Movie Chronicles » Green Lantern Movie

Green Lantern movie to shoot in Mexico? October 11th, 2009

The orig­i­nal plan was to shoot the Green Lantern adap­ta­tion in Syd­ney, Aus­tralia — with shoot­ing set to begin in Novem­ber. Inside Film report that pro­duc­tion is expected to move to Mex­ico, cit­ing cur­rency changes as the pri­mary cause. This also over­rides another sug­gested change that would have seen the movie shoot­ing in Louisiana.

Shoot­ing in Aus­tralia would now add $20m to the film’s pro­duc­tion costs.

Warner Bros is under­stood to be prepar­ing to shift its Green Lantern pro­duc­tion to Mex­ico from Aus­tralia, where the boom­ing cur­rency has blown out costs.

The lat­est pro­posal over­rides recent plans to shift the film to the US state of Louisiana (as reported in the Octo­ber issue of INSIDEFILM) although a final deci­sion has yet to be made.

If the shoot does pro­ceed at Fox Stu­dios Aus­tralia it would add more than $US20 mil­lion to pro­duc­tion costs due to the ris­ing dol­lar, accord­ing to sources.

Comments 2 Responses to “Green Lantern movie to shoot in Mexico?”

cj March 26th, 2010

The movie is being filmed in New Orleans right now.

namesrsu November 25th, 2010

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