Movie Chronicles » Metal Gear Solid Movie

Development underway, Kurt Wimmer a possible director March 17th, 2008

At the Planet Hol­ly­wood Casino in Las Vegas, as part of the pro­mo­tion for Sony’s “21”, Com­ing Soon caught up with Michael De Luca (writer of Judge Dredd, pro­ducer on Blade II, Zathura, Ghost Rider). In speak­ing with him, he revealed that now the writer’s strikes have ended, the devel­op­ment of the Metal Gear Solid movie has swung back into action.

De Luca also men­tioned an upcom­ing meet­ing with Kurt Wim­mer, direc­tor and writer of Equi­lib­rium. A num­ber of fans have pre­vi­ously expressed a desire to involve him in the game to movie adap­ta­tion — they may yet get their wish. His involve­ment isn’t yet con­firmed and we can only spec­u­late as to his poten­tial role.

Comments 8 Responses to “Development underway, Kurt Wimmer a possible director”

oscar March 23rd, 2008

in my opin­ion, kurt is not the right guy. ultra vio­let suck. neil blomkamp would be a bet­ter choice

Fearghal March 26th, 2008

On a more bit­ter note, Mr Wim­mer was also respon­si­ble for direct­ing the awful Ultra­vi­o­let. Equi­lib­rium was pretty good though.

jason April 30th, 2008

I think the direc­tor for 3ooth would be great but on a side note it would be nice for De Lucca an hideo to do all the work so the story stays together an doesnt get screwed up like every­one else says(about ultraviolet)

rohirrim July 3rd, 2008

i think Rid­ley Scott is the best choice.Only he can make the movie noble,exciting and epic.He can catch the very soul of Metal Gear Golid.
Wachowski Broth­ers is also a awe­some choice . They can give the movie cool con­cept .
if the two above not directing,Christopher Nolan would be great. Bryan Singer and Len wise­man and Alfonso Cuaron are three proper choice.
Accord­ing to the game series itself , HIDEO KOJIMA has a great movie taste , if he make effort to the pro­duc­tion of the movie , he wouldn’t allow a stu­pid third-class(even second-class) direc­tor ruin the world he created.

Diman­tik August 1st, 2008

Hon­estly, for me i think Micheal Bay would be a good direc­tor cuz if you really look at, his movies it kinda looks like how metal gear is made, with the grapics and the stories.

bigboss2009 October 23rd, 2008

I am a mas­sive metal gear fan, i hav been a fan of the series since i was 15 years old,(i am 24 now) and hav all the games. A lot of fans are doubt­ing the movie say­ing it will suck. Well this is one thing i can ensure it wont. Metal Gear Solid will be in my opi­tion be the best flim of the year for 2009, 2010 what year its goin 2 be released. Take every­thing into account. Look at the detail of MGS4 on the using the sheer power of the PS3. It all already looks like a epic hol­ly­wood block­buster. The real­sim using bly-ray techol­ogy, dolby sound, the ani­ma­tion of the char­ac­ters in real­time. Just imaige what cin­ema can do with a MGS movie? Get to even bet­ter qualiy wid good pic­ture qual­ity, with world-class cos­tune design, and good spe­cial eefects and fight scences and action as well as stealth too. Also CGI will play its part 2. Just look at the games. They have these elments already. Just think what it will be like in the movie? Metal Gear the flim will surely be one of the best lookin vis­val lookin movies, wid amaz­ing action, CGI, spe­cial effects, so it will be worth just goin to see it for that. As for the story? As long as they stick to the same sto­ry­line as the game­out­line, with a good writer, and hideo koi­jma is heavliy inv­oled is will be one of the movies of the year. If they get those things right wid a gud direc­tor, gud crew, gud cast, metal gear wont fail. No way. They have to get it right. The frachise is 20 years old. The Mear Gear Series is leg­endly. Not just the games and its heros and vil­lians, armies,soldiers, weapons, its metal gear robots, it orgaize­tions, but also its cre­ation. It art­work. Also metal gears, comic series. The comic ani­ma­tion metal gear: portable ops, was the cut-scence and spict for that game. Also for the graphic novel as well, the diag­tal ones.And the sto­ry­line as well, as metal gear has the best sto­ries in games. The franise has so much to offer. And it also has the great­est hero and charater in video game his­tory Solid Snake, who along with Big­Boss is the great­est game hero ever. I belive Metal Gear will suc­cend as a movie. Stan Lee cre­ator of spider-man, is a fan of koi­jma, and the fran­schie, as well of dozens of other movie direc­tors and pro­duc­ers. Michael De Luca the flims pro­ducer is a fan of the series, and is dememted it will succed. Metal Gear is the G.I. Joe of the 21 cen­tury, and with a decent direc­tor, good sprcit, and a lead­ing star as snake it will be a sucess. This movie will not fail. UK Mens mag, is lookin for­ward 2 this movie and i can under­stand way. A leg­endly hero and one-army, Solid Snake the super sol­dier, brill action, spe­cial effects, end­less armies of sol­diers, cool spe­cial focres units, other cool heros, super-ace vil­lians, big nuclear walk­ing tanks, robot nij­nas, cool weapons and gadets with a amaz­ing plot. This movie will take u by suprise. I just cant find any info 4 it at the moment? I known that kurt willer may be direc­tor, but who is in the run­ning 4 Snake? I known chris­tain bale is in the run­ning 2 play snake, but who else is? When will a direc­tor be rel­e­vad? When is the movie comin out? But i cant wait? Metal Gear Solid the Movie will rule just like the games.

tim December 19th, 2008

no, not chris­t­ian bale. CLINT EASTWOOD! his raspy voice rem­ineds me of old snake.

Blindfold23 October 29th, 2009

I want Eric Bana to role as solid snake not chris­t­ian bale.