Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

The difficulty of finding a new studio October 28th, 2006

Vari­ety has a new arti­cle dis­cussing the issues and prob­lems Microsoft now faces with regards to find­ing a stu­dio and part­ner to fund and take the risk for the Halo movie adaptation.

The key studios:

  • Sony — As a huge rival to Microsoft this is sim­ply not an option.
  • New Line — Con­tin­ued dis­putes between Peter Jack­son, Fran Walsh and the stu­dio over “Lord of the Rings” pro­ceeds make any deal unlikely.
  • Dis­ney — Chief share­holder is Steve Jobs, CEO of another Microsoft rival Apple.
  • WB — Maybe inter­ested but have had a dif­fi­cult finan­cial year and may not be will­ing to front the risk.
  • Dream­works — A lonely option.
  • Para­mount — Another name not tied down to a rival of Microsoft.
  • Microsoft could go it alone, this would give them the best deal when it comes to prof­its and pro­ceeds yet they would also have to face all the risk involved with the project.