Movie Chronicles » Conan

Roland Kickinger the new Conan? June 24th, 2009

Risky Busi­ness Blog are report­ing that Conan direc­tor Mar­cus Nis­pel, Lion­s­gate and Nu Image/Millennium have found their new Conan star, and he’s a dead ringer for Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The 41 year old body builder from Aus­tria (yeah, you read that right), has recently become an actor; he played a T-800 in Ter­mi­na­tor Sal­va­tion. He’s also played a Conan era Arnie in a biopic enti­tled “See Arnold Run”. Are these par­al­lels begin­ning to scare you?

Shoot­ing is set to begin this fall, some­where in Bulgaria.

Comments 3 Responses to “Roland Kickinger the new Conan?”

Sean August 16th, 2009

I can’t wait to check out this new film. I’m glad it is back on track now although 2010 is an ambi­tious date to meet if film­ing begins now. Marto Swords From Spain has the entire Conan line of swords!

ren September 5th, 2009

Please have this stick true to howards writ­ing and this could be so awsome.

hel­met February 9th, 2010

i higly doubt the Conan remake will be any­thing like the orig­i­nal. and anoth­erthing is that chap above wouldnt fit the bill