Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2

Olivia Munn cast in Iron Man 2 June 24th, 2009

Attack of the show co-host Olivia Munn made it known, via Twit­ter, that she would have a role in Iron Man 2 — though couldn’t legally dis­cuss it yet. On Twit­ter she sug­gested her role was big­ger than a one minute appear­ance, watch “Big Stan” for details.

@awalker2334 thx! im excited. @jonfavreau is awe­some! http://​www​.vari​ety​.com/​a​rti…

@tr1gun it is def­i­nitely a big­ger role than “big stan”.. :)

Before jok­ing,

@JammedHands haha.. yes, spoiler. I am play­ing the role of War Machine in Iron Man 2. Ter­rance Howard, Don Chea­dle and now Olivia Munn! ha!

Fol­low Olivia Munn
Fol­low Movie Chronicles

Comments 3 Responses to “Olivia Munn cast in Iron Man 2”

Josh August 11th, 2009

She could be play­ing War Machine as he’s in the suit, which is really when Rhodey becomes War Machine. So, Don Chea­dle is play­ing the role of Col. James Rhodes, and Oliva is War Machine in the suit. Maybe to give the suited role some jig­gle or somfin.


ALEX June 7th, 2010

bad ass or not ass

jhon December 6th, 2010

es una nena pre­ciosa que linda mujer esa mujer es mi vida estoy enam­orado de ellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa te amoooooooooooo oliviaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa