Movie Chronicles » Metal Gear Solid Movie

Paul Thomas Anderson NOT Directing May 19th, 2008

Seems like the inter­net is once again up to mis­chief, this time it revolves around “There will be blood” direc­tor, Paul Thomas Anderson.

Kotaku recently spoke with Aki Saito — the fel­low han­dling movie nego­ti­a­tions. When quizzed about Kojima’s involve­ment with the movie, he responded:

Hol­ly­wood has great respect for Mr. Kojima. They want to meet with him. Kojima will be act­ing as a pro­ducer, but we don’t know how involved he’ll be as a pro­ducer. Often Hol­ly­wood adap­ta­tions have the orig­i­nal game cre­ator involved at the begin­ning, but some­where along the line they fall out of view. This is why it’s very impor­tant for us to care­fully pick the stu­dio for this project.

Before adding that Paul Thomas Ander­son was an inter­ested direc­tor. This cir­cu­lated the world wide web like some elec­tron­i­cally fuelled wild­fire. There was some spec­u­la­tion that the much less aus­pi­cious Paul W.S. Ander­son (Alien Vs. Preda­tor) had been mis­taken for some­one with tal­ent. Luck­ily Col­lider stepped in to clarify:

I’ve emailed [movie] pro­ducer Mike De Luca and he said the rumor about Paul Thomas Ander­son is “com­pletely false and ridiculous.”

So that’s that.

Comments 9 Responses to “Paul Thomas Anderson NOT Directing”

Jon June 1st, 2008

P.T.A. would have been a cool direc­tor for mgs, thanks for keep­ing us up on the metal gear news

Aygie June 24th, 2008

Ger­ard But­ler as Snake! Come on!

Hal August 14th, 2008

Man, David Hayter as Snake. Just hands down. I want to hear him say “…A sur­veil­lance camera?!”

reiko September 10th, 2008

man this would be an ausome move it depends on who plays snake?? ok who would you per­fer david hayter or gerad but­ler i heard romours that it was chris­t­ian bale??

Eugene October 23rd, 2008

Nice arti­cle. Thanks. :) Eugene

Reba Cun­ning­ham November 12th, 2008


Daniel December 12th, 2008

Per­son­ally I think David Wen­ham would be ter­refic as Otacon.

Ger­ard Butler January 3rd, 2009

Ger­ard But­ler hell yeah , damn thats a good idea ! nice dis­cov­ery man !

sid November 14th, 2009

wachowski should direct it, that’s what kojima said years before if ever there was an MGS film.