Movie Chronicles » Ghostbusters III

Ghostbusters cast onboard for reboot March 28th, 2009

Harold Ramis sat down with MTV to talk about his lat­est project, “The Year One”, but — much to our sat­is­fac­tion, the con­ver­sa­tion also turned to Ghost­busters 3. Ramis con­firmed that all of the orig­i­nal Ghost­busters would have an appear­ance in the movie in some regard, includ­ing Bill Mur­ray as Peter Venkman:

“We’re all going to be in it in dif­fer­ent kinds of roles. […] We’re going to be the sage men­tors. There are going to be young Ghostbusters.”

I am a lit­tle appre­hen­sive about the term ‘young’ rather than ‘new’, I see child ghost-busting char­ac­ters and teen hero­ics — rem­i­nis­cent of the appalling Thun­der­birds movie adap­ta­tion. Cur­rently the rumors sur­round actors such as Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd, which is more the age I would expect.

As for the progress of the script being penned by Eisen­berg and Stup­nit­sky (The Office):

“Gene and Lee, both of whom I men­tored, are now writ­ing the new ‘Ghost­busters,’ […] I’m con­sult­ing with them, as is Dan Aykroyd and [orig­i­nal direc­tor] Ivan Reitman.

Nei­ther Ramis or Reit­man are expect­ing to direct GB3 which raises the next big ques­tion, who will?

“I’m sure we’re all hop­ing some­one else will do it,” the 64-year-old Ramis said. “It’s a lot of work!”