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Animé Insider on sale tomorrow January 26th, 2004

ISSUE 12 of ANIME INSIDER ON SALE TOMORROW! On sale at local comic book stores across Amer­ica tomor­row, on the news­stands Decem­ber 30th.
The new issue of Animé Insider (issue #12, for those of you keep­ing score at home) fea­tures exclu­sive pro­duc­tion images from the in-production Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion live-action movie! Also, this issue’s cast­ing call takes a look at who the AI staff would cast in the movie.

The cover also fea­tures Ken­shin from Samu­rai X, accom­pa­ny­ing an arti­cle exam­in­ing the his­tor­i­cal facts behind Kenshin’s saga. That’s good readin’.

- source ADV

FOFR NOTE: Yay more point­less rumors to begin cir­cu­la­tion thanks to the AI staff cast pre­dic­tions and wishes. But on the plus side… more fan­tas­tic images! com­ing soon!

Animé Insider to have new interview and images January 26th, 2004

Animé Insider is rumored to be hav­ing a detailed inter­view with Matt Green­field in an upcom­ing issue, #12. Matt Green­field, hus­band to Tiffany Grant (eng­lish voice actor for Asuka) will be on the pro­duc­tion team for the live action eva movie. There are also promises of some more glo­ri­ous unseen pro­duc­tion images to feast your eyes upon.

Source: Animé Tourist / Tiffany Grant
Issue 11 of Animé Insider is out now and can be bought here

Live action movie feature on “Resurrection” DVD January 26th, 2004

Finally, we have some more news on the live action eva movie. ADV Films has just released details and infor­ma­tion about the upcom­ing Evan­ge­lion Director’s Cut, the first part being slated for a Jan 13th 2004 release. The gem herein, is one of the spe­cial fea­tures to appear on the disc​.An inter­view with Richard Tay­lor, co-founder of the spe­cial effects work­shop, Weta — last­ing approx­i­mately 25 min­utes. The disc will also con­tain many more cur­rently unre­leased pro­duc­tion images for the movie.

Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion: Direc­tors’ Cut-Resurrection ($29.98 SRP) includes episodes 21–23 in both director’s cut and orig­i­nal broad­cast ver­sions. In both Eng­lish 2.0-languange and Japan­ese 2.0-language ver­sions, with Eng­lish sub­ti­tles. Includes ADV previews.

HOUSTON, Novem­ber 5, 2003-ADV Films today announced a Jan­u­ary 13, 2004 release date for Res­ur­rec­tion, the first of two Direc­tors’ Cut vol­umes of the enor­mously influ­en­tial animé series Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion. The Direc­tors’ Cut is not just a remas­ter, but a revised and re-edited spe­cial edi­tion pro­duced under the care­ful super­vi­sion of cre­ators Hideaki Anno and Gainax to include amaz­ing new footage never before avail­able out­side of Japan. The first vol­ume con­tains Evan­ge­lion episodes 21–23 in both the extended Direc­tors’ Cut ver­sions and the orig­i­nal broad­cast ver­sions, allow­ing fans to see the cre­ative pro­gres­sion of this sem­i­nal title’s final moments.

In addi­tion to the Direc­tors’ Cut episodes, ADV has obtained spe­cial DVD extras that are sure to fuel the excite­ment for this highly antic­i­pated release. Res­ur­rec­tion will include an exclu­sive 25-minute inter­view with Richard Tay­lor, co-founder and head of Effects and Crea­tures at Weta Work­shop, the mul­ti­ple Acad­emy Award-winning (for The Lord of the Rings tril­ogy) spe­cial effects stu­dio cur­rently work­ing on the Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion live-action fea­ture. Also included are numer­ous never-before-seen pro­duc­tion images from the the­atri­cal release.

- ADV (Arti­cle)

Information about the companies involved January 26th, 2004

About Weta Work­shop, Ltd Founded in 1987 by Richard Tay­lor, Tania Rodger, Peter Jack­son and Jamie Selkirk, Weta is a phys­i­cal and dig­i­tal effects com­pany pro­vid­ing crea­tures, spe­cial make-up effects, pros­thet­ics, minia­tures, armor, weaponry and dig­i­tal effects for the film and tele­vi­sion indus­try. Over the past six­teen years the com­pany has pro­vided effects for Jackson’s Meet the Fee­bles, Brain­dead (aka Dead Alive), Heav­enly Crea­tures, The Fright­en­ers, and The Lord of the Rings movie tril­ogy, as well as for adver­tise­ments and tele­vi­sion shows includ­ing the pop­u­lar Her­cules and Xena series. At the height of pro­duc­tion on The Lord of the Rings, Weta Work­shop employed 150 phys­i­cal effects tech­ni­cians and 350 dig­i­tal effects tech­ni­cians at Weta Dig­i­tal. Weta’s work on The Lord of the Rings has gar­nered world­wide praise includ­ing two Acad­emy Awards in 2002 (for Best Visual Effects and Best Makeup), and one in 2003 (for Best Visual Effects). The British Acad­emy has also hon­ored Weta’s work by award­ing two BAF­TAs in 2002 (for Best Visual Effects and Best Makeup) and two more in 2003 (for Best Visual Effects and Best Costume).

