Movie Chronicles

Bumblebee, Trax and Beat racing on Front Street June 22nd, 2008

We saw the first pic­tures of the Chevy Trax dur­ing the film­ing on Front Street a cou­ple of days ago, but now we have some great video of them all in action, rac­ing down the street at high speed thanks to shiganamichick44:

Skippety Skip go Megan, Shia and Ramon June 22nd, 2008

These videos from EfraineQuinones firstly show the trio of auto­bots, Bum­ble­bee, Beat and Trax briefly in action — prov­ing they can cor­ner at slow speeds in new syn­chro­nized for­ma­tion. Ramon, Shia and Megan exit and head into the shop, before com­ing back out and glee­fully skip­ping down the road.

May 2011 Release Targeted June 21st, 2008

The LATimes are report­ing, via Spider-man pro­ducer Laura Ziskin, that Spider-man 4 will be tar­get­ing a release date in May, 2011 — hop­ing that the movie would be ready in three years time. She also stated that the screen­play wasn’t yet completed.

Second Gotham Tonight — Comcast On Demand June 21st, 2008

For those with access, you can now find the sec­ond Gotham Tonight episode on the Com­cast On Demand ser­vice. Reports say that we get a nice view of Bruce Wayne’s new pent­house as well as some spe­cially filmed con­tent from Aaron Eck­hart and Chris­t­ian Bale — more big actors get­ting involved with the viral now!

Gotham Tonight #2 will be hit­ting the GCN web­site this Monday.

Pictures from Eastern State Penitentiary June 21st, 2008

Looks like Shia LaBoeuf, Megan Fox, Bum­ble­bee, the Chevy Beat and the Chevy Trax turned up for film­ing at the East­ern State Penitentiary.

VDG was on hand to get images of the crew and auto­mo­biles turn­ing up, even get­ting close enough to cap­ture a shot of the rims on the Chevy Trax — show­ing a very nice Auto­bot logo in the cen­ter of the hub cap!

Faded Sil­ver Screen were also on loca­tion to cap­ture the vehi­cles com­ing and going on Fair­mount Avenue:

has also given an account of the prepa­ra­tions for film­ing which include large blast shields:

I couldn’t get inside the prison, or get any decent pic­tures but I watched them unload trucks for a while. They were tak­ing in lexan blast shields they put cam­eras behind when there is an explo­sion or sparks nearby. It seemed like an awful lot of sup­port trucks. Tons of light­ing and rig­ging. I would bet there will be some effect/pyrotechnics tak­ing place, con­sid­er­ing they’ve been prep­ping this for three days and the scope of the stuff they are tak­ing in.

Loren­z­tom has also got a cou­ple more shots of the Paris set at City Hall:

Tickets on sale for the Dark Knight IMAX Experience June 21st, 2008

If you don’t want to be dis­ap­pointed on the day of The Dark Knight’s release, you might want to pre-order your IMAX tick­ets ASAP, they are now on sale, although Keith tells us that avail­abil­ity for NYC is going fast.

Buy Advance Dark Knight tick­ets | Buy IMAX tickets

Fan­dango, Movie Infor­ma­tion

Thanks Keith!

Read the rest of this entry »

New Jim Gordon email June 20th, 2008

Jim has sent out an email to all MCU per­son­nel — could this relate to the dock activ­ity we saw yesterday?

To all MCU personnel,

With the probe into money laun­der­ing oper­a­tions of the Gotham mobs well under­way, I wanted to thank you for all your hard work and ask you all to keep your eyes open.

We all know that the mob can be quite inge­nious when it comes to money laun­der­ing schemes. MCU must be just as inge­nious in try­ing to root these schemes out.

Please, in your every­day life – as well as your work on the job – keep a look­out for any­thing out of the ordi­nary that may sig­nal a money laun­der­ing scheme. Over­heard con­ver­sa­tions, sus­pi­cions of stores you fre­quent, etc. Every­thing is fod­der for this crit­i­cal investigation.

If you have any leads, tips, or infor­ma­tion that can help the Major Crimes Unit crack this murky net­work of banks, busi­nesses, and the peo­ple who run them, do not hes­i­tate to con­tact me.


Updates on GCN June 20th, 2008

The Com­cast Gotham Cable News net­work has updated with a sec­tion ded­i­cated to Bat­man Sight­ings — con­tent sub­mit­ted by cit­i­zens of Gotham [fans] where they have wit­nessed or seen signs of the caped cru­sader, how­ever dubious.

There is also a pre­view of the next Gotham Tonight episode, show­ing a snip­pet of Aaron Eck­hart as Har­vey Dent, talk­ing about Bruce Wayne.

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