From Kendall Whitehouse:

Filming has now started at the University of Pennsylvania and you can be sure reports and pictures galore shall start pouring in shortly, much as they did in Bethlehem, PA.
First up, a local website, “Dueling Tampons” (I don’t know — best not to ask), managed to capture a shot of Shia LaBoeuf up close and personal, sporting a green “recycling” t-shirt:
TLAMB and FadeSilverScreen have both posted pictures from filming yesterday (at the Quad) and today (at the Castle). One set of images comes via BP, showing the setup at UPENN, stating that filming at the Quad lasted most of the day — almost exclusively with Shia LaBoeuf, though it has also been confirmed that Kevin Dunn (Sam Witwicky’s dad) was on set — as pictures from FadedSilverScreen reveal. Images from today show Shia dressed in blue as he strolls past the camera as shooting begins at The Castle. Michael Bay shows up at the end to greet and sign HD-DVDs for waiting fans.
Braden has returned to get more shots of Optimus Prime and Bumblebee in action, this time with a short video. The images clearly show that Bumblebee has undergone some modifications, with a wider front grill, new lights and rims — reported to be a 2010 Chevy Camaro SS. There is also speculation that cemetery filming means somebody important that we know dies in the course of the film.
Saab History are reporting that the Saab Aero-X concept car will be used in the Transformers sequel as the alt version of Wheeljack. Given that General Motors are providing the cars for the movie it is highly probable that this rumor shall unfold to be true.
Thanks The Missle!
The fourth television spot for The Dark Knight has now aired, I love the start of this one:
Thanks Keith!
The tracklisting for Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard’s Dark Knight score has been unveiled, which will be released as a standard version and a limited edition version. Full details available at
1. Why So Serious? 09:14
2. I’m Not A Hero 06:34
3. Harvey Two-Face 06:16
4. Aggressive Expansion 04:35
5. Always A Catch 01:39
6. Blood On My Hands 02:16
7. A Little Push 02:42
8. Like A Dog Chasing Cars 05:02
9. I Am The Batman 01:59
10. And I Thought My Jokes Were Bad 02:28
11. Agent Of Chaos 06:55
12. Introduce A Little Anarchy 03:42
13. Watch The World Burn 03:47
14. A Dark Knight 16:15
Thanks Keith!
Adam writes in to tell us that IMAX Chicago will be putting on a special 72 hour Batman feast to mark the release of The Dark Knight,
Beginning with the first public showing at midnight on Friday, July 18 (late Thursday night), the film will show consecutively all weekend until late Sunday, July 20 (the midnight show). As well, various Batman-themed games, contests and prizes will add to the buzz throughout the weekend.
Tickets can be bought at IMAX Chicago
The Joker has sent out this message to all the active cell phones:
OK clowns, are you ready for some laughs (y/n)?
You put a smile on my face. Hope you’re not superstitious
Superstition relates to the day — Friday 13th June. We already know that’s when “Gotham Tonight” will premier, maybe The Joker has something in store for them?
A new email from Harvey Dent:
It’s been an incredible last few weeks. Ever since the vicious smear campaign collapsed and Harvey Dent’s remarkable courage at the hostage crisis at Rossi’s Deli, our campaign has ridden a wave of support I have never seen in all my political life.
Our Headquarters reopened and thousands of volunteers show up here every day, every night, fighting for change. Fundraising has reached incredible heights, with over 100,000 Gotham citizens contributing their hard-earned money in support of Harvey Dent’s vow to take back Gotham.
We’ve expanded our reach, opening branches in neighborhoods that haven’t seen political campaigns take them seriously for decades. And we’ve harnessed the incredible grassroots support by sending volunteers to knock on doors throughout the city. Amazingly, we will achieve our two millionth door knock sometime in between now and Election Day.
Harvey Dent has committed himself to lead the charge to take back our city, face down the criminal and corrupt and restore hope for our future.
Now, we need your help. We need to get out the vote!. And we need you to vote yourself. If you can’t make it to the polls, go to and find out how you can vote online. Working together, we will take back Gotham!
Allan Cypes Media Manager
Maiden Avenue Report — Shuts Down, writer sells out
Gotham City Rail Announces Satellite Tracking and Communications System
To better serve our customers, GCR has completed its transition to a satellite tracking and communications system (STCS). Using cutting edge ultra high frequency technology, STCS will give GCR the real-time ability to track exact positioning of all its trains. This will allow for more accurate scheduling and should increase GCR’s already impressive safety record.
Citizens for Batman — Introduction updated:
For the first time, we have hope. Batman proves we can fight back against the sociopaths, thugs, and scum that have ruled Gotham for too long.
And now, City Hall wants to arrest Batman!
Gotham Police — Annual Policeman’s Ball
Gotham USD — News area updated
Internal Affairs of Gotham Police Department — Internal Affairs Officers of the Month added
Trust Garcetti — Updates with info about election
Dana Worthington — “Yes for Batman”
And of course you can still vote in the elections.
Thanks Pierre!