About Gainax Gainax was founded in 1984. It began as a corps of ama­teur film­mak­ers, cen­tered around cur­rent com­pany pres­i­dent Hiroyuki Yam­aga and animé direc­tor Hideaki Anno. Their first work, Wings of Hon­neamise, con­tin­ues to gar­ner praise world­wide. Gainax’s highly orig­i­nal style of film­mak­ing spans the gen­er­a­tions, appeal­ing to fans both young and old. 1995’s Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion whipped up an animé fever of extra­or­di­nary pro­por­tions, receiv­ing atten­tion not only from animé fans, but also from many other cor­ners of soci­ety. Hideaki Anno, who directed Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion, com­mands respect from even the likes of Spir­ited Away direc­tor Hayao Miyazaki.

About ADV Films: In 1992, ADV Films began to forge the inter­na­tional mar­ket for Japan­ese ani­ma­tion (“animé”) by com­bin­ing unique titles, out­stand­ing pro­duc­tion val­ues and effi­cient large-scale dis­tri­b­u­tion. Today, ADV Films is the #1 producer-distributor of Japan­ese ani­ma­tion to the North Amer­i­can mar­ket, with the firm’s hold­ings includ­ing such pre­mier titles as NOIR, Sailor Moon, Samu­rai X, Hello Kitty’s Par­adise, RahX­ephon, Sprig­gan, Robot­ech, Full Metal Panic and Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion. In addi­tion, ADV Films’ prod­uct line has expanded to include other forms of genre pro­gram­ming, includ­ing live-action sci­ence fic­tion pro­grams Gene Roddenberry’s Androm­eda, Mutant X and The Jim Hen­son Company’s Farscape, and clas­sic sci­ence fic­tion such as the updated Gam­era tril­ogy. ADV Films’ par­ent com­pany, A.D. Vision, Inc., also pub­lishes New­type USA, the pre­mier animé and manga monthly in the English-speaking world, and oper­ates The Animé Net­work™, broad­cast­ing animé and animé-related pro­gram­ming via dig­i­tal cable, 24 hours a day. Head­quar­tered in Hous­ton, Texas, USA, with addi­tional offices in the EU and Japan, and dis­tri­b­u­tion on four con­ti­nents, ADV is fast becom­ing an inter­na­tional enter­tain­ment pow­er­house. For more infor­ma­tion, visit ADV Films on the web at http://​www​.adv​films​.com.

Source: dig​i​tal​ly​ob​sessed​.com

ADV Announce A Live Action Movie Will Be Made July 25th, 2003

ADV Films has just announced the pro­duc­tion of a live action movie based on many people’s favourite animé series of all time, Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion. Spe­cial Effects will be devel­oped by Weta Work­shop, Ltd, the com­pany that made the Lord of the Rings look so good.

“In an announce­ment sure to make waves in the enter­tain­ment indus­try, ADV Films Pres­i­dent and CEO John Led­ford today pub­licly con­firmed indus­try rumors that the firm has acquired the rights to pro­duce, and has already begun devel­op­ment of, a live-action feature-film based on the Japan­ese ani­mated tele­vi­sion series “Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion,” a multi-million dol­lar world­wide fran­chise and per­haps the most influ­en­tial animé title in the his­tory of the art form. The project is a col­lab­o­ra­tion between ADV Films, Gainax and Weta Work­shop, Ltd.

The Par­tic­i­pants ADV Films is the lead­ing producer-distributor of Japan­ese ani­ma­tion in North Amer­ica. The Japan­ese animé and game stu­dio Gainax Net­work Sys­tems was one of the orig­i­nal pro­duc­tion stu­dios respon­si­ble for Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion, and Weta Work­shop, Ltd. is the New Zealand-based spe­cial effects stu­dio that cre­ated the effects for Peter Jackson’s Lord Of The Rings trilogy.

“The three main play­ers here rep­re­sent some­thing of a ‘dream-team’ for a project like this one,” said Led­ford. “Between the qual­ity and sig­nif­i­cance of the Gainax title, Weta’s industry-leading skill in the cre­ation of spe­cial visual effects, and our exper­tise in the mar­ket­ing and pro­mo­tion of animé and animé-related con­tent, this project is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

The Story Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion is the story of a reluc­tant young hero, called upon to pilot an immense robotic weapon in bat­tle against alien invaders. Includ­ing both a 26-episode tele­vi­sion series and at least two ani­mated motion pic­tures, Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion has long been both a fan favorite and an extra­or­di­nary crit­i­cal and com­mer­cial suc­cess, with the world­wide fran­chise pro­duc­ing many mil­lions of dol­lars in revenue.

Timetable The Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion live-action motion pic­ture is in the ear­li­est stages of devel­op­ment. Led­ford con­firmed, how­ever, that the timetable is an aggres­sive one, and that more infor­ma­tion on the project is forthcoming.

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