Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2

Possible Whiplash Concept Art May 18th, 2009

Latino Review have received some con­cept art in the post claim­ing to be Mickey Rourke’s Whiplash in Iron Man 2. The style of the image is inline with con­cept designs, the Rourke-ness and details are non-distinct, some­thing a faker prob­a­bly wouldn’t do. We’ll have to wait and see if it’s the real deal or not.

Comments 2 Responses to “Possible Whiplash Concept Art”

iron man #1 May 19th, 2009

i’m a total Iron Man fan after the movie, but i’m not famil­iar at all w/ the comic world of IM. after some past Bat­man expe­ri­ence, comics are a lost cause to me. When char­ac­ters are really pop­u­lar there are usu­ally mul­ti­ple series run­ning all at once w/ dif­fer­ent sto­ries lines, vil­lians, etc. and these series run for so long & have to be dif­fer­ent from each other that it turns into a soap opera atmos­phere very quickly & usu­ally gets very stu­pid & bizarre. thank­fully IM was never as super pop­u­lar as Bat­man or Spi­der­man, so IM doesn’t have dozens of foes or a phone book full of past wives, girl­friends & lovers. i think the only neg­a­tive to the comic world of IM is in the mid 70’s when new writ­ers were hired & they tried to revamp the comic (always a mis­take) they started Demon in the Bot­tle & in typ­i­cal comic fash­ion ran with it for YEARS and beat it into the ground. That’s really the only comic line that peo­ple are aware of when talk­ing about IM, (not dis­re­spect­ing the smaller lines of tony loos­ing SI, it being renamed, get­ting it back, happy dying, etc, etc).

See­ing this art of Whiplash, I for­got in the excit­ment of fol­low­ing IM2 being made that Mickey’s char­ac­ter has a metal suit like tony does. For Iron Man’s world most every­one that has an alter ego has to have a metal suit for that ego. It will be inter­est­ing to see Iron Man, Whiplash & War Machine fight & inter­act in IM2 & have every­one in metal suits.

joe March 23rd, 2010

looks amaz­ing