Movie Chronicles » Green Lantern Movie


Green Lantern characters revealed in new posters July 27th, 2010

Warner Bros. have released 4 Comic-con Green Lantern char­ac­ter posters, show­ing Blake Lively as Carol Fer­ris, Mark Strong as Sine­stro, Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jor­dan and Peter Sars­gaard as Hec­tor Hammond.

Green Lantern logo revealed July 25th, 2010

Yet more news from SDCC, the offi­cial Green Lantern logo has been unveiled:

Abin Sur unveiled at SDCC July 25th, 2010

In the main WB booth at SDCC is the cof­fin and corpse of the pur­ple and fatally wounded Abin Sur.

First picture of Ryan Reynolds as The Green Lantern July 25th, 2010

On set Ryan Reynolds has been per­form­ing in a per­for­mance cap­ture suit, so until now, despite pic­tures cap­tured on set, no one has seen the suit. Until now. Enter­tain­ment Weekly got the exclu­sive, and their front cover is as fol­lows, show­ing the green light puls­ing out, as if behind lay­ers of mus­cle, as looks awe­some, with the excep­tion of the dodgy look­ing mask. With this suit being com­pletely CG, it’s plau­si­ble that it will con­stantly move, pulse and inter­act with Reynolds in very inter­est­ing ways.

Six fur­ther shots also show Blake Lively, Tim Rob­bins, Angela Bas­sett and Peter Sarsgaard.

More from the magazine

Ryan Reynolds cast as The Green Lantern July 16th, 2009

After sev­eral rounds of cast­ing rumors that fea­tured Bradley Cooper, Chris Pine and Ryan Gosling, we have the semi-official announce­ment that Ryan Reynolds (The Pro­posal, Wolver­ine) is Hal Jordan.

Appar­ently Reynolds, who looks the part, screen tested along­side Bradley Cooper and Jared Leto, but the deci­sion between the three proved dif­fi­cult with direc­tor Mar­tin Camp­bell, pro­ducer Don­ald De Line and the stu­dio each hav­ing dif­fer­ent favorites.

We pre­vi­ously reported that shoot­ing would begin as early as Sep­tem­ber this year, it seems this has been pushed back to Jan­u­ary 2010, though still plan­ning on main­tain­ing the announced June 17th 2011 release date. The bud­get hasn’t yet been final­ized but is believed to be around $150m, the movie is set to film in Syd­ney, Australia.

A fan made image

This is fan art cre­ated by Josh MC. This is not real, it is fan art!

Thanks Greg!

Green Lantern Movie Concept Art September 3rd, 2008

Illus­tra­tor Brian Mur­ray has posted some of his Green Lantern con­cept piece that he pitched for the movie adap­ta­tion; they were pre­sented to direc­tor Greg Berlanti’s “Berlanti Tele­vi­sion” as part of a pack­age. The images show Legion, Hal, a cos­tume change, Carol and Oa being flown towards.

Via C2F

Character list and plot details: Hal, Abin Sur, Sinestro, Legion, Hector Hammond August 31st, 2008

The IESB have had a chance to sit down with Greg Berlanti’s Green Lantern. After read­ing the screen­play through it appears that first impres­sions are very good; Berlanti and writ­ers Marc Guggen­heim and Michael Green have got the char­ac­ter just right. (Unlike some unmen­tion­able Jack Black treatment).

To setup the story, it opens with a narrative;

With the rev­e­la­tion of Oa and The Cen­tral Bat­tery with a voice over nar­ra­tion explain­ing that 1) there are extrater­res­tri­als that pro­tect the uni­verse, 2) they have power rings, 3) there are thou­sands of Green Lanterns and 4) one of us has become one of them.

Con­tin­u­ing, the plot arc fol­lows the ‘tra­di­tional’ Hal Jor­dan / Green Lantern route, mak­ing sure to include a bat­tle scene between Legion and Abin Sur; Sur’s crash­ing to Earth and the “choos­ing of Hal Jor­dan over Guy Gard­ner and Clark Kent”.

Abin Sur

IESB’s Robert Sanchez also reveals this list of char­ac­ters that are set to appear in the movie:

Mar­tin Jor­dan (Hal’s father)
Hal Jordan/Green Lantern
Thomas Kalmuka
Carl Fer­ris
Carol Fer­ris
Abin Sur
Thaal Sine­stro
The Guardians
Hec­tor Ham­mond

Cit­ing that the Sine­stro plot arc has changed some­what — in keep­ing with a setup story and stor­ing more for a pos­si­ble sequel. This leaves Hec­tor Ham­mond as the cen­tral threat to Earth. This script heav­ily focuses on the sci­ence fic­tion ele­ments — with inter­stel­lar travel and other galax­ies. Whilst the real­ity hit that the Dark Knight gave us may have swayed stu­dios away form the fan­tas­ti­cal, I’m sure with the release of Star Trek they’ll all be rush­ing to cash in on the next big scifi phe­nom­e­non; as fickle as this busi­ness is.

First word from the stu­dio exec’s is that this is good, no word of a bud­get yet but the mur­mur­ings are encouraging.

