Movie Chronicles

Batman in new “Outdoor Artwork” April 30th, 2008

Super­hero Hype just posted this huge hor­i­zon­tal ban­ner, as per usual, click the image for the larger version:

Thanks Pierre!

New Dark Knight Trailer Leaked online April 29th, 2008

One of those that was lucky enough to be at the trailer’s screen­ing man­aged to get a low-quality record­ing of the footage, which has since been put up on YouTube in its ugly boot­legged for­mat. For those too impa­tient to see it, I include the video below (likely to be removed by the WB any time soon):

Sitting Ducks and Happy Trails April 28th, 2008

The final clue in the “It’s all part of the plan” game revealed a grid con­tain­ing all the let­ter J’s:


Each of these then cor­re­sponds to a let­ter that spells out “sit­ting­ducks” when unscram­bled. This leads to a new Why So Seri­ous page:


In this lit­tle flash game, each of the ducks rep­re­sent binary code, blue ducks being 0 and yel­low ducks being 1. 1st row: “To win shoot” 2nd row: “Only row two” 3rd row: ybbyyyybbybby

Com­plet­ing the game reveals a “You Win” sign:

Click­ing that takes you to the Happy Trails (aka trailer!) page:


Now we have to wait til Sun­day to see the trailer.

It’s all part of the plan — Why So Serious scavenger hunt! April 28th, 2008

EDIT: 4:00 PM EDT: Lon­don clues have been solved and the safe opened
5:30 PM EDT: Boston (43–26-76), Philadel­phia (26–16-06), New York (33–80-89), Toronto (32–60-68) — all com­pleted and safes opened.
6:30 PM EDT: Chicago (98–20-49), Dal­las (86–56-01), Kansas City (74–35-76) — all com­pleted
8:30 PM EDT: Seat­tle (65–42-60), Los Ange­les (41–44-98), San Fran­cisco (76–36-42), Sao Paulo (60–47-41) — all completed.

EDIT: I have set up a flash based chat page to help every­one keep up to date:
Why So Seri­ous Live Chat (warn­ing: this chat can degrade into non­sen­si­cal rub­bish because that is the nature of people).

Con­tinue read­ing to see our full cov­er­age with updates as they come

The first of the Why So Seri­ous scav­enger hunt count­downs has ended — Lon­don is up and ready, rar­ing to go. The por­trait image has updated — it now con­tains a set of clues:

Read the rest of this entry »

5 New Dark Knight Posters, possibly fake April 28th, 2008

Omelette have the exclu­sive on five brand new Dark Knight posters, one of these is in the same vein as the offi­cially released poster which came through Why So Seri­ous, the oth­ers are in a com­pletely new style — and I believe, almost cer­tainly faked — their min­i­mal­ist lay­out which con­tains pre­vi­ously seen imagery that also strays away from the tra­di­tional Dark Knight font-set and lay­out are the clues. They are still sul­try and impres­sive however.

New Joker Dark Knight Poster

New Dark Knight Poster - Batman

Harvey Dent Dark Knight Poster

This final adap­ta­tion is almost cer­tainly a fake — reusing a Joker image seen in a pre­vi­ous poster with some poorly ren­dered burn­ing Joker card, via Film School Rejects. Though once again, I am post­ing it because it is a nice concept.

Second MGS Philanthropy trailer released April 27th, 2008

Before we begin — this is a trailer for a fan made, directed and pro­duced movie “Phil­an­thropy”, it is not the offi­cial film, the pro­duc­tion qual­i­ties on this effort are far supe­rior to the major­ity of fan ded­i­ca­tions to be found on the net and this should be recog­nised. A lot of peo­ple mis­in­ter­preted the first trailer.

Now for the trailer, brought to you by MGS Phil­an­thropy:

Microsoft hiring Halo team for Peter Jackson April 27th, 2008

MTV have pointed out Microsoft’s qui­etly added new job list­ings for the Jack­son helmed, highly secre­tive Halo project:

A Peter Jackson-helmed Halo project was announced at X06 in Barcelona,” said a Microsoft spokesper­son. “Since then, Microsoft Game Stu­dios has been hard at work col­lab­o­rat­ing with Peter Jack­son and Bungie on the devel­op­ment of that project. At this time, it’s nec­es­sary to grow the inter­nal team to keep pace with devel­op­ment. Bungie will con­tinue to remain involved in mul­ti­ple aspects of the Halo Uni­verse with MGS.”

Jake Gyllenhaal offered Prince role April 27th, 2008

Just a quick one to fill you in. In our post about the false Orlando Bloom rumors, some com­menters have pointed out that Dis­ney have recently offered the role to Broke­back Moun­tain star, Jake Gyl­len­haal. Accord­ing to Latino Review and their anony­mous sources, they believe this could hap­pen, we’re doubt­ful for now.

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