’s Banquet Room yesterday, Gotham Police Department Sgt. Francis X. Notaro received the Gotham Medal of Commendation. It is the highest medal one can receive from the Mayor of Gotham, and requires “an extraordinary act of courage in the face of real danger to one’s self.” Mayor Garcia as well as numerous other dignitaries were there to honor Sgt. Notaro, who was accompanied to the event by his wife Hannah and his two children, Samuel, 7, and Rachel, 4.
The commendation emerged from Sgt. Notaro’s actions of May 13 of last year. A crazed gunman began shooting up passers-by in an alley downtown off of Jackson and Columbus at around 2 AM.
Notaro, who was not on duty at that hour but happened to be close by, heard the shots, went straight to the scene of the incident, and shot and killed the perpetrator. Notaro’s actions put himself at grave risk of death, while saving the lives of innocent bystanders.
“Sgt. Notaro reflects the very best of Gotham,” said Mayor Garcia. “He represents the spirit of dedication, duty, and commitment to the rule of law that we all can admire.”
The Fan Investigation and Mystery
All the information posted so far is readily available on the viral sites. Here is where the journey really begins. Looking at the updated Gotham Police page, the picture of Frank Notaro used asks not to be hotlinked — this begs us to look at the URL:
By incrementing the number on the image we can find a few more pictures of Frank with his children. The name in the URL, ‘jlevine’ refers to one James Levine, cited in The Maiden Avenue Report:
Using the known folder and trying some different file names, this interview is uncovered: Download, here’s an excerpt:
Notaro: Harvey Dent offered me cash money to lie about a good cop.
Levine: Yep, that’s what the ad says.
Notaro: Cash money. To lie.
Levine: What cop was he trying to prosecute?
Notaro: James Scaliano.
Levine: Scaliano, Scaliano…Ahh, Scaliano, this is the guy who was found guilty of shaking down shop owners for protection money and roughin’ up guys for the shylocks.
Notaro: Lies. All lies. Scaliano was a good man.
Voicemail Messages
Moving swiftly on, hope you are with us so far. Onto a site we uncovered a short while ago, that of CCFABG leader Joseph (aka Joe) Candoloro. On this page is a telephone number, 1866 626 8049, combining it with the price of “Joe’s favourite” at Rossi’s deli (1149), yields voicemail.
Joe’s Favorite
An 8oz sirloin cooked to order and 3 fantail shrimp, breaded and fried. $11.49
The first message we hear is a little gem from Albert Rossi which reveals a secure document number, IA176495U (“killed by the men upstairs”) and he leaves his number at the end of the message, 1866 580 3840. Use the pin “9482” to access his voicemail — these letters correspond to his mother’s name Zita (we found this out at St Swithuns). Using this a series of voice messages were uncovered. These messages reveal the secret stories of three characters — Candoloro, Rossi and Notaro. Within a message to Rossi, Notaro reveals his number to be 1866 626 608 3515. Combining this with his date of birth as a pin (32976 — aka 3/29/76) we get access to another phone and set of messages.
Download Pack of all MP3 Voicemails
Secure Internal Documents
Now onto the real nitty gritty. Everything so far has been trivial. For those that didn’t know, the Gotham Police website has a secret login page at this location. Back in December we used this to retrieve some secret documents. We login using username: BarhyteGlenn, password: tevredenheid,
By submitting Frank’s name to the We Are The Answer website, you get this email response,
Thank you for your submission. Officer Francis Notaro is currently being investigated to determine his guilt or innocence.
We Are The Answer will keep the citizens of Gotham informed regarding this, and other, investigations of police officers.
That code at the end is very intriguing. It turns out that it is Base64 encoded, decoding this gives us three document numbers, IA823497, IA8376121, IA8388555.
Logging into the secure documents page and entering the number from Rossi’s voicemail reveals the official investigation into the use of deadly force by Franci Notaro — this shows that his story has inconsistencies. The document has since been removed from the archives (as per the voice message).

Next up we have the first of the Internal Affairs numbers, which gives us a wiretap recording between Rossi and Notaro which reveals details of a cover up, regarding the events that led to Notaro’s commendation.
Download Wiretap MP3
The second of the encrypted documents is Notaro’s Bank statement. Note the $10,000 deposits from JC, believed to be Mr Candoloro.

Last but not least, there is some DNA evidence from the crime scene:

These samples prove the victim’s innocence.
Many many thanks to the members at SuperHeroHype
Cinema Blend are reporting that, in preview screenings of The Dark Knight, most has gone down well — but one scene involving Heath Ledger as The Joker has left people aghast. There are now rumors it shall be removed for the final cut. To save on the spoilers (it’s nothing too major), I’ve posted the details after the break.
In other news, the Dark Knight’s first review has surfaced online, chock filled with spoilers and all in Portugese, which was found online. Batman On Film have posted a very loose translation of this — do not read it if you want to enjoy the movie to its fullest. They claim elements match information that is currently held secret, they are giving it their backing and believe it to be genuine, I shall remain sceptical however.
Thanks Keith for both stories!
Read the rest of this entry »
I Believe in Harvey Dent has updated, there will be a LIVE event:
Harvey Dent realizes that the slanderous and untrue charges trumped up by a mysterious group never seen before in Gotham politics has distracted from the real issues facing Gotham — how to make our city safe again and fight the crime and corruption that is endangering our future. I Believe In Harvey Dent will hold a press conference on Sunday, April 13th at 3:00 pm (EDT) for an important announcement regarding the campaign. The audio of this event will be streamed live on this website.
CLARIFICATION The Gotham Machinists Union has not “withdrawn their endorsement” of Harvey Dent for DA. Their spokesmen clarified that the endorsement has merely been “suspended” for the time being. The Harvey Dent campaign looks forward to the continued support of the Gotham Machinists Union.
DONUT SUPPLIER NEEDED The Harvey Dent campaign lives and breathes off its volunteer crew. Hundreds of Gotham citizens have joined the campaign to change our city. But this week, our donut donor stopped donating donuts to us. And as anyone who has worked on a campaign knows, if the volunteers are the life’s blood of a campaign, then donuts are the life’s blood of the volunteers. If any of you know of a donut donor who would like to get involved in the campaign to take Gotham back, please have them contact the campaign. Thank you.
Thanks to Bryan and Will for sending this in so quickly.
We’ve got some more interesting viral websites for you today. First up, the Maiden Avenue Report has been updated. It now reads, “the end is near” [for Harvey Dent]. The links to the clown videos have been removed and “sponsors” have been added which link to new websites, most of the pages in rotation we have already covered.
Kinsley Travel:
What’s of most interest here is the “Check Flight Status” panel on the right.
Romantic Weekends
Caribbean Escapes
Package Deals from Gotham to Italy, Greece and the Far East
w Golf Packages
Kinsly Travel is a full-service travel agency with over 25 years experience. THE GOTHAM TIMES travel columnist says, “Kinsly specializes in finding a fun and affordable trip on short notice.”
A travel agent can take care of business, letting you have all the fun.
“Saved my marriage! And you guys did all the work!” – Steve P. from Haysville
“When my bag got stolen, Iris worked with our hotel and our airlines and put us in touch with the consulate! She saved our Getaway!” – Gary R. from South Hinkley
“You did it again! The perfect escape!” — Maureen M. from Pettsburg
Contact us:
1866 307 0988
The email response:
“Kinsly Travel! Plan your Getaway with us! Kinsly Travel has been serving Gotham’s travel needs for over 20 years! Now you can check flight status on our website.
Your email is important to us, and we’ll do our best to get back to you. We specialize in personal responses and spur of the moment travel plans.
We can make your getaway fast, efficient and fun!”

Gotham Ferry System
The Gotham Ferry keeps its fair city on the move, with an annual total of 8 million people using the service. 28,000 passengers a day — not including weekend days — travel between the Sheal Terminal and Pettsburg Terminal. Service is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Gotham Ferry boasts reliability, with over 97 percent in on-time recorded trips.
The Ferry is $1.00 from Gotham to Pettsburg.
Pettsburg to Gotham is free.
System Status Hotline
1866 296 9883
Calling this number gives:
“Thank you for calling Gotham Ferry System. Currently all ferrys are opperating normally.”
And the email response:
Thank you for contacting the Gotham Ferry System, Gotham’s historic sea-link. The Gotham Ferry System is proud to serve the people of Gotham City and surrounding areas. If you’re receiving this email in response to a request for information, we’re either routing your message to the appropriate staff member or unable to respond at this moment. Please be patient.
Thank You,
Gotham Ferry System

Hat tip on this one goes to Bryan, thanks!