Movie Chronicles » Green Lantern Movie

Chris Pine rumored to be inline for Hal Jordan role March 19th, 2009

We pre­vi­ously reported that Ryan Gosling could be inline to play The Green Lantern, since then the ante on the movie has upped — with the WB plac­ing all its chips in the green bas­ket, given the hes­i­ta­tion and fail­ings of the Super­man and Jus­tice League fran­chises — sug­gest­ing that the Green Lantern role might need re-evaluating.

The IESB are now report­ing a short list of pos­si­ble actors to play the main role, head­ing the list is Star Trek star (Cap­tain Kirk), Chris Pine. Jon Hamm, Sam Wor­thing­ton and Nathan Fil­lion have also been men­tioned. The WB are look­ing for ‘a man’s man under 30′.

We’ll clas­sify this one as rumor for now, espe­cially as Pine’s agent has declined to com­ment, how­ever with film­ing set to begin in Sep­tem­ber it shouldn’t be too long before we see an offi­cial announcement.

Comments 2 Responses to “Chris Pine rumored to be inline for Hal Jordan role”

Lu-Morgan April 16th, 2009

I think john stew­art would have been bet­ter than Hal Jor­dan…
I know hal jor­dan was the orig­i­nal GL… but some how john stew­art makes it look better.…

mmike April 26th, 2009

y cause hes black, i bet ur black to, you racist