The Empire magazine, with its soon to be Joker world exclusive, now has its cover online for the world to see:
A higher resolution, gradually revealed version of this picture is on show at He Is Coming.
The Dark Knight
The Empire magazine, with its soon to be Joker world exclusive, now has its cover online for the world to see:
A higher resolution, gradually revealed version of this picture is on show at He Is Coming.
It doesn’t take much to guess who’s socks these are. Empire Online are currently running some hype of their own, gradually revealing, card by card, a picture of The Joker under the title “He is coming… All will be revealed”.
A new link on Why So Serious has been unveiled, linking to a personality profiler. This comes in the form of 14 questions, at the end of which your score is judged on classic arcade style machine. Notice that at the bottom there is a padlocked cupboard, could this contain something of particular interest to us?
There will be more tests in a few days.
EDIT: The latest viral marketing developments:
Why So Serious Perfect Getaway and Threatening Audio Message
St Swithuns Church with marriage and baptism certificates and Betty’s House of Pies
Head on over to to read the newspaper articles that we posted about yesterday. You can also email the editor of the paper with a “letter”,
Clicking around on page 1 of the article reveals this little clickable secret left by The Joker:
This leads you to the HA HA Time,, a mockery of the paper:
The “We are the answer” ( now shows a “Not authorised” page, the defacto Internet Explorer version… which I’m not sure I should see on Firefox. This hints that the page itself is manufactured, perhaps just saved as the index.
The website is now up! It seems to be some sort of neighborhood watch scheme where civilians can report crimes in their area. You can also find these choice quotes from Gotham politician Harvey Dent:
“Positive Feedback makes for a Positive City” — Harvey Dent
“Help us make Gotham a better, safer and stronger city by helping us to stomp out corruption” — Harvey Dent
And from the Letters of Support:
In a city where “business as usual” has meant continuing corruption and scandal, Harvey Dent is anything but usual. The assistant District Attorney is shining a light on a lot of dark corners and exposing corrupt cops and city officials. He’s making some enemies, but here at Action 3 News, we think he might be the best friend this city has had in many, many years.
–Wilson Corrigan, Spotlight on City Hall, Action 3 News.
I was born in this city in 1925 and I’ve seen her go through the dark days of World War II and the bright days of the civil rights movement and the crazy days of the sixties. But nothing seemed as bad as the last couple of years. Bless Harvey Dent. What we need is more people like him, instead of having to depend on a crazy man in a costume to do what the police aren’t doing.
–T. Johnson, letter to The Gotham Times
Dear Mr. Dent,
After all the things that have been happening, and especially the Fear Toxin attack, I applied for a transfer with my company. I felt that, despite the roots I have here—I grew up here and my parents live here—Gotham was not a place where my wife and I could raise our soon to be born son. I hated to move away. If people like me move away, soon all that would be left would be the poor and the desperate. I withdrew that request for transfer today. You make me feel hope for this city. Your work gives me the courage to stay and fight for the city I love.
–Perry Lichtman
Some new viral marketing sites have also popped up, the first is one for Gotham’s National Bank found at
The official IMAX website have posted a preview to the IMAX Dark Knight prologue. The video features an interview with director Christopher Nolan amidst scenes from the movies filming — we see small clips from action sequences, the film crews, a couple of small explosions, Batman swooping down, the Batmobile, etc. But most of all the short video is just a massive promotion for the wonder that is the IMAX format.
So, the folks that were lucky enough to be recruited by The Joker have now started to receive their gifts. It seems that they shall be receiving a Gotham Times new paper, complete with news articles, commentaries, Gotham adverts and much more to set the tone of the movie.
BatmansJoker and Mito88 were kind enough to share some of their joys:
The articles in this newspaper pay a number of references to a few new websites, the first is that of The Gotham Times itself,, with its first online edition launching Friday November 23rd. The second new viral marketing website seems to be one “We are the answer” which appears multiple times — referring to the page, but this site hasn’t yet gone online, we’ll have to wait a little longer to see the treats that it holds. Thirdly, a reference to an email was included in the print for, and when emailing this address this auto response is returned:
See you found my little message. So, do you think you have what it takes to be a part of my circle of friends? Are you a backstabbing, self-promoting, ambitious clown who will do anything to prove yourself to me? If so, the first step of your application process awaits…if you know where to look.
… and no major, newsworthy update yet. Rory’s Death Kiss… has however updated with a new message at the bottom of the page:
It seems those with accepted submissions will receive something special in the post, probably around Thanksgiving. We’ll have to wait and see what that is, the rumors suggest some sort of Poster.
The feedback we’re getting from the fans that waited for this deadline to pass is that the majority are extremely disappointed, especially those that took part in the photo taking challenge but had their pictures rejected or those that took pictures of the letters to reveal the hidden message — they will not be rewarded for their promotional efforts.
Maybe this is because the old prize — a set of Dark Knight stills, was let loose on the net a few weeks back, spoiling the entire scenario. However that’s just speculation on my part.
HLTam has kindly given us permission to post the shots that he took during Batman’s brief filming spell in Hong Kong. You can see more of his photography here.
Flickr user 070758 has also granted us permission to reproduce these two photos depicting preparation for the “batman base jump” and a nicely posed police officer extra: