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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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Filming Location Report Part Deux July 25th, 2007

Tony came back to tell us this lit­tle bit of juicy gos­sip (beware, spoil­ers ahead):

Was walk­ing around today on Randolph/Washington and saw a brand new, Black Corvette Z06 parked with all of the trail­ers. On the dash­board there was a yel­low sign that said some­thing to the effect of “This car is to be used in film­ing. City of Chicago..blah, blah, blah.” I’ve heard that a new Lam­borgh­ini is sup­posed to be in the film but am curi­ous about the use of the Z06.

I also ran into some “secu­rity guards” when I was check­ing out the Bat­mo­biles and they told me that they filmed a scene the other night where The Joker jumped off of a building!

And today he sent this infor­ma­tion in:

On my way in to work this morn­ing I noticed “No Park­ing signs 7/26–7/30 for Film­ing” all over LaSalle, par­tic­u­larly head­ing South towards the CBOT. Also heard that a very explo­sive scene will be filmed Thurs­day night on Wells & Wacker.

X-Realms have also posted this film­ing report from El Eshoo:

The crew was set­ting up at a place where every­one can look down from the street above and just gawk. Lots of peo­ple in SWAT gear and what looked like Joker hench­men (assum­ing since they were in long black hooded robes and their faces sort of looked in makeup).

In this area were SWAT vehi­cles, Cop SUV’s, the Joker Semi (with bul­let holed wind­shield). A lot of crew peo­ple were wan­der­ing around get­ting ready for tonight’s shoot. Nolan was on hand to chat with crew and actors. Just then, from up the road, Gary Old­man comes run­ning up to the mid­dle where Nolan is stand­ing, stops with a hop, throws his arms out jok­ingly as if to say “Tah-Dah … I’m Here!” It was kinda goofy but funny.

Old­man (com­plete with that cheesy mus­tache) was putting on SWAT gear as well. So, I’m guess­ing he might be involved with the Joker/Semi chase. There was a SWAT Truck rigged with a cam­era in the pas­sen­ger win­dow and the SWAT truck was hitched behind a camera/main truck (where Nolan and com­pany can sit and direct. Just then, the Secu­rity told us to scoot since they were about to film.

I then decided to walk to Mon­roe St (on Upper Wacker, where rumored film­ing was to occur) to see what was up. There were peo­ple with Walkie-talkies about and fig­ured this was the spot. That’s when the rigged SWAT truck and some Gotham Police escort came down the road from the area we were just at. Basi­cally, what they did was did repeat street runs of the SWAT Truck and Police cars dri­ving from Upper Wacker to Lower Wacker via the ramp that heads down there. They did this over and over … noth­ing excit­ing. I guess this is what they meant by the “street level” film­ing that was to occur that night.

I headed back to the River (to view Lower Wacker stuff) to se what was up there. Saw some Tum­blers (2 were uncov­ered) down below but never saw them in action all night. Walked to where I’d seen the Bat­pods nights before. There were 3 of them (2 uncov­ered and 1 cov­ered). Never saw the Bat­pod in action either. In fact, when I returned later, all 3 were cov­ered. I didn’t stay all night so per­haps there were scenes shot in the wee morn­ing hours.

They did shoot some scenes on Lower Wacker with the Joker Semi and the SWAT Truck rid­ing along side (on other side of median) giv­ing chase. There were loud explo­sion sounds as they went by but it was dif­fi­cult to see exactly what they were from since there wasn’t any fire or bright light or smoke or any­thing. Also, pop­ping noises (gun fire) were heard, too.

Later on, they just made passes on Lower Wacker with only the SWAT Truck and some GPD cars. Noth­ing too crazy. For most of the night, I played good Samar­i­tan to peo­ple by telling them where to gawk at the Bat­mo­bile. I’m nice like that.

Be sure to check out the new can­did shots from Bat­man on Film and Hol­ly­wood Chicago

Dark Knight Teaser Trailer Description July 23rd, 2007

Super­Hero­Hype got the scoop again (via ‘BDE’) with this one, a report of what we shall be see­ing in the upcom­ing offi­cial video release — how accu­rate this is we’ll have to wait and see:

I have seen The Dark Knight Teaser. I don’t want to reveal everything…

It starts out with the WB logo grac­ing the screen, fol­lowed by the DC logo and the Leg­endary pic­tures logo. The screen goes black.

It opens back up as a com­mer­cial paid for by the friends of Har­vey Dent. We are shown shots of him talk­ing, mak­ing pub­lic speeches, and walk­ing in a suit, while a deep voice comes on and talks about Har­vey Dent. A generic politi­cian commercial.

What seems to be halfway through the com­mer­cial, it is inter­rupted by sta­tic, and blacks out. Out of nowhere a crys­tal clear image comes onto the screen of a blacked out man with large win­dows behind him. The cam­era slowly zooms in on him. He’s talk­ing (about what I won’t say) and as he fin­ishes he begins laugh­ing. Light­ning strikes, light­ing up his face, as the laugh­ter grows more manic. Cut to black.

The Bat­man Begins (now The Dark Knight’s bat) emblem is shown with the words The Dark Knight. Then it says Sum­mer 2008 and has the web­site at the bottom.

What is said… is a sur­prise that I must keep for now. It gave me chills.

Filming Location Reports July 20th, 2007

Our read­ers are report­ing on a num­ber of pos­si­ble film­ing loca­tions in Chicago, firstly Tony sent this in,

It looks as if they were film­ing at City Hall in Chicago today.  I walked by dur­ing my lunch break and there was a trailer with crew parked in front.  There was also a black Dodge Charger with the Gotham plates on it as well.  Didn’t see any film­ing but saw RFK stuff all over the city.

And later this from Brian,

There has been some film crew activ­ity in the past week on lower Ran­dolph by the Patrillo Band­shell and AON build­ings.  This morn­ing, some cars were parked along the curb with no license plates, and they were bumper to bumper.  I’m won­der­ing now if this is related to the Bat­man filming.

Maybe we’ll be get­ting some more great images from The Dark Knight very shortly,  and only 7 days to go until the teaser trailer. Keep your Bat­man scoops com­ing in, your news fuels this site.

Videos of Batpod in action July 18th, 2007

Not much to say on this one, just sit back, lis­ten to the revs and check out the brief clips:

Via Comics2film

And one more to boot:

More of Heath Ledger as The Joker July 17th, 2007

TRAGIC UPDATE: The Joker, Heath Ledger found dead 

Seems like Heath Ledger has been doing quite a bit of film­ing as of late, as well as some skate­board­ing it seems. First up, MyFox­Chicago has three can­did videos of The Dark Knight, show­ing The Joker and the tum­bler (Batmobile).

In an alto­gether dif­fer­ent loca­tion LatinoReview’s scooper Kava­lier 149 has snapped this great shot — at last we can see the tra­di­tional Joker attire (see full arti­cle for spoiler pictures).

Read the rest of this entry »

The Joker pictured on Set July 15th, 2007

type­orocks and Laura have been out and about once more, pro­vid­ing exclu­sive Bat­man set reports. This time he comes back with pic­tures… mas­sive pic­tures. These are pretty spoiler filled so to see them you need to view the full article.

Read the rest of this entry »

Dark Knight Teaser Trailer — July 27th July 15th, 2007

Note this on your cal­en­dars, this will be the first big video — a must watch. Joblo, Super­Hero­Hype and now a num­ber of other online news out­lets have con­firmed through their asso­ci­ated sources that with Warner Brother’s The Simp­sons movie, in selected screen­ings, they will pre­view the first teaser trailer of The Dark Knight on July 27th, coin­cid­ing with the Warner Bros. day at Comic Con 2007 — a mere coincidence?

Let’s wait and see!

Aaron Eckhart talks Harvey Dent July 15th, 2007

Latino Review have posted a clip from an inter­view with Aaron Eck­hart in which he briefly dis­cusses TDK.

“There are some peo­ple here with poi­son darts so I can’t talk about Bat­man,” Eck­hart joked before adding. “I love the script and I wanted to do the movie.”

And what about the other incar­na­tion of Har­vey Dent? How does Aaron feel about that? “I feel one is com­pletely dif­fer­ent from the other,” he answered. “I don’t have to do what Tommy Lee Jones did.”

Next up we have an inter­view via MTV’s Movie Blog, this one has the bomb-shell confirmation:

“I play Harvet Dent. Har­vey Two-Face. They are both in the movie. […] There are a few scenes I am dying to do. We’ve done a few…but the scene that I really want to do is in Octo­ber.” So who appears in said scene? Is it Har­vey or Two-Face? We coyly asked Eck­hart if he’ll be in heavy make-up that day and, respond­ing with a grin, he said, “I don’t know. There might be anger involved. There might be tears. It might be a cathar­tic day. It might be a lot of love.”

And thirdly Dark Hori­zons had a chat too, here’s an excerpt per­tain­ing to what he likes about play­ing Har­vey Dent:

Well there’s sev­eral hooks for me, none of which I can talk about, but I will say that I like the char­ac­ter. I like play­ing this guy. This guy has like­able attrib­utes, char­ac­ter­is­tics. And it really, as in this whole Bat­man going through it, it’s really a mir­ror of our times in a lot of ways. It’s a com­ment on what’s going on in the world today. And my char­ac­ter fits into that really nicely. And everybody’s char­ac­ter does from Lieu­tenant Gor­don to the Joker. I guess Bat­man is just try­ing to make sense of what’s going on and try­ing to fight a fight that maybe he doesn’t totally under­stand.

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