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Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2

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Scarlett Johansson and Gwyneth Paltrow Iron Man 2 interview videos October 11th, 2009

ET keep pimp­ing their Iron Man 2 exclu­sives, and why shouldn’t they? Next up are two video inter­views with Gwyneth Pal­trow and new­comer Scar­lett Johans­son. Again, videos embed­ded after the break because of the awful player.

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ET’s third Iron Man 2 set visit piece October 11th, 2009

The video is included after the break, ET’s atro­cious video player makes annoy­ing glitchy sounds when the video starts paused. This edi­tion fea­tures more of Mickey Rourke as Whiplash, more footage of him in action, and some dis­cus­sion about his role.

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ET’s Iron Man 2 video preview, parts 1 and 2 September 27th, 2009

This ET set visit, unlike pre­vi­ous ones, comes chock full of tasty behind the scenes moments. Whiplash attack­ing a Rolls Royce as Pep­per tries to escape, shots of Natalie (Black Widow/Scarlett Johans­son) in leop­ard skin try­ing on the Iron Man armor, explo­sive For­mula 1 scenes, the love tri­an­gle and plenty more.

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ET running Iron Man 2 on set feature September 23rd, 2009

Enter­tain­ment Tonight are run­ning an Iron Man 2 fea­turette this Thurs­day, you can catch a quick pre­view below. Be warned, it’s filled with quickly zoom­ing in and out cam­eras and quotes such as, “A set so big we sent two reporters”. Scar­lett Johans­son also, “kicks some seri­ous seri­ous ass”.

Iron Man 2 première tickets in eBay charity auction September 18th, 2009

Bid­ding to meet Scar­lett Johans­son at the pre­mière of Iron Man 2 has started, in sup­port of Oxfam Amer­ica. At the time of writ­ing they are going for $3,500 with 11 bids.

More Oxfam auc­tions are also up for grabs, includ­ing lim­ited edi­tion Scar­lett Johans­son vinyl and signed photos.

A: You are bid­ding on tick­ets for two (2 seats) to the U.S. pre­mière of IRON MAN 2, the oppor­tu­nity for you and your guest to meet Scar­lett Johans­son, and a com­pli­men­tary hair & makeup/grooming ses­sion at Christophe Salon (for 1 per­son). Please note: All travel, hotel, and any local trans­porta­tion arrange­ments are the respon­si­bil­ity of the win­ner and are not included in this auction.

A: The pre­mière is cur­rently sched­uled for May 2010 in Los Ange­les. Early arrival at the pre­mière is rec­om­mended. The date and loca­tion are sub­ject to change, but the win­ner will be given an oppor­tu­nity to attend the changed date/location should that occur. The seller will not reim­burse any travel costs incurred due to a changed date/location.

New Official Iron Man 2 photo — Stark watching a film August 10th, 2009

A shot of Tony Stark sit­ting in a chair watch­ing what is pre­sum­ably a home movie. Pic­ture via Marvel.

Iron Man 2 comic-con footage leaks August 10th, 2009

The full 5 minute Iron Man 2 Comic-con footage has leaked online. In it we see the full court room scene, our first look at War Machine, Whiplash’s electro-whips, Scar­lett Johans­son as The Black Widow and much more. It matches per­fectly the descrip­tions we’ve read about from SDCC.

This is our first look at Iron Man 2 footage,

Iron Man 2 footage description from Comic Con, War Machine seen July 28th, 2009

Jon Favreau pre­miered the first Iron Man 2 footage at this years Comic Con. Many descrip­tions have appeared online, I’ve included two in-depth descrip­tions in the full post and sum­ma­rized below.

- The footage opens in the giant donut and a con­ver­sa­tion between Tony Stark and Nick Fury — Stark doesn’t want to join the team.
– It then cuts to a court­room scene that sees the gov­ern­ment attempt­ing to strip Stark of his Iron Man suit
– Rhodey enters to tes­tify against Stark.
– Whiplash is out to get Tony as revenge for the Stark fam­i­lies’ atroc­i­ties, explained by a voiceover whilst Rourke con­structs a suit of his own.
– There’s a quick shot of Black Widow in action and then Whiplash flick­ing his two great electro-whips.
– Justin Ham­mer (Sam Rock­well) is now seen, talk­ing about Iron Man suit mod­i­fi­ca­tions “fire­power” — retro­fitting guns and armor. Rhodey says he’ll take it.
– Then there’s a quick shot of the com­plete War Machine suit.

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