Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2


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Robert Downey Jr. in the Iron Man suit May 7th, 2009

The set reports and pic­tures are start­ing to come in from Randy’s Donuts. From the scene, James told Col­lider on the phone:

My friend – let’s call him James — said that film­ing at the loca­tion lasted between 45 min­utes to an hour and there were tons of pro­duc­tion assis­tants and pro­duc­tion peo­ple around the set. That’s the rea­son why we don’t have a new pic­ture for this article…he never felt like he could take out his cam­era and get the shot.

Any­how, James said that he saw a stand in for Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark) on set and that he watched Nick Fury race up to the donut place in a blue gov­ern­ment car and he got out and walked to his right to get a bet­ter view of where Iron Man would be. The cam­era was on a crane. James said it appeared that Iron Man was going to be in the donut hole on the roof and that Nick Fury was yelling at him, but he couldn’t hear what he was saying.

He also reported that Sam Jack­son was in the same cos­tume as the end of the first film – a long black trench coat.

Iron Man sit­ting in the big donut? Here’s some con­fir­ma­tion via Peo​ple​.com:

Iron Man 2 at Randy’s Donuts May 6th, 2009

As per our report, Iron Man 2 filmed at Randy’s Donuts yes­ter­day, our only pic­ture so far comes from Jon Favreau him­self. We also know that both Scar­lett Johans­son and Samuel L. Jack­son were on set.

Another day at the office. http://​yfrog​.com/​0​m​q​zsj

First Official Iron Man 2 Picture May 1st, 2009

As promised by Jon Favreau, the first offi­cial Iron Man 2 pic­ture has sur­faced at USA Today. It shows Tony Stark sat at a desk with glow­ing chest and four suits behind him.

The arti­cle reveals that the sequel takes place six months after Stark reveals he is Iron Man:

“How many super­heroes are open about their true iden­ti­ties?” he asks. “We wanted to play with that idea. But it obvi­ously has con­se­quences — in his rela­tion­ships, on the team. There are a lot of areas we can explore.”

The arti­cle continues,

He hopes to have all other Iron Man 2 details locked down — even though he’s send­ing dis­patches via Twit­ter from the set. “It’s never easy with sum­mer movies, but we’re try­ing to keep as much a sur­prise as pos­si­ble,” he says.


Favreau says that tack­ling the fran­chise a sec­ond time is eas­ier because he knows the land­scape. Some­thing else would help, too: “I really enjoyed when we were a dark horse and no one knew much about us. … I hope we can find that place again.”

More first day photos April 9th, 2009

A cou­ple of new images from the first day of film­ing in Pasadena show­ing Robert Downey Jr. and Don Chea­dle with inter­est­ing poses and/or facial expressions.

Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow and Don Cheadle as Rhodey on set April 7th, 2009

It didn’t take very long for the first on set pic­tures from Iron Man 2’s first day of shoot­ing to show up online! Spoil­erTV have posted a gallery of images show­ing Gwyneth Pal­trow, Robert Downey Jr. and new­comer Don Chea­dle as Rhodey on set.

Besides the usual nature of can­did on set imagery one inter­est­ing thing to note is the box that Tony Stark is car­ry­ing, a small black lunch box that bears the Iron Man emblem and the phrase ‘X-treme’. What does Tony Stark have in his sandwiches?


Tony Stark

The Box

Full Gallery

Garry Shandling in Iron Man 2, pictured on set April 7th, 2009

WENN recently con­firmed via Robert Downey Jr. that Garry Shan­dling would be appear­ing in Iron Man 2, and there were reports that he was on set at an ‘undis­closed loca­tion’ yes­ter­day. His role? The IESB com­mented on this:

Shan­dling is a reporter or Sen­a­tor or some sort that appears in a con­tin­u­a­tion of the final scene from the first IRON MAN film, you know that famous “I am Iron Man” scene. We start this film from there is what it looks like.

We have since had an image from Pacific Coast News show­ing Garry Shan­dling on set:

Iron Man 2 filming is underway, Favreau twitters April 6th, 2009

And direc­tor Jon Favreau has been twit­ter­ing again, to our delight, updat­ing through­out the first day with a num­ber of sta­tus reports:

Going over script with RDJ one last time before shooting.

On my way to set. Not much sleep, as one could imag­ine. First day at camp. Very excited.

Lunch! Boy it’s great to be back at work. Many famil­iar faces in cast and crew. I am so blessed to do what I love with won­der­ful people.

First day went great. I’ve never worked on a sequel before. It’s like we picked up where we left off.

He also posted a cou­ple of shots to stoke our excite­ment. The first shows “no cam­era on set”, which I guess Favreau is exempt from, being the direc­tor and all. I am enjoy­ing this new trend of tid­bit social movie report­ing from those behind the scenes.

Favreau’s tidbit tweets from Twitter March 27th, 2009

I’m quite enjoy­ing Favreau’s twit­ter­ing, it gives me that strange per­sonal win­dow into the Iron Man 2 pro­duc­tion cycle. Recent tweets of note to Iron Man followers,

Rehearsed today with Gwyneth. She looks ripped. I gotta read GOOP and see what the hell she’s eating.

Great rehearsal today with Gwyneth, RDJ [Robert Downey Jr.] and Don Cheadle.

Rehearsed today with Mr. Rock­well. http://​twit​pic​.com/​2​h​f93

Sam Rock­well is play­ing the multi-billionaire vil­lain Justin Ham­mer:

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