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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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New Joker Footage August 3rd, 2007

My Fox Chicago are back with more can­did videos and pho­tog­ra­phy from this week’s filming.

And for the videos, the first shows the scene being shot in the above images and can be found here. The sec­ond video is from a slightly dif­fer­ent angle.

“We’ve got more behind-the-scenes footage from the ongo­ing pro­duc­tion of Bat­man: The Dark Knight going on right now in Chicago. These are from overnight last night into this morning.

In these clips, you can see Heath Ledger dressed as The Joker prepar­ing for a scene, and in the link after that, video of the scene being produced.”

Thanks for the heads up Steve.

Michael Caine returns from Chicago August 2nd, 2007

… and finds the time to update his web­site. The words about Heath Ledger are par­tic­u­larly encouraging.

I have just got back from my sec­ond trip to Chicago where I am shoot­ing “Bat­man”, my jet lag has gone so I feel like updat­ing this site.

I have one more stint in Chicago in a month time, then I will be fin­ished on the 2nd “Bat­man” the great rev­e­la­tion of work­ing on this is Heath Ledger who plays the “The Joker”. I have seen him on film and I have worked with him and I must say it is quite an extra­or­di­nary performance.

Via Bat­MovieNews

Exclusive Video and Images from TDK Set August 2nd, 2007

These were sent into us in the early hours of this morn­ing, thanks to Knightwing10-43, he has trav­elled to each of the film­ing loca­tions. Let us show you the pic­tures of the Bat­mo­bile before you watch the videos:

The first video shows a close-up of The Dark Knight’s Bat­mo­bile, as it is loaded onto its trailer:

Sec­ondly we have a brief clip of the events from Wacker Drive:

And thirdly, two great videos show­ing the Bat­pod in high speed action with the wind bel­low­ing in Batman’s cloak (they are slightly different):

Let’s throw some more media into the mix, Freak Comics have a nice set of images show­ing that one par­tic­u­larly inter­est­ing burnt out vehi­cle, of which Todd Burbo has some more, whilst twobitme has some pic­tures of an entirely dif­fer­ent bashed up vehi­cle.

Dark Knight Filming Locations this week August 1st, 2007

Well, here are the street clo­sures in Chicago for what is now the August shoot­ing sched­ule. If you spot any­thin, be sure to send us the good news.

Rory’s First Kiss (Bat­man) film­ing for all of this week (Wed-Sun) is at LaSalle & Adams.

Night time clo­sures are as follows:

Wed (8/1) through Sun (8/5) LaSalle & Adams; 6:30 pm– 5:00 am

Full Clo­sure of LaSalle between Jack­son & Madison

Full Clo­sure of Adams between Clark & Wells

Full Clo­sure of Mon­roe between Clark & Wells

via SHH

Total Film interview Christian Bale August 1st, 2007

In the upcom­ing month’s issue of Total Film there lies a mam­moth Chris­t­ian Bale inter­view. Full page scans of this inter­view can be found here. It makes for a good read. There’s a lot of infor­ma­tion in here, from the type of char­ac­ter Heath Ledger is turn­ing the Joker into (“punk rock”), to sto­ries of scenes filmed and this choice quote:

Total Film Cover

Via Bat­MovieNews

Batpod Video The Second August 1st, 2007

Just a video of the vehi­cle in action, could be con­sid­ered a spoiler. We get to see the bat suit bel­low­ing in the wind on this one though. This is from film­ing on July 29th:

Hans Zimmer discusses Batman’s theme tune August 1st, 2007

Super­Hero­Hype have an exclu­sive inter­view with Hans Zim­mer and here is what he had to say about our Dark Knight:

The biggest news from Mr. Zim­mer, who told us that he’s “play­ing around” and “get­ting some ideas” is the fact that he’s craft­ing a new Bat­man theme for the sec­ond movie in the relaunched fran­chise. “It’s going to evolve,” He told us. “There is a big Bat­man theme which I was play­ing with for the last one, but I always felt the char­ac­ter hadn’t earned it yet, so I just want to go and play around, and I now want to go and com­plete that theme, so that’s part of the idea. I felt I had a good start, and now it would be really nice to develop that world a lit­tle further.” 

Rent a Clown July 31st, 2007

Why So Seri­ous has departed, and in its wake has left behind a cheesy grinned clown site, right out of the bygone era of Geoc­i­ties. Quite annoy­ingly, the high res­o­lu­tion down­load links of the Dark Knight Teaser Trailer have been removed.

After the break we have some more on set images from Chicago, warn­ing, Spoil­ers ahead… Read the rest of this entry »

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