Movie Chronicles » Evangelion Live Action Movie

Matt Greenfield

Matt Greenfield Video Interview via Animé North June 3rd, 2007

Our friends over at Ani​mes​ta​tion​.net, have posted a marathon inter­view ses­sion with Matt Green­field which took place a few days ago at Animé North.

The Evan­ge­lion live action stuff starts at the end of video 2. In video 3 you’ll learn about Weta’s involve­ment, designs for “shell retrieval” vehi­cles and Greenfield’s pro­jected time frame. A great inter­view all around.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3


Video 4:

Video 5


You can see the Ani​mes​ta​tion​.net YouTube account here.

Matt Greenfield at Animé Central 2007 May 16th, 2007

Triv­ial Being min­ion darthikari attended a panel at Animé Cen­tral (acen) this week­end. When the Evan­ge­lion live action project came up, Matt Green­field said that the movie is still hap­pen­ing, and that Weta and undis­closed “big names” are still on board, but that he could still not announce any details.

The only news here is that the sta­tus of the Evan­ge­lion live action movie(s) seems unchanged by the announe­ment of the four-movie ani­mated re-make by Gainax.

More info on the ADV panel (with­out the live action news) here: ANN: Animé Cen­tral 2007: ADV Films

Dis­cus­sion thread: acen update

Matt Greenfield at Tekkoshocon April 28th, 2006

I watched this video of a panel from Tekkoshocon, and I’m sur­prised to say that the word on the Live Action Evan­ge­lion Project seems pretty good. I’ve had severe hes­i­ta­tions, and have on more than one occa­sion acted as a sort of har­bin­ger of doom in regards to the project, con­vinced that there is no way in hell that the project would amount in any­thing of sig­nif­i­cance or worth. Based upon some of what is being said by Green­field, I’m start­ing to think dif­fer­ently. His state­ments about how the project is cur­rently pro­gress­ing are actu­ally quite impres­sive, and make me some­what at ease to know that at the very least, some amaz­ing tal­ent will go into real­iz­ing this project. I’m still skep­ti­cal as to whether or not the pro­duc­tion can or will cap­ture the same essence of what Anno expressed through Evan­ge­lion a decade ago. Nev­er­the­less, it seems like some­thing to keep an eye on in the com­ing months more than ever, as Green­field ulti­mately states that a direc­tor will most likely be signed on by the end of the year. Very excit­ing times appear to be ahead in the Live Action Evan­ge­lion Project.

Here are some notes in brief from the panel in regards to the project:

  • Matt Green­field says that Weta approached ADV about approach­ing Gainax to do a live action Eva movie.
  • Three “A List” direc­tors that are also fans of Evan­ge­lion approached ADV about the project, not the other way around.
  • Green­field talks about get­ting their pitch pack­age together and that “the first thing is Robin Williams talk­ing about Evan­ge­lion”, who is appar­ently a big Evan­ge­lion fan, and the appear­ance of the Mass Pro­duc­tion Eva toy in One Hour Photo is entirely his doing.
  • Celebri­ties have been inquir­ing directly to ADV about being involved in Live Action Evangelion.
  • The direc­tor to be signed will most likely be the first to have room in their schedule.
  • Green­field acknowl­edges the uncer­tainty of the final prod­uct due to the nature of film mak­ing being dri­ven by the director.
  • The slug script was writ­ten by a well known writer who has writ­ten sev­eral well known sci-fi movies. The slug script will be re-written to fit the tastes and vision of the direc­tor selected.
  • Green­field acknowl­edges that the chil­dren will most likely be age appro­pri­ate. The kids will be picked and then the adults will be cast to work well with the children.
  • Tiffany Grant asserts that Weta gets 20 times more email about Evan­ge­lion than Lord of the Rings.
  • Green­field says a direc­tor will most likely be signed by the end of the year.
  • Green­filed says they don’t want to make it for profit, but because they want to do it, and they want to do it right, and do it jus­tice in the same way that Lord of the Rings did.


O-Chibicon — Matt Greenfield August 9th, 2004

Just got this email, an inter­est­ing read, noth­ing new, A-list directors:


I don’t think any­body is offi­cially cov­er­ing O-Chibicon this week­end (being a new­bie con and small), but
it does so hap­pen that ADV is head­quar­tered in Hous­ton, TX.

ADV, apart from other events they did there, also had a 2 hour panel which included Matt Green­field, Jan­ice Williams,
Tiffany Grant and other ADV staff.

Most of the stuff they cov­ered had already been posted at other cons, but there was, I believe, some new information.

Below are some of the ques­tions and answers of inter­est I cov­ered with Mr. Greenfield:


Q: “Matt, assum­ing I have my infor­ma­tion cor­rect, you are a pro­ducer [live action Evan­ge­lion]. Will you
be mak­ing a cameo in the film? Tra­di­tion­ally this is the case [for producers]

Matt com­mented on what seemed to be an inside joke on his pos­si­ble appear­ance in the film, but he did directly com­ment on:

“We are def­i­nitely try­ing to have all of the VAs involved in the film. Both Japan­ese and Amer­i­can voice actors.
We hope each one can have a cameo of some sort. Of course, this will all depend when we actu­ally get
closer to the project [pro­duc­tion]. Sched­ul­ing and so forth.”


When answer­ing ques­tions on the film, he reit­er­ated, as he did in other cons and venues, that actors are not cur­rently
being seri­ously con­sid­ered as the project is in its ear­li­est pre-production. He cited the kids from Harry Pot­ter as a good exam­ple of what can hap­pen in a few years.

He did com­ment directly on:

“Before any of that we need a Direc­tor. We are cur­rently talk­ing to 7 to 8 direc­tors. These guys are all ‘A lists’”

He went on to say that, of course, cast­ing choices would be made by the Director.

I point­edly asked:

Q: “Matt, what kind of finan­cial risk will the live action Evan­ge­lion be to ADV films?”

Matt went on to say, more or less, that it is not a finan­cial risks because IT IS Evan­ge­lion.
He believes that the high pro­duc­tion val­ues of Weta, the pas­sion for the project and its world­wide
fol­low­ing will guar­an­tee its success.


(Per­son­ally, I asked the above ques­tion because I fear that if the film does flop it could bank­rupt ADV, but anyhow.)

I hope some of the above stuff is useful.

Fer­nando Gon­za­lez Jr.

Matt Greenfield Answers Questions February 28th, 2004

Orig­i­nally posted by forum mem­ber YUNA. Thanks Yuna.
Com­plete Arti­cle Here

At “A Week­end With Tomino”, Matthew Green­field was asked a series of ques­tions regard­ing the live action evan­ge­lion movie. Yuna has posted a tran­script of this ques­tion & answer ses­sion which can be found on the link above.

In sum­mary; Matt states his rea­sons as to why no thoughts on cast meme­bers have been aired yet — par­tic­u­larly because they may be per­fect now, but when film­ing actu­ally starts they may not be (due to age­ing). He also goes on to talk about Lau­rence Fish­burne. With regards to sto­ry­line he men­tions that the movie will stay true to some things but quite obvi­ously not every­thing. (He really reveals a lot! — sar­casm). Oh and Asuka won’t kill whordes of angels.