Movie Chronicles » Metal Gear Solid Movie

Second MGS Philanthropy trailer released April 27th, 2008

Before we begin — this is a trailer for a fan made, directed and pro­duced movie “Phil­an­thropy”, it is not the offi­cial film, the pro­duc­tion qual­i­ties on this effort are far supe­rior to the major­ity of fan ded­i­ca­tions to be found on the net and this should be recog­nised. A lot of peo­ple mis­in­ter­preted the first trailer.

Now for the trailer, brought to you by MGS Phil­an­thropy:

Comments 48 Responses to “Second MGS Philanthropy trailer released”

jason April 30th, 2008

Im hop­ing its alot like that. THe real one. Half real peo­ple and half CGI.

Metal-Gear-Jake May 16th, 2008

dude, omg, this is so amaz­ing. I love it. Great Job.

You guys keep up the good work.

This is so cool.


Fed­erico May 17th, 2008

…Can’t wait for June.
’Been excited for this since the very first trailer.

andy June 6th, 2008

omfg this looks awe­some when is it cum­min out this month????!?!??!?!?!?!?

Solid­Snake June 9th, 2008

Looks stu­pid. Why don’t you let the pros han­dle it?

Joops June 14th, 2008

I think the actor of the Snake is bad choice. He doesn’t have any cha­ras­ter­is­tic sim­i­lar­i­ties with Snake in MGS games. I were not con­vinced by his act­ing either… Bad choice.

Gamoc June 18th, 2008

…Snake isn’t French, sorry.

sol1d snak3 June 28th, 2008

where can i get this fan movie?

la-li-lu-le-lo July 2nd, 2008

If you can’t make any­thing close to this, don’t talk shit.
Respect and Appre­ci­ate the work.

Raiden July 4th, 2008

if there is a movie Raiden bet­ter be in it, He is my favorite char­ac­ter, yeah i know that snake is the main guy but like on MGS4 how Raiden had his role in it.

Bruce Bruce July 9th, 2008

I think it will look tight like that, but whut im won­derin is that why not have orig­i­nal char­ac­ter in it like david hayter i think he’ll fit the script, like all the game.

mex July 12th, 2008

its half CG and real ppl. Thats not realy nice and as for snake…he looks like he’s on crack he looks like a hill­billy. I expected him to be a lit­tle more build up.

byron depaz July 17th, 2008

dude its awe­some the prob­lem is the actor of snake it looks noth­ing like snake look at kurt rus­sell he looks more like snake
just give him the eye pacth and gray hair and were good to go.follow the link http://​www​.movieac​tors​.com/​f​r​e​e​s​e​f​r​a​m​e​s​-​1​0​2​6​/​E​s​c​a​p​e​F​r​o​m​N​Y​2​1​3​.​j​peg

Jsmooth July 23rd, 2008

Its alright com­pared to other fan made trail­ers. I think the bet­ter choice to play the lead role of snake is Chris­t­ian Bale. He seems per­fect to play in these types of roles. Look at the Bat­man movies, plus hes the lead role in the upcom­ing Ter­mi­na­tor movie. He’s pretty much fit to play Snake, just my two cents on it.

Spoonth July 28th, 2008

Metal Gear Awe­some cameo at 00:42, bot­tom left screen.

william July 29th, 2008

THAT WAS BRILLIANT!!! i hope the film doesnt ruin my per­cep­tion of the games because i love them all lol

Jad­di­coat August 7th, 2008

Sony pic­tures should have seen this already. If any­thing could inspire them to fast track Metal Gear the movie to the big screen it’s Phil­an­thropy. I could just see this mak­ing it onto the Spe­cial Fea­tures sec­tion. Inspir­ing stuff guy.

James Metal Gear solid’s Num­ber 1 Fan August 11th, 2008

Metal gear solid is amaz­ing saga why dont they turn the game its self in to the film and actu­ally use the same weapons david hay­tor and use the games as back­ground you should of made this film for block buster release not inter­net only its quite upset­ting but nt a bad effort guys!!!

