Movie Chronicles » Evangelion Live Action Movie

Peter Jackson a possibility? February 21st, 2005

Hi there, estranged mod­er­a­tor Eva Mon­key reporting.

This past week­end (Feb. 18–20) I took a trip down to Crys­tal City to host an Evan­ge­lion panel for the Kat­su­con animé con­ven­tion. Among other top­ics we dis­cussed the Live Action Evan­ge­lion film.

Please note that the fol­low­ing is an unof­fi­cial source and should for now be treated as noth­ing more than rumor.

One of the atten­dees claimed to have an asso­ciate cur­rently intern­ing in WETA’s prop shop (for lack of a bet­ter term). He claimed that WETA artists have pro­duced more than just the con­cep­tual art­work we’ve seen thus far, includ­ing some pre­lim­i­nary 3D mod­els and so forth.

Also of inter­est is that the word around the stu­dio is that Peter Jack­son is indeed inter­ested in direct­ing this project, how­ever due to con­trac­tual agree­ments with Uni­ver­sal (?), he is cur­rently tied into work­ing on King Kong, and is unable to head up Live Action Evan­ge­lion, and may well be in line or have vouched for Live Action Eva once King Kong’s pro­duc­tion closes.

Once again, this is pure unsub­sta­ni­ated rumor, and should be taken with a grain of salt. The pos­si­bil­ity for Peter Jackson’s direc­tion may exist, accord­ing to what I was told. How­ever, this is not a cred­i­ble source and needs fur­ther verification.

Due to the lack of news of late, I felt it nec­ces­sary, if for no other rea­son than to give you some­thing to think about.