Movie Chronicles » Green Lantern Movie

Green Lantern delayed six months until June 2011 May 7th, 2009

Mar­tin Campbell’s Green Lantern adap­ta­tion has been pushed back by six months, from Decem­ber 17th 2010 (announced in March ’09) to June 17th 2011. As far as we know, this has not affected plans to begin pro­duc­tion down under this fall. Rea­sons for the alter­ation haven’t been cited, some sug­ges­tions include more time for Campbell’s spe­cial effects or the WB’s new focus on the fran­chise — pitch­ing the big­ger project at a more com­pet­i­tive sum­mer block­buster date.

Green Lantern now appears to be in direct com­pe­ti­tion with the big 2011 releases; this move shines the Emer­ald light between the gaps cre­ated by Spider-man 4 and Marvel’s new­com­ers Thor and Cap­tain Amer­ica. Sum­mer 2011 looks like quite the super­hero overload.

Comments 9 Responses to “Green Lantern delayed six months until June 2011”

J. Wil­son May 16th, 2009

I just want to say if the news is right that I see here, then I am pretty upset!!! When I was grow­ing up, Green Lantern was a Black guy. In fact, he was the first Black super­hero that I could iden­tify with. There are very few Black super­heroes. What, Spawn and Han­cock — please!! No, not good enough. Aren’t there enough White super­heroes. Wow, what a let down.

D. Kot­tke May 24th, 2009

Alan Scott: First Green Lantern of Earth
Guy Gard­ner
JOHN STEWART: The only Black Green Lantern
Kyle Rayner: most recent Green Lantern (aka ION for a time in comics)

Know your Green Lantern his­tory or look it up on Wikipedia. John Stew­art (the one you remem­ber) came long after the movie’s time­frame. Maybe John will be in a sequel, who knows, but he wouldn’t be shown in Green Lantern: FIRST FLIGHT.


Leo July 22nd, 2009

Hal is the most renowned Green Lantern and the most fear­less. Alan Scott was the first, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner is per­haps the bridge that reborn Hal into a new era. Stew­art, Gard­ner and Jade where fillers dur­ing the Green Lantern trilogy.

PS: Han­cock was a movie off the wall. He does not exist in any comic or novel concepts.

And no, there have been other black Green Lanterns in var­i­ous cross over issues but where mostly go betweens dur­ing cer­tain series runs. Fatal­ity (black female) is now a Lantern in the Ring wars.

fatal­ity March 8th, 2010

Speak­ing of Fatal­ity (she is a great char­ac­ter) I wish they would bring her in before john stew­art she would make a great supervil­lan for green lantern. Want­ing to kill the entire corp, then she finds out john stew­art is the lantern that killed her home planet and she can be brought in again when he is. I would say rosario Daw­son would make a great fatality.

rid­dik March 26th, 2010

look its the first green lan­ern and he was white. wen the comics where made all the super­heros where white. ppl get facts straight the blakk greem lantern came way later on.

John May 5th, 2010

Okay, so let me pref­ace this by say­ing that I am happy that a Green Lantern movie is finally com­ing! The news on the web does not inspire me though.

Seri­ously? Ryan Reynolds was the best actor you could find to play Hal? I’m sure I can sit through Mark Strong and Blake Lively, but I really want to know exactly what role RR played that made you stop and think .…gee! he’d be a great pro­tec­tor of the uni­verse through his will?!

RARE May 20th, 2010

i think some of you are waaaaaaay 2 sen­si­tive– the note was NOT that Green Lantern was black, but the 1st black super­hero he could relate with– calm down… we ALL know the facts that ALL super­heros were white– but you cant say it wouldnt be kinda cool 2 see a great John Stew­art AND Hal Jor­dan…
the fact that Green Lantern is com­ing out is excit­ing enough– what you guys SHOULD be bitch­ing about is tooooo many remakes(such as ATEAM?) .… really?

frankiepb98 July 19th, 2010

Noo… I wanted John Stew­art Green Lantern!!! The one from the Car­toon Net­work Show that most peo­ple saw. I believe this com­pany did not learn any­thing from the cast­ing effect in past movies (Supe­man Returns, Last Air Ben­der, Dragon Ball…) I will not see this movie!!! And I am a fan :(

Balo­nius August 4th, 2010

If you won’t see this movie your AREN’T a fan. All I keep hear­ing is how Hol­ly­wood is racist, how John Stew­art is more inter­est­ing than Hal Jor­dan, how more peo­ple know of Stew­art because they watched the JLA car­toon, etc., etc. It’s all bull­shit. The fact is that Hal Jor­dan is the most sig­nif­i­cant Green Lantern of all time. They guy became Par­al­lax and anni­hi­lated almost the entire GLC all by him­self. He died and was cho­sen to be the host of The Specter. He was reborn and has led the charge against the Yel­low and, more recently, the Black Lanterns. I agree Stew­art is an awe­some char­ac­ter and he should be included in a sequel but he shouldn’t be the main GL in a movie adap­ta­tion. Hell, even Guy Gar­dener shouldn’t be the main GL and he was Abin Sur’s first choice.