Bat­man August 15th, 2008

I hope Chris­t­ian Bale gets the role for Solid Snake

Moez Mac August 21st, 2008

The actor play­ing snake sucks, He doesn’t even resem­ble snake in any way. I think they should cast Eric Bana or Hugh Jack­man as Solid Snake.

Fox­Sound August 21st, 2008

snake looks like a hobo ^^ but if its a fan made trailer it looks very awe­some really a nice job

LOL August 22nd, 2008

on the top right of the back­ground for the news is.….….…. star wars guy wtf

LOL August 22nd, 2008

to my last coment it is at 42 seconds

reiko September 11th, 2008


wtf September 21st, 2008

dudes wtf that fag doesnt even look like snake, and idont know if chris­t­ian bale will do a bet­ter job. How could ppl even mis­take this piece of crap to be a trailer, but i guess they worked hard on this piece of shit.

wtf September 21st, 2008

la-li-lu-le-lo fk u! i could make bet­ter shits in my sleep, ahhaaa­ha­hahh …pz

Anony­mous October 7th, 2008

Wow this movie looks okay but I think they should’ve used the same graph­ics that they used for final fan­tasy advent. Now that was a pretty good movie and graph­ics. The Metal Gear Solid Movie Mak­ers should think about that. I’d say that would make it bet­ter. Since the trailer looks okay not that great. And I’ve played all the MGS series besides the one on PS3. Can’t wait to play that one. Well I can’t believe MGS is end­ing so sad.…… I loved the game and it had an inter­est­ing story. Love is on the bat­tle­field. I remem­ber that from MGS3. Hope they con­tinue the game even though they said it’s gonna be over in the game trailer. Your Biggest Fan!

okita October 21st, 2008

All of you are ter­ri­bly rude and don’t seem to get it. Imag­ine set­ting out to make a FAN made MGS film… who are YOU gonna cast as snake? Oh right, Eric Bana or Chris­t­ian Bale are right out­side beg­ging you to let them be in your shit movie. :roll:

These peo­ple are doing this OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKETS. The effects in this film look amaz­ing. Until I see some­thing bet­ter from you guys I am very dis­gusted with you all commenting.

You all bitch and moan about how the guy play­ing snake doesnt look like snake, but shit, how many of you have friends who look just like snake? I’d guess MAYBE one of you does. These peo­ple are draw­ing from a small pot of money, friends, and equip­ment. For that I say this is absolutely amazing.

And you all fail.

londin November 28th, 2008

This looks amaz­ing. This is not an insult. But if the Sci Fi chan­nel, a multi-million dol­lar com­pany can make films that look like this, then tele­vi­sion DEFINATELY has a lot to live up to.

Oh what­ever TV is dead.

Good work guys. It is embar­rass­ing and inspir­ing at the same time.

I know ya’ll are too busy to read my com­ments but I am impressed by the work that has been put into this.

Even the inclu­sion of the more fan­tas­ti­cal ele­ments was a great idea. PLEASE DON’T STOP…

londin November 28th, 2008

defi­nately a guilty pleasure

chug December 14th, 2008

i ABSOLUTELY love the fan made trailer. it’s really awesome.

Wtf December 20th, 2008

It sucks arse all the way. Snake looks gay, the effects are ok but pretty much ever­thing looks like a steam­ing pile of crap. Frig­ging turda­li­cious movie.

Sepok December 20th, 2008

Haha ^^
that is some truly great work those lads have been work­ing on :) .
But the guy play­ing Snake… No, he looks like Stal­lones gay twin brother… At least his act­ing makes him look like that.

but it is prob­a­bly because of my ridi­colously (spelling?) high expec­ta­tions I have about Snake :)

Deskjet December 28th, 2008

Wow…I’m amazed at the amount of ridicu­lous com­ments peo­ple posted on here.

This is a fan-made movie. Do you really expect them to have the money to pro­duce graph­ics sim­i­lar to Final Fan­tasy: Advent Chil­dren, a film cre­ated by a major company?

Some peo­ple need to take a step back and do some research. If you visit their per­sonal site I’m sure many of your ques­tions about the movie, cast, and crew will be answered.

