Movie Chronicles » Evangelion Live Action Movie

“[E]vangelion” is not the live action movie January 26th, 2004

Jon Lange Online
Here is the con­fir­ma­tion that this movie is in fact com­pletely un-related to the animé series, as pre­vi­ously predicted.

The film instead cov­ers, “the prob­lems with the cen­tral­iz­ing pow­ers within the EU and ver­sus the USA. Great pow­ers col­lide, God is manip­u­lated and peo­ple have their own agen­das.. Noth­ing is sacred.” In a A futur­is­tic and reli­gious sci-fi action thriller. Thus, mov­ing on…

Comments One Response to ““[E]vangelion” is not the live action movie”

Mauri­cio Serrano November 12th, 2008
