Movie Chronicles » Bioshock - The Movie

Verbinski downplays BioShock movie June 2nd, 2009

A short while back we thought we had the green light on BioShock’s pro­duc­tion — Gore Verbin­ski was dis­card­ing the Pirates 4 project and every­thing looked set to go. Shortly after Uni­ver­sal put the project on hold because of spi­ral­ing bud­gets of +£160m.

Now Verbin­ski tells the LA Times:

The bot­tom line is [BioShock] has to shoot out of the States for bud­get rea­sons and my sched­ule may be pro­hib­i­tive. There’s a great script and a really inter­est­ing cast. It really comes down to the finan­cial model now. Big movies are just not being shot in the States. I’m weigh­ing whether I can phys­i­cally go the U.K. or Aus­tralia or one of those other places with a tax rebate for a year-and-a-half.

It’s now highly ques­tion­able that Gore Verbin­ski will even­tu­ally helm the BioShock adaptation.

Comments 12 Responses to “Verbinski downplays BioShock movie”

pop​urls​.com // pop­u­lar today June 16th, 2009

pop​urls​.com // pop­u­lar today…

story has entered the pop­u­lar today sec­tion on pop​urls​.com…

Shawn June 27th, 2009

Why!!!! hes soo self­ish! its soo not far what a prick! does he ever think of any­one else but him self!

www​.buy​d​vdezy​.com July 8th, 2009

Why!!!! hes soo self­ish! its soo not far what a prick! does he ever think of any­one else but him self!

The reseon is very easy、

John July 31st, 2009

dude it is far because it would cost a crap load of money to get the cast and crew out of the states, and the cost of mak­ing the setting/ mak­ing the set­ting look like it’d underwater.

Drew August 9th, 2009

I think it would look just fine if they green screened it like 300 or ani­mated like the Final Fan­tasy movies.

Zack September 27th, 2009

NO WAY CGI that would def­i­nitely suck major butt. the final fan­tasy movies had to have been some of the worst movies i’ve ever had the dis­plea­sure of see­ing.
This is a movie you can DEFINITELY NOT screw up by corny graphics.

jonathan October 28th, 2009

what about ani­ma­tion like dead space?

Zame March 3rd, 2010

why not some­thing like Avatar?

sam March 28th, 2010

i won­der how Andrew Ryan would look in a diver suit.

I3I2I1IKABOOM! March 31st, 2010

I think this will be GREAT! I really loved the games, I just hope you can find the money to do this movie Gore!

Uzuki July 14th, 2010

I under­stand the lack of money and I can fix it. I hope that the film was in 2011 .. I read some­where that it would be until 2013 .. much more time, but, if so, is it worth it. STAFF GO! BioShock GO!

I love Bioshock xD I WANT THE MOVIE!.

BioShockFan1 October 31st, 2010

Im really look­ing for­ward to this movie! It’d bet­ter not be an ani­ma­tion though. It has to be using the actors and no kind of voice over car­toons. And the spe­cial effects need to be like the qual­ity of trans­form­ers the movie. Its such a good game, Gore Verbin­ski bet­ter not screw it up. But good luck .