Movie Chronicles » Green Lantern Movie

Ryan Reynolds cast as The Green Lantern July 16th, 2009

After sev­eral rounds of cast­ing rumors that fea­tured Bradley Cooper, Chris Pine and Ryan Gosling, we have the semi-official announce­ment that Ryan Reynolds (The Pro­posal, Wolver­ine) is Hal Jordan.

Appar­ently Reynolds, who looks the part, screen tested along­side Bradley Cooper and Jared Leto, but the deci­sion between the three proved dif­fi­cult with direc­tor Mar­tin Camp­bell, pro­ducer Don­ald De Line and the stu­dio each hav­ing dif­fer­ent favorites.

We pre­vi­ously reported that shoot­ing would begin as early as Sep­tem­ber this year, it seems this has been pushed back to Jan­u­ary 2010, though still plan­ning on main­tain­ing the announced June 17th 2011 release date. The bud­get hasn’t yet been final­ized but is believed to be around $150m, the movie is set to film in Syd­ney, Australia.

A fan made image

This is fan art cre­ated by Josh MC. This is not real, it is fan art!

Thanks Greg!

Comments 9 Responses to “Ryan Reynolds cast as The Green Lantern”

Mike July 18th, 2009


HalJor­danis­bet­terthanJohn­stew­art July 24th, 2009

“Boo!” Really .. is it cause he’s white play­ing the white green lantern ?? i hope not .. besides John Stew­art is more of a Jus­tice League Mem­ber than a Green Lantern .. and you really can’t tell ANY of the GREEN LANTERN’s Story w/o telling Hals 1st .. Ryan Reynolds you bet­ter do a good job .. as Hal was my fav comic book hero grow­ing up

Max July 25th, 2009

Check out the Warner Bros. and TheWB​.com Cel­e­brate Comic-Con Sweep­stakes for a chance to win a custom-skinned Green Lantern Sony PSP!

Enter to win here:


Mike August 2nd, 2009

No, “Boo!” cause Ryan Reynolds is a hor­ri­ble choice for Hal Jor­dan. I’d pre­fer Chris Pine over Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jor­dan any day.

Eric Colden August 20th, 2009

BOOO because ryan reynolds is a sar­cas­tic per­son that doesnt belong play­ing a role this serious.Why dont peo­ple cre­ate new super­hero movies instead of ruin­ing char­ac­ters from the 80s and pre­vi­ous decades.wheres the tal­ent for new heros like spawn and besides him i dont see any­one else????

Superman8 September 3rd, 2009

i think reynolds was the wrong move. i like him as an actor, but in come­dies, not movies this seri­ous. i would have pre­ferred pine over reynolds. i really hope they don’t go in a more humor­ous direc­tion with the story now that he is attached.

Flash September 4th, 2009

Actu­ally, Ryan Reynolds should be the Flash not Green Lantern. Chris Pine would be ok but Bradely Cooper looks the part!

WillC September 6th, 2009

Agreed, “Boo!”.

He was hor­ri­ble, goofy, dumb type cocky in every­thing he plays. Let me think. Blade Trin­ity and then look at Wolver­ine. Same freak­ing char­ac­ter (dif­fer­ent skill set).

He has the atti­tude, a lit­tle of the look, but none of the things that make you think this guy is bril­liant enough to do the stuff that Hal Jor­dan would do with­out com­ing across as a stoner.

Jerry W October 11th, 2009

I agree with you Flash to a degree, I hope Ryan has the act­ing skill to pull this off. Eithe he or Chris Pine would fit But Bradely Cooper REALLY does look the part!
could they still have John Stew­art and some of the other GL’s as cameos in the movie? who would play Stewart?