I’ll make a deci­sive rul­ing on their efforts after tak­ing the time to watch the com­pleted version.

seanieG January 5th, 2009

wow. if the movie is close to this ill be delighted but some help­full crit­i­cism, the char­ac­ter play­ing snake does not seem to fit his build and looks slightly out of place. great trailer though!!!!!!

???? January 6th, 2009

Hi im a long time metal gear solid fan. Oh and DAVID HAYTER IS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD BE SNAKE. sorry, but if you look at the pic­ture of him all he needs to do is shave off his mus­tache, grow a some what thicker beard, dye his hair, and get in to the mood of snake. OHHHHHHHHH IM PISSED AT THEM FOR NOT LETTING DAVID HAYTER EVEN BE NEAR THE MOVIE. unless he does not wan’t him to be in it because it is not about snake but some­what of a pre­quil to metal gear solid 5.

???? January 6th, 2009

????????? did it space my let­ters with a dou­ble space than a sin­gle space weired.

snaje January 11th, 2009

lol at this didnt even like it

jason February 11th, 2009

this is horrable a metal gear movie will not be made if peo­ple like you want ti to be crappy on pur­pose for your own plea­sure you need an actor who has the same char­ac­ter­is­tics of snake in the games becuz if you make movie this crappy peo­ple are gonna want to throw up in the movie theater

Chrisso February 25th, 2009

Snake’s cast­ing is pretty good for a non-hollywood film, and over­all this is quite good, on par with what some films were like in the 90’s I’d say. I’d like to see this then check out the offi­cial movie they’re appar­ently mak­ing sometime.

Anony­mous March 2nd, 2009

That’s an impres­sive fan made film. It’s prob­a­bly bet­ter that all the Uwe Bolle films com­bined. Can’t wait till it comes out!

Although I do have to agree with some above posters, the actor they chose for Snake just…doesn’t have the “Snake” qual­i­ties. I found myself chuck­ling when­ever they zoomed in close to his face. CGI is amaz­ing though!

Fran­cis March 10th, 2009

Good­ness peo­ple! READ: This is a FAN-made movie. This is NOT THE OFFICIAL MOVIE. Sheez.

john June 17th, 2009

this looks ter­ri­ble im sorry. reminds me of com­mand and conquer

Car­los July 27th, 2009

this sucks !!! that snake !!!

hor­ri­ble !!

Markula September 14th, 2009

Hey for a non profit fan movie, you gotta admit it looks pretty good. That guy looks and sounds totally like snake! But I must admit either David Hayter or Hugh Jack­man can play snake! Hugh will just have to take away his aus­tralian accent and replace it with voice of a guy who eats gravel.(David Hayter)

Ren October 29th, 2009

Fans should not make a movie about Metal Gear, it’s just cross­ing line of being a fan. If it would’ve been dif­fer­ent title and slighly dif­fer­ent char­ac­ters I might’ve liked it but since it tries to be MGS I hon­estly can’t stand it. Some could think this as an insult to MGS series and to be hon­est that’s what I think.

And since this movie has the name Metal Gear Solid, I sup­pose it could be a legal issue since Metal Gear Solid is a reg­is­tered trade­mark to Kon­ami. And this movie is still a prod­uct even if they won’t make any profit of it. If I was Kojima I would be angry as hell. Sorry I’m just a hard­core MGS fan.

But any­ways make a same kind of movie that doesn’t involve the world of Metal Gear Solid then I would be almost 100% sure I’d like it too. I admit that you peo­ple have more skill than most of the movie mak­ers have.

sid November 14th, 2009

good job in this fan made movie… btw I remem­bered Kojima say­ing if ever he wants a movie for MGS he wants it directed by the Wachoski Bros. who did the matrix

Ulisses December 30th, 2009

Some­thing is seri­ously wrong here.…no excla­ma­tion marks were shown on top of the ene­mies heads. Other than that, for being fan made it’s actu­ally real good. Reminds me of low bud­get movies i watch sometimes…:P