Movie Chronicles » Conan

Conan lead should be an unknown February 19th, 2009

Speak­ing with MTV, Brett Rat­ner revealed that he expects the new Conan lead to be an unknown actor with the poten­tial to be iconic:

“I believe it should be an unknown,” Rat­ner hinted to MTV News. “Conan is kind of iconic. It’s kind of like when you do Superman.”

“Grow­ing up, my favorite comic book was ‘Conan,’” added Rat­ner. “[It] was the first comic book I ever read.”

How­ever, Rat­ner is well aware that tak­ing the reins on an all-new “Conan” project is a task wor­thy of the bar­bar­ian him­self. After all, the orig­i­nal series of films hold a spe­cial place in fanyboy’s hearts, and replac­ing Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger in the title role is darn-near sac­ri­lege. But Rat­ner, ever the opti­mist, believes the time is right for “Conan” to pil­lage the local mul­ti­plex once again.

“Look, it’s dif­fi­cult to fill those shoes,” insisted Rat­ner, “But they came up with a new Bat­man, they came up with a new James Bond, you know?”

Comments 3 Responses to “Conan lead should be an unknown”

ralf June 14th, 2009

DRASKO ANDJIC from bar­bar­ian land of SERBIA,is the best unknown actor for new CONAN

John November 19th, 2009

It should be an unkown that can actu­ally act and not some over­grown mus­cle bound freak or A-list preppy boy.

Rod February 8th, 2010

I think the Rock would make a great Conan! Just my opinion.