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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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Battersea Power Station Explosion for TDK October 12th, 2007

This was a turn up for the books. Unlike the well antic­i­pated Chicago demo­li­tion, this explo­sion came com­pletely unprompted and minus the live video footage, heli­copter feed and local photographers.

How­ever, The Lon­don Paper were on scene to cap­ture some images and make a com­pre­hen­sive report, to our delight.

Battersea Power Station Explosion for The Dark Knight

The emer­gency ser­vices were flooded with calls from local res­i­dents who feared the defunct elec­tric­ity gen­er­at­ing plant had been tar­geted by terrorists.

But they were reas­sured the 200ft fire­ball, accom­pa­nied by columns of grey smoke, which could bee seen for miles across the cap­i­tal, was a spe­cial effect for the lat­est Bat­man film.

SPOILER: The spec­tac­u­lar stunt scene, in which Bat­man actor Chris­t­ian Bale nar­rowly cheats death, is believed to be the open­ing sequence of the fifth caped cru­sader movie The Dark Knight.

Res­i­dent Marck Jason, 24, of Bat­tersea, said: “I was gob­s­macked. I was just walk­ing home and saw this bloody huge explosion.

“Obvi­ously my first thought was that it was a ter­ror­ist attack and I dialled 999.

“I know it’s sort of cool that the place is being used for a film, as its a bril­liant build­ing, but a bit of warn­ing wouldn’t have hurt.”

If any­one has more from the scene we’d love to hear from you!

Via Daily Mail

Gotham City Vehicles Spotted in London October 10th, 2007

Fel­low Briton what­ley­dude has man­aged to snap a pic­ture of a Gotham City police van whilst it encir­cled Lon­don on the M25 motor­way, atop a trailer.

Sup­plied with the expressed per­mis­sion of What­ley­dude.

Bat and Dog Fight in Cardington October 8th, 2007

Bed­ford Today”, a local news web­site, are report­ing that Rory’s First Kiss (aka the lat­est Bat­man sequel) signs have been appear­ing in the Card­ing­ton area once again:

It is believed the secrecy-shrouded shoot at Card­ing­ton involves the mas­sive Gotham City set built in the rear of the shed for the ear­lier movie and left stand­ing afterwards.

The Times & Cit­i­zen under­stands dog-handlers have come over from the USA for one sequence, thought to involve a chase fea­tur­ing the Batmobile.

Via Bat Movie News

Alfred’s ‘Altercation’ October 8th, 2007

Movieweb have posted a press­ing inter­view with Michael Caine.  Here he once again talks up the bril­liant por­trayal of The Joker by Heath Ledger,

“I can tell you the biggest secret. The most shock­ing thing for both you and I, […] It’s Heath Ledger as the Joker. He is going to sur­prise a lot of peo­ple. He is absolutely ter­ri­fy­ing. I’d say that he is the scari­est thing I’ve ever seen on screen.”

Read the rest of this entry »

Tragic death in Dark Knight filming September 25th, 2007

BBC News are report­ing that a spe­cial effects tech­ni­cian has been killed in a stunt prac­tice run for an upcom­ing Dark Knight scene, at the Qine­tiq race­track in Sur­rey, Eng­land. The tech­ni­cian had been on a cam­era truck report­edly fol­low­ing the Bat­mo­bile. The fatal acci­dent occurred when the 4x4 truck ran into a tree.

“Warner Bros Pic­tures and the entire cast and crew of The Dark Knight are deeply sad­dened by this tragedy, and their hearts and prayers go out to the fam­ily and loved ones of the deceased.” 

As do ours.

The acci­dent is now being inves­ti­gated by Sur­rey police and the Health and Safety Executive.

Hong Kong Knight September 22nd, 2007

The Dark Knight film­ing sched­ule is tak­ing Bat­man to Hong Kong this Novem­ber, where a planned 9 week stint shall take place. How­ever not all peo­ple are wel­com­ing this hero’s arrival, Hong Kong politi­cians have sited the pos­si­bil­ity of traf­fic dis­rup­tions and noise pol­lu­tion as cause for con­cern. For instance, the use of a heli­copter dur­ing night time (2 a.m.) scenes has had politi­cians stat­ing that res­i­dents should pur­chase some ear plugs for the period.

Film­ing is expected to revolve around “The Cen­ter”, the fourth tallest sky­scraper in Hong Kong at 73 storeys.

Source: Reuters, Hong Kong Standard

Welcome to Movie Chronicles September 18th, 2007

A blog net­work deliv­er­ing the lat­est news updates on a range of in-production block­buster movies.

Short Heath Ledger Video Interview September 17th, 2007

In the french show “La Minute” from AlloCiné, there is a very brief Heath Ledger inter­view. Within he men­tions how much fun play­ing the joker has been and how the expe­ri­ence as exceeded all of his expectations.

To watch the video, head over here. It starts at about 2:15 in, if you want to skip all of the french.

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