Movie Chronicles

Joker defaces entire Empire Magazine June 6th, 2008

Empire Mag­a­zine are run­ning a Batman/Joker dual edi­tion of their pub­li­ca­tion, the Bat­man fronted ver­sion is as nor­mal, with the caped cru­sader don­ning the front, and all pages as nor­mal. The excit­ing bit comes in the form of The Jok­er­ized ver­sion, where the Joker has taken it upon him­self to not only deface the Bat­man arti­cle, but also the entire issue!

Batman version of Empire Magazine Joker version of Empire Magazine

Seems like NYC is under­go­ing sim­i­lar treat­ment…

Large Dark Knight Ad

(via Desedo)

Clowns Against Dent — 6th Message Posted June 6th, 2008

“Atten­tion loyal CAD Followers… ”

Thanks Keith!

Jack Black is not involved June 6th, 2008

CHUD have been speak­ing with pro­ducer, Don­ald De Line on the set of “Observe and Report”. De Line is involved with the Green Lantern movie adap­ta­tion and has spo­ken to address some recent inter­net rumors.

Jack Black is no longer attached to the fea­ture and the adap­ta­tion shall not be pro­duced as a com­edy — I can hear fans breath­ing a sigh of relief! Cur­rent sta­tus leaves them wait­ing for a first draft from direc­tor Greg Berlanti, which should be arriv­ing soon.

Leaked Call Sheet reveals Major Spoilers June 6th, 2008

An anony­mous tip­ster has sent TFLAB the Beth­le­hem, PA Call Sheet (wiki) and with it some mas­sive spoilers.


To the top right of the image, it reveals that there are 84 film­ing days, not includ­ing sched­uled breaks, etc.


The break­down of the trans­port used dur­ing the shoot reveals 3 Arcee Motor­cy­cles, an Ice­cream Truck, Iron­hide, Stinger, Audi R8, 3 NEST Hum­mers, 2 Trikes, 10 ND Vehi­cles and an ND Semi, with Auto­bot dri­vers to be dressed in black.

Using the set descrip­tions, and loca­tion, it is obvi­ous that the area we have seen is being used as a steel pro­duc­tion yard — set in Shang­hai, China. The scene break­downs also reveal that the Ice­cream truck is a new robot — split­ting in two (“twins”) around chil­dren whilst leav­ing them treats (com­edy is back, excel­lent!). The Audi R8 is also a sus­pected Trans­former, though it is not revealed here — it is involved in a chase through alleys, escap­ing from The Twins. There is no men­tion of the aer­ial pur­suits we have seen in videos and images.

June 5th — 6th Schedule

Air and Space Museum

A sec­ond loca­tion, Smith­son­ian Air and Space Museum (Wash­ing­ton DC), has also been revealed in the Advance Shoot­ing Schedule.

Here a Decep­ti­con sym­bol is dis­cov­ered on an SR-71 Black­bird, before trans­form­ing into Jet­fire! There is also ref­er­ence to let­ting “Wheels” out, pos­si­bly another Transformer.

Bum­ble­bee and The Twins are also estab­lished in an alter­na­tive scene at a park­ing lot at the Sands Beth­works.


Totino Promotion June 6th, 2008

Totino’s Pizza Rolls have started a Dark Knight pro­mo­tion. Thanks Zdravko.

Filming at Air Force boneyard in Arizona June 6th, 2008

SHH are report­ing via “Space Duck”, that one of the next film­ing loca­tions, now that the four day Beth­le­hem shoot has com­pleted, may be at the Air Force bone­yard in Ari­zona, stat­ing that prepa­ra­tion for the shoot has begun as the Tus­con facility.

Read the rest of this entry »

Collection of Bethlehem Set Shots & Video June 6th, 2008

With the start of the Trans­form­ers 2 shoot in Beth­le­hem came hun­dreds of fans with cam­eras and videos. What do you get if you go on hol­i­day when shoot­ing starts? — A lot of catch­ing up to do! Lit­er­ally hun­dreds of image gal­leries have sprung up across the net in the last cou­ple of days, show­ing the heli­copters fly­ing over, per­haps chas­ing, Iron­hide on set and head­ing towards the set, the steel works beau­ti­fully lit up at night, sol­diers rid­ing three wheeled motor­cy­cles (trikes!), Michael Bay, explo­sions, men in mil­i­tary dress and large groups of extras run­ning from some unknown entity — all set in China.

Here’s a playlist of 15 videos at the scene, includ­ing a local news report:

Here are 76 from var­i­ous sources, listed below.

Images come from TLAMB, RLSLOG, AICN, TFW2005 (2) (3), Film School Rejects, Cin­ema Blend, The Morn­ing Call,

More at Robot­brainz (flickr), Squall42080 (pho­to­bucket), Aer­ial Pho­tos from Mcall

Ironhide in Bethlehem June 6th, 2008

King Dark­ness over at Sideshow Col­lec­tors spot­ted Iron­hide and the 3 wheeled motor­cy­cles on their way to the Beth­le­hem, PA set:

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