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Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2

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Rourke officially signs on for Iron Man 2 to play Whiplash/Crimson Dynamo March 11th, 2009

Excel­lent, another fine actor con­firmed for Iron Man 2. Dead­line Hol­ly­wood Daily has con­firmed the news that Mickey Rourke shall appear in the Iron Man sequel — with a quote sig­nif­i­cantly higher than the low $250k we’d pre­vi­ously reported (and the cause of the cast­ing wor­ries). This news is par­tic­u­larly encour­ag­ing given Rourke’s recent com­ments“Right now, we’re not doing Iron Man 2.”

I just heard that ICM has scored its sec­ond cast­ing deal for Marvel’s Iron Man 2. After at first being low-balled by the stu­dio to the tune of $250K, Rourke has signed on for the role of the Russ­ian vil­lain in the sequel after his agent David Unger got the quote up to a “sig­nif­i­cant” level despite this pun­ish­ing eco­nomic cli­mate where the stu­dios are tak­ing advan­tage of tal­ent. (No won­der Mickey kept thank­ing Unger so pro­fusely in accep­tance speeches for the BAFTA, Golden Globes, Spirit, and other awards.) But don’t expect Mar­vel to con­firm any of this: they won’t until all the i’s are dot­ted and t’s crossed on the con­tracts. I can also tell you that Sony was con­sid­er­ing hir­ing Mickey to play the vil­lain in Spider-Man 4.

Update: Vari­ety has added that Rourke will play Whiplash per­haps with some ele­ments of Crim­son Dynamo. Rourke has also met with Justin Ther­oux and Jon Favreau and has had some involve­ment in his character’s development.

Next up — a Black Widow cast­ing announcement?

First Iron Man 2 set photo, Tony Stark’s house March 10th, 2009

Jon Favreau has released the first image from the Iron Man 2 set, show­ing him­self and cin­e­matog­ra­pher Matthew Liba­tique stand­ing amongst the build­ing work that is Tony Stark’s house. Despite the early stages of the set con­struc­tion, the style of Stark’s house can already be spot­ted in the cir­cu­lar ceil­ing pan­els and styl­ish steps.

Via Com­ing Soon

Samuel L. Jackson confirmed as Nick Fury — in 9 movies! March 1st, 2009

This is more like it! Some pos­i­tive cast­ing news from the world of Iron Man 2. Accord­ing to the Hol­ly­wood Reporter Samuel L. Jack­son has signed up as Nick Fury for a whop­ping NINE movies! Jack­son had pre­vi­ously hinted that nego­ti­a­tions between Mar­vel and him­self were not going smoothly, even sug­gest­ing “Maybe I won’t be Nick Fury”.

Jack­son will appear in “Iron Man 2,” “Thor,” “Cap­tain Amer­ica,” “The Avengers”, assorted sequels and a pos­si­ble S.H.I.E.L.D movie.

Iron Man 2 casting call March 1st, 2009

Spoiler TV have posted details of a new Iron Man 2 cast­ing call, out­lin­ing the need for Mon­go­lian Gang­sters, Russ­ian Guards and Hot Brunettes. The “Male” role is intrigu­ing, very lit­tle detail is pro­vided, /Film spec­u­late the very slight pos­si­bil­ity that this could be the recently vacated Rourke role — rumored to be Whiplash, as well as the “Hot Brunette” being Black Widow — although the chance of this is very slim.

In terms of the plot it looks like Rus­sia, France and Mon­go­lia may all have their place in the sequel.

Iron Man 2 — New Cast­ing Call

[HOT BRUNETTE] Beau­ti­ful, sexy and author­i­ta­tive. Please sub­mit Cau­casian actresses ages 25 — 28.

[MONGOLIAN GANGSTER] Var­i­ous ages.

[FRENCH WAITER] Male, 30’s. Must have authen­tic Monaco accent.

[RUSSIAN GUARDS] Var­i­ous ages. Must speak flu­ent Russian.

[MALE] late 40’s — mid 50’s. Hand­some, intel­li­gent and dynamic. Please sub­mit Cau­casian actors.

[TECHNICIANS] Smart, capa­ble, 20’s. Please sub­mit all ethnicities.

Emily Blunt no longer Black Widow in Iron Man 2 February 24th, 2009

On the red car­pet at a post-Oscars party, and in speak­ing with E!, direc­tor Jon Favreau revealed that Emily Blunt was now offi­cially out of the Iron Man 2 movie due to the sched­ul­ing con­straints brought about by Fox’s Gulliver’s Trav­els — a con­trac­tual oblig­a­tion of Blunt’s. We’ve already com­mented on the Blunt’s pos­si­ble replace­ment — two rumored choices are Scar­lett Johans­son and Eliza Dushku.

Via The Playlist

Rourke out of Iron Man 2? February 18th, 2009

“Right now, we’re not doing Iron Man 2,” Rourke told us grimly.

That’s the word from Vul­ture at Fash­ion Week (via /Film). We’d pre­vi­ous reported that Rourke play­ing Crim­son Dynamo was ‘inac­cu­rate’ via Downey Jr., but that was pre­sumed a Crim­son Dynamo inac­cu­racy — the lead­ing rumor being that Whiplash would be the replace­ment. We’ve also heard that Rourke was offered only $250k for the role.

It’s not off the cards yet, but it’s head­ing down that path — espe­cially with his new role in Sylvester Stallone’s ‘The Expendables’.

Iron Man 2 really is hav­ing cast­ing and pro­duc­tion night­mares what with Samuel Jack­son not happy with his pay and aban­don­ing the Nick Fury role, Emily Blunt being sched­uled out of play­ing Black Widow, Ter­rence Howard being replaced by Don Chea­dle and Jon Favreau not happy with his pay deal either.

Is it cause enough to spec­u­late that Iron Man 2 is hav­ing fund­ing prob­lems dur­ing the ‘eco­nomic down­turn’, or are they just tight­en­ing their belts a lit­tle too much?

Scarlett Johansson to replace Emily Blunt as Black Widow? February 14th, 2009

With the stir­ring of Emily Blunt’s film­ing sched­ule caused by Fox’s Gulliver’s Trav­els, it may look like another actress will be brought in to play the sexy Black Widow vil­lain in Iron Man 2.

Ear­lier this week Eliza Dushku showed an inter­est in the role on the Howard Stern show whilst pro­mot­ing Doll­house, strongly sug­gest­ing she had put her name down for the part (via /Film):

“They’re doing Iron Man 2, and I’m so per­fect for the Black Widow char­ac­ter, that they just need to get into it. They need to under­stand… I just learned Russ­ian because I had to play a Russ­ian girl in Dollhouse.”

Today Enter­tain­ment Weekly report that Mar­vel are in talks with sev­eral actresses for an Emily Blunt replace­ment, with Scar­lett Johans­son on the top of the list, although Mar­vel obvi­ously can­not con­firm any­thing at this stage.

Mickey Rourke not playing Crimson Dynamo? February 5th, 2009

MTV sat down with Robert Downey Jr. on the set of his new movie Sher­lock Holmes and quizzed him about the Iron Man sequel.

When it came to Mickey Rourke and his sug­gested role as Crim­son Dynamo Downey Jr. said “that’s actu­ally incor­rect”, giv­ing the impres­sion that said cast­ing announce­ment was pre­ma­ture. An alter­na­tive char­ac­ter that Rourke could be play­ing is Whiplash. To which Downey cryp­ti­cally responded he could nei­ther con­firm or deny those rumors, “the nerd stuff is top drawer security”.

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