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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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On Set Shots July 15th, 2007

First up, Super­Hero­Hype have some stun­ning shots of The Dark Knight’s gotham props and Gary Oldman:

Next up, ShawnW has some spoiler-ish shots of a major action event from the Dark Knight, check out his flickr gallery.

And thirdly, Noir has posted an exclu­sive set report with pic­tures over at the Super­Hero­Hype forums. The report includes descrip­tions of Heath as The Joker, and this image:

A week in Gotham July 15th, 2007

Well, I had to take a brief time out from the inter­net this past week, mean­ing the site didn’t have its reg­u­lar 2 posts-a-day update. Sorry about that folks. But it is now time to get back to business.

A lit­tle late, Hol­ly­wood Chicago had the week’s street clo­sure sched­ule (and hence film­ing sched­ule?). What still may be rel­e­vant is this information:

On Sun­day, July 15
Upper Wacker (from Van Buren to Adams) 6 to 9:30 p.m.
Jack­son (from Canal to Franklin) 6 to 9:30 p.m.
Lower Wacker (from Har­ri­son to Michi­gan) from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Super­Hero­Hype con­tin­ues to wade in with more and more scooper set reports, here’s their lat­est stock:

First Report:

Hey guys, I live in the sub­urbs out­side of Chicago and I decided to check out the film­ing last night due to that awe­some detailed scoop. Any­way, I made it down­town and found TDK film­ing. I came away with some really excit­ing infor­ma­tion, but was not allowed to take any pic­tures. They were film­ing a chase scene involv­ing garbage trucks and GPD, but more inter­est­ingly appar­ently they’ve been work­ing on this chase scene for about 25 days and are say­ing that it will outdo the 15 minute high­way scene in the Matrix Reloaded. Well, that’s all I got last night, I’m going back tonight to because they are appar­ently blow­ing up a fire truck and/or dump­ing a car in the river. I’ll try harder to get pic­tures this time.

Sec­ond Report:

They seem to have a whole set up over by the WGN stu­dios on Addi­son. As I walked out of the build­ing I saw a ton of white semi trail­ers with RFK all over them. I also man­aged to get a photo of the Bat­pod stored in a lit­tle white trailer with a white pick up on the front. I think they had some set build­ing in a whare­house nearby too. There was lots of guys build­ing some big wooden sec­tions. I also saw a guy rid­ing a red and white scooter that was almost child sized.

They also posted some of The Dark Knight’s tie-ins, includ­ing an animé style fea­ture set between Bat­man Begins and The Dark Knight, a video game, lots of new prod­ucts and comic book adap­ta­tion of the film by DC comics.

In other news, Chris­t­ian Bale appeared on Char­lie Rose, to pro­mote Res­cue Dawn:

And here’s another Chris­t­ian Bale quote con­cern­ing The Dark Knight, from another source:

It’s now the ques­tion of the bur­den and toll of what he’s doing, the ques­tion can this be a finite endeav­our. Is this some­thing that has an end? Can he quit and have an ordi­nary life? The kind of manic inten­sity some­one has to have to main­tain the pas­sion and the anger that they felt as a child, takes an effort after awhile, to keep doing that. At some point, you have to exor­cise your demons. That’s what I love about Bat­man. There’s so much that is about char­ac­ter.News­day

Maggie Gyllenhaal Talks Batman July 8th, 2007

The British news­pa­per The Guardian have an inter­view and arti­cle about Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal, in which she has said this about film­ing The Dark Knight,

Doing Bat­man has shocked me at every turn. When I started, I thought, ‘Well, it’s a huge movie, I’ll just do my best to put what I can into it.’ But, in fact, they’ve been really hun­gry for my ideas, for my views. It’s great! They’ve been ask­ing for more!

In the time since our last update Chris­t­ian Bale has been active in Wayne’s pent­house, check out some of the spoiler reports here. Hol­ly­wood Chicago also report that the film­ing of a chase scene shall soon commence.

Film Ick also have a HUGE stonker of a SPOILER con­cern­ing some vil­lains we might see in The Dark Knight.

There’s also this “Rory’s First Kiss” Cast­ing call. Ahem.

Michael Jai White (aka Spawn) lands Gamble role July 4th, 2007

MTV had the scoop on this one,

The role of “Gam­ble” has offi­cially gone to Michael Jai White, the mus­cu­lar mar­tial artist/stuntman/actor best known for roles in such films as “Spawn” and “Exit Wounds.” Thomas and Roven also cleared up fan con­fu­sion over who, exactly, the bad­die is, explain­ing that Gam­ble is one of sev­eral mob bosses attempt­ing to take over Gotham’s streets now that Carmine Fal­cone (Tom Wilkin­son in the first ‘Bat­man’ flick) is out of the picture.

Batman Spoiler Scene July 3rd, 2007

Super­Hero­Hype once again pro­vides the punch for the party, hid­den as it’s a spoiler:

I am a lawyer who prac­tices in Chicago, and specif­i­cally the Richard J. Daley Cen­ter down­town. I learned from one of the court clerks who told me that Bat­man was film­ing in court­room 1501, a very pop­u­lar (for attor­neys) and large court room in the Daley Cen­ter — no jury trial are sched­uled in this room but it man­ages many cases. All the com­put­ers were removed — so with all the pews and hard wood in the room, I would guess that they filmed a part of the movie to make it more like an old fash­ioned courtroom.

Urban Semi­otic are also run­ning a Chicago to Gotham arti­cle with some Wabash bridge film­ing pictures.

More TDK Spoilers from Chicago July 2nd, 2007

Hol­ly­wood Chicago have two huge but spoiler filled scoops. These can be seen after the break…

In other news, Thread­less have just announced a sexy new Bat­man t-shirt:

Batman T-shirt

Read the rest of this entry »

The Daily News July 1st, 2007

Noth­ing really major to read about today, here are the links of interest:

Extra71807 has pro­vided Super­Hero­Hype with a spoiler filled set report:

I was an extra on the set of The Dark Knight on Wednes­day the 27th. I was cast as an evac­uee and we shot our first scene down­town around 9:30am as if evac­u­at­ing Gotham City. We then returned to Navy Pier where we shot a scene with us evac­uees board­ing two large ships with tons of green screens around! We were told the green screens would be used to “build” the rest of the ships and to add in explo­sions cause by The Joker.

The Daily POP has some can­did Bat­man footage.

A new inter­view with Chris­t­ian Bale

“The script leaves room for a very inter­est­ing follow-up, too,” Bale says of the poten­tial for a third film. “I think we could take it some­where else.”

Some dif­fer­ent on set shots of Chris­t­ian Bale — this time read­ing a Newspaper.

Here is a spec­tac­u­lar shot from the Wabash Bridge film­ing via Flickr.

Report from “Twin Anchors” filming June 29th, 2007

Tony sent this in to us, beware of spoilers,

Just saw them wrap up shoot­ing in the Old Town neigh­bor­hood in Chicago. Pro­duc­tion trail­ers were every­where! They filmed scenes ear­lier today at a bar called “Twin Anchors” and then just filmed another scene up the street involv­ing a Mer­cedes E-Class. There was an older lady sit­ting the driver’s seat (in front of a nice brown­stone) and it appeared that the car had been hit/partially blown up. The coolest part was that there were play­ing cards EVERYWHERE! Didn’t see any sig­nif­i­cant actors but I did see Nolan, who was dressed nicely as usual.

We should have some pic­tures com­ing soon.

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