Movie Chronicles » Gears of War Movie

Gears of War movie update and fan art July 16th, 2009

News has been slow, and that’s an under­state­ment — it’s been almost a year. I apol­o­gize that the con­tent of the blog hasn’t been updated more often, but the truth of it is, there hasn’t been any news. The Gears of War movie has slipped into pro­duc­tion hell; we can only spec­u­late as to why — inter­est, finance and sched­ul­ing are some of the biggest contenders.

The video game adap­ta­tion as such is still in very early stages, despite hav­ing announced that Len Wise­man would direct; news that may no longer hold true given the length of time since the last update. We cer­tainly won’t be meet­ing the rumored 2010 Sum­mer release date, if pro­duc­tion ramped up this com­ing Jan­u­ary the best we could hope for is Spring 2011.

Some fan art

To lighten the mood a lit­tle I give you some fan art pro­duced by Brian Speer, depict­ing Batista as Mar­cus and also fea­tur­ing The Rock, inevitably, com­ments on this post will now turn into a cast­ing discussion.

Comments 38 Responses to “Gears of War movie update and fan art”

Akmal July 17th, 2009

Batista looks good as Mar­cus, Rock and Dom dont go. Franky G (saw 2) is good for dom

nathan July 17th, 2009

i think that the rock would play good as cole

Phil July 20th, 2009

I agree, Batista does look good as Mar­cus, Michael Clarke Dun­can as Cole!

Ste July 22nd, 2009

I agree with batista.…but i rekon Lester Speight for Cole (same guy who plays him in the games)

DavideRa­malo July 23rd, 2009

no no… no wrestlers, Dwayne John­son is fine but Batista and who­ever else will never see a movie with this bud­get, sorry to crush your dreams alit­tle… so no wrestlers, Id like this movie to be GOOD

Jacob July 24th, 2009

Nick Chun­lund — Mar­cus
Lester Speight — Cole ( i mean the guys BEEN in movies )
Car­los Bernard — Dom ( gonna have to bulk up tho )
Neal McDo­nough — Baird ( he could def­i­nitely be cocky )
Jason Scott Lee — Minh (gonna have to shave his head tho )

Justin July 28th, 2009

There was an update to the movie on IGN of them talk­ing about the movie, and that they are NOT cast­ing The Rock, that they are going to be cast­ing peo­ple who can act, then buff them up. not just pick buff guys and cast them.

joe July 28th, 2009

I agree no wrestlers and i think mickey rourke as marcus.

jeff July 29th, 2009

Yeah,Lester Speight is great. If his voice work in the game is the only thing you’ve seen from him, you need to find the office line­backer com­mer­cials he did and watch those, they are really funny.

Asu July 30th, 2009

they should use lester since like in my opin­ion no one can play cole as he does and he even looks like him

Danny Bee July 31st, 2009

Sorry if I’m com­ing off as a bit of a jerk, but there’s actu­ally been SEVERAL bits of news on this movie, since you last updated this blog. It looks, to me, that you more than likely dropped the ball. Of course, that’s what nor­mally hap­pens on these Movie Chron­i­cles sites…

Also, if they don’t cast Batista as Mar­cus, I’m gonna lose A LOT of respect for this movie.

Pis­tola August 6th, 2009


Dominic pur­cell as mar­cus. (as he can actu­ally act and looks like him)

Joel Alonso August 6th, 2009

Ok.…well the best cast for Gears of War is gotta be.

Mar­cus Fenix=Dave Batista or Nick Chin­lund if not Clive Owen
Dom=Franky G
Baird=Neal McDo­nough Or Val Kilmer if not Brian Van Holt
Cole Train=Mighty Rasta
Kim Old Man=Russell Wong

talen seya August 10th, 2009


TALEN SEYA August 10th, 2009


SashaSix August 11th, 2009

I watched my fiancé play this game before I ever tried it myself (it was awe­some) but any­way, I always thought Mar­cus looks and sounds like Nick Chin­lund. We’d watch Rid­dick after play­ing and I just couldn’t get him out of my head. I thought that if they made this into a movie Nick fit perfect!

joel August 21st, 2009

john­nie walker August 25th, 2009

batista looks cool but needs the scars.. the real guy who does the voice for cole should also play him.. they fea­ture him on xplay some­times his frickin huge so it makes sense

Reaks September 2nd, 2009

Ger­ard but­ler as mar­cus
He’s the best actor that looks like him

per­son September 2nd, 2009

no wrestlers and VIN DEASIL does have a deep voice

smart September 8th, 2009

wwe dave batista is a spit­ting image of mar­cus fenix cant u sad idiots see that​.no one else comes close.nick chun­land and vin deasil what the hell u peo­ple on we want a decent film not a pile of junk deasil cant act he crap and as for chun­land who the hell is he.Batista has the per­fect look for mar­cus and right build fact​.so thats all there is to it simple

JmAn220 September 25th, 2009

I think Batista would make an awe­some Marcus.

Big Ro October 5th, 2009

Cole train is BLACK!!! not WHITE

cody October 8th, 2009

vin deasil cant play mar­cus just like he shouldnt have played in the fast and furi­ous movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason October 9th, 2009

Ger­ard but­ler as mar­cus
Lester Speight as Cole

No con­test

How about…
Ryan Reynolds as baird
R. Lee Ermey as Hoff­man
Jes­sica Alba as Anya Stroud
Vin Diesel as Dom

Although Batista does look like Mar­cus he would be too big. I think Lester Speight is only 6’4 or 6’5 and Batista is 6’6. From what I can see, Cole is much big­ger than every­one else.

Krissy November 3rd, 2009

No offense though, I think both would be good play­ing Mar­cus, I think that John Tra­volta would make a bet­ter Mar­cus for one thing, Mar­cus kind of looks like john but tougher, its not such a far out thing if John was Mar­cus. But then again its my opinion.

Dyheart November 12th, 2009

I got all the COG tags on part 1,I got all the col­lec­tabals on part 2 but will there ever be a part 3?.….….….also I got RAAM

Dyheart November 13th, 2009

But wait.….who plays carmine?

Swm­nYin December 15th, 2009

I’ve always thought Nick Chin­lund was the real-life coun­ter­part to Mar­cus. He not only bears a strik­ing resem­blance to Mar­cus, but his voice is also pretty damn awe­some. He may have had small roles in movies, but he’s showed his act­ing chops in some roles he took in tele­vi­sion shows, most notably the ser­ial pedophile/killer on Law & Order: SVU. He can def­i­nitely act.

human April 8th, 2010

i think mickey rourke should play mar­cus he even has the f’n beard already

spliff­man May 18th, 2010

lester is the only one to play cole, i mean look at him , they had to have picked the best guy for the job.please i beg you no wrestlers not only can they not act but their going to attract the wrong kind of fan, i dont want to get labeled with red necks and retards. ryan renalds for baird i agree. jason scott lee for kim , nathon fil­lion for mar­cas, you dont have to “buff” up an actor when their wair­ing 80 pounds of armour.

Drew117 June 14th, 2010

Marcus-Mickey Rourke
Dom-Dave Batista
Baird-Kevin Durand(dude who played the blob in x-men ori­gins but before he was fat)
Cole-Lester Speight
Carmine-Jason long
but thats just my poinion

B-ray June 20th, 2010

really batista would be a bad choice to play as mar­cus in my opin­ion. Pro wrestlers in movies is never a good thing. The marine was a decent movie but it just didnt really sell even with john cena. and ger­ard but­ler is a no-go, great actor a lot of tal­ent but it just wouldnt look like mar­cus. vin desiel i would have to say no also. Nick chin­lund looks the part but the voice just isnt right, and jason scott lee “could” pos­si­bly make a pretty decent Kim, and drew kevin durand as baird is a def­i­nite “hell no” no offense but i agree that ryan reynolds would be the way to go if they can get him.

Eric June 22nd, 2010

Mar­cus– Chris­t­ian Bale. Bat­man voice very sim­il­iar to mar­cus fenix
Dom– Frankie G
Baird– Paul walker
Cole– Lester speight
Kim– Jason scott lee
Tai– Dwayne john­son did u see the movie awards looked just like him
Carmine– James franco
Hoff­man– Tom sizemore

gears-of-war-horde July 17th, 2010

actors who are gonna be in the movie have to act & be buff just like the char­ac­ters in the game so here are my picks for the gears of war movie:

Fenix — Dominic Pur­cell (Prison Break, Blade: Trin­ity) or Sam Wor­thing­ton (Avatar, Ter­mi­na­tor: Sal­va­tion) I think Batista could play the part that dude is freakin huge!!

Dom — Dwayne “The Rock” John­son (The Scor­pion King, Walk­ing Tall)… See More

Baird — Ryan Reynolds (Blade: Trin­ity, Plays Dead­pool in X-Men Origins)

Cole — Terry Crews (Every­body Hates Chris, White Chicks) or Lester Speight (Voice of Cole in Gears of War video game)

Anya — Jes­sica Biel (Blade: Trin­ity, The A-Team) or Lau­rie Holden (Plays Olivia Mur­ray in the TV series The Sheild)

i think i have pretty cool picks but i think there are other actresses that can play the role of Anya. i just can’t think of any­one else.

joce­lyn osiris January 28th, 2011

mmm k lindo c b batista mmm bueno el ziem­pre c bera azip
k padre k actue k bn x el lo mejores deseos para el..

GoW­Biggest­Fan February 8th, 2011

CHOOSE A BUNCH OF UNKNOWN BODYBUILDERS Do not get any douche bags to play the part.

Do it PREDATOR style and you’ll have a time­less bad ass hit.