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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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Joker revealed on Empire’s Cover November 27th, 2007

The Empire mag­a­zine, with its soon to be Joker world exclu­sive, now has its cover online for the world to see:

A higher res­o­lu­tion, grad­u­ally revealed ver­sion of this pic­ture is on show at He Is Com­ing.

He Is Coming November 26th, 2007

It doesn’t take much to guess who’s socks these are. Empire Online are cur­rently run­ning some hype of their own, grad­u­ally reveal­ing, card by card, a pic­ture of The Joker under the title “He is com­ing… All will be revealed”.

He Is Coming

Why So Serious Personality Profile November 23rd, 2007

A new link on Why So Seri­ous has been unveiled, link­ing to a per­son­al­ity pro­filer. This comes in the form of 14 ques­tions, at the end of which your score is judged on clas­sic arcade style machine. Notice that at the bot­tom there is a pad­locked cup­board, could this con­tain some­thing of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to us?

There will be more tests in a few days.

Why So Serious Cabinet

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Gotham Times Out Now (and other viral sites) November 23rd, 2007

EDIT: The lat­est viral mar­ket­ing developments:

Betty’s House of Pies Stake­out — Live Audio Feed with Shootout and solu­tion to Why So Seri­ous Per­fