In a Star Trek question and answer session with Roberto Orci, a small tidbit about the Transformers 2 script was revealed,
Orci and Kurtzman were released from ‘Michael Bay Jail’ (which turns out to be a luxury hotel on the Pacific Coast) on Friday, after finishing the first draft for Transformers 2
There is at least one Star Trek reference in Transformers 2
The Greater Philadelphia Film Office have recently confirmed, via KYW radio, that Transformers II will be shooting their in the near future,
That’s just a possibility still. “Dream of the Romans” has been shooting. ‘Tenure”, “Happy Tears”, and “Marly and Me” are upcoming as is Transformers II. But won’t giant robots wreck the place????
“Ha, ha. Let’s just say the destruction part is going to be digitally enhanced.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer have hinted, giving weight to some earlier rumors, that the Transformers sequel will be filming in the Bethlehem PA area:
Neat twist surrounding the action movie Transformers 2, whose production will be based in Philly for the better part of June. I hear that director Michael Bay and crew also will shoot in Bethlehem, Pa., which will double as a city in the Far East. (A twist in the notion of sending American jobs overseas.)
The countdown on “It’s all part of the plan” has gone down to three days, but now all the president portraits are click-able. Clicking each one reveals a larger image with a flash countdown, geographical co-ordinates and these instructions:
Gather with 300 of your closest friends at this exact spot on April 28th.
You’ll need to be in contact with a partner-in-crime who has online access to relay your instructions once you’re there. These instructions will give you the TRAIL to follow, but be sure to look both ways when crossing the street; we wouldn’t want you to make an unscheduled visit to the ER now, would we?
Put on a smile and plan to spend about an hour or so bonding with your fellow clowns.
Check back here often for updates or changes.
Note the TRAIL-ER.
Boston | New York | Los Angeles | Kansas City | Philadelphia | Toronto | Chicago | San Francisco | Dallas | London | Seattle | Sao Paolo

Continue reading our coverage of the Why So Serious scavenger hunt with vaults and codes
Bryan has been in contact to inform us of a large number of updates to assorted viral sites.
Ibelieveinharveydent has updated with a message from Harvey Dent for his supporters that stuck with him throughout the slur campaign. Download Audio Message. Zdravko has also told us about an email he received from the Harvey Dent campaign:
What a difference a week makes.
Last week, our campaign looked like it was on its last legs. The media was burying us, and urged us to withdraw for the sake of Gotham City. The smear campaign, with its vicious lies against Harvey Dent, spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the one man who can save Gotham.
But now - thanks to people like you - things look very different. Thousands of people gathered in the Dent for DA headquarters for its reopening. And I saw something different in the crowd. Something has changed. The “White Knight Incident,” as it has become known, is allowing people to see Harvey Dent differently. Not just as a man with the guts and the toughness to change Gotham. But as a symbol of the best of Gotham City - a Gotham we almost forgot existed.
But that Gotham City does exist. It’s a Gotham where ordinary people can walk out their door at night without fearing for their lives. It’s a Gotham where the good can triumph over the evil. It’s a Gotham where justice isn’t just for the rich and powerful, but for everyone.
With your help, we’ll bring back that vision of Gotham. On Election Day, everything changes. Harvey Dent will take back Gotham City — thanks to the hard work of people like you.
See you on election day!
Allan Cypes
Media Manager, Harvey Dent for Gotham DA
MaidenAvenueReport comments on the captured and extradited cops, a television interview from the hostage saved by Harvey Dent, a missing GCN reporter and the huge swing in support for Dent. Political campaigner Dana Worthington has added news to her site. Glenn Barhyte has new email and the forums at Citizens for Batman have also been updated. Continue reading to see the updated articles from I Believe in Harvey Dent…
Read the rest of this entry »
Operation Slipknot has completed:
Operation Slipknot is complete. Even though three suspects remain at large, your work represents a huge step forward in cleaning up our beloved city.
The fugitives are being arrested, handcuffed, and extradited back to Gotham for prosecution.
Doesn’t it feel better to be on the right side of the law for once?
Thanks to you, Gotham can hold its head high once again. But do me one favor… stay out of trouble.
Clicking each of the suspects shows how they were caught. Shortly after the completion (despite three missed suspects), participants received a phone call from Jim Gordon (DOWNLOAD).
humanresources@whysoserious then sent out a text to the mobiles in the packages received — pointing us towards a new Why So Serious Page: “It’s All Part of the Plan”.

There’s a four day countdown and a lever in the top right — clicking the lever reveals a brand new Dark Knight Poster: “Welcome to a world without rules” (Download Super Hi Resolution Image)

Sample of the high resolution poster:

Today Jim Gordon sent out a new email to the Acme Security System’s Delos crowd:
OK friend, you’re up to bat now. You have yourself a new assignment: Operation Slipknot.
Linking to a new Gotham Major Crimes Unit page dedicated to “Operation Slipknot”.

Clicking each of the police images reveals details about the individuals. The assignment states,
Gotham Police Major Crimes Unit, in coöperation with the GPD Internal Affairs Division, needs you to help track down numerous offenders that are fugitives from justice. Interestingly, we’ve tracked all of these individuals to the same last known location: Gotham Intercontinental Hotel. But we don’t know where they’ve gone from there.
Call the hotel and convince the concierge to ship you a certain package that’s been sent there for each fugitive. Use the provided intel and whatever means you can to convince him that you’re the intended recipient, your travel plans have changed, and he needs to send the package to you. Once received, you should have all you need to fill in the blanks as to that fugitive’s location.
We will add details about additional fugitives as they become available. Time is of the essence, as we have only a short time before the trail runs cold. Your coöperation in this operation will go a long way. Good luck.

Heading over to the Gotham Intercontinental Hotel, we are presented with a telephone number to call their concierge — 1 866 306 5589.

The aim is to state that you are the officer and provide your reference number — as outlined by the INTEL:
You should have received your duplicate care packages by now. If not, contact the concierge at the Intercontinental and have him forward you your original package (reference #‘s, as always, the total number of letters in your name followed by your last name shifted forward one letter, like 15DBOEPMPSP). He’s been instructed to send no-questions-asked if these ref #‘s are used. Do NOT contact me.
Bön Voyage!
Then you must state that your travel arrangements have had to change, the concierge shall ask for a mailing address and then confirm that a package shall be sent out to that address overnight. You also need to provide a telephone number in case of problems. The phone lines are VERY BUSY and new fugitives are being added regularly

When you get your package, their is a submit button to provide the relevant details and turn them in:
If you have received a package, enter any pertinent intel on your subject here: the confirmation # of their ticket, the last name of the alias they’re traveling under, and the city they’re flying to. If everything checks out, we’ll forward it so that appropriate action can be taken.

Thanks Bruce, Maeghan and Carlos!
Update: All fugitives have been assigned and packages sent out. The game has gone quiet until tomorrow morning, when I’m sure it will return with more surprises!

It appears that Uwe Boll applied to Blizzard for the role of director in the World of Warcraft movie. Shock horror I hear you all cry, especially when such an astoundingly bad director has these views about making a faithful adaptation:
“You go for it, to please the game fans, but on the other hand if you have the hard core gamers, they live in their own world. And you cannot fulfill their ideas from a video game based movie, it’s impossible. And to be honest, the real gamers are the typical download guys, right? They don’t pay anything for movies, because they illegally download the movies. So why I should please these guys? I need the normal audience.”
In the MTV article, Boll goes on to say that he spoke with Blizzard about helming the WoW movie:
“I got in contact with Paul Sams of Blizzard, and he said, ‘We will not sell the movie rights, not to you…especially not to you. Because it’s such a big online game success, maybe a bad movie would destroy that ongoing income, what the company has with it.”
Good news all round I say! Here, here, let’s move on to some good potential directors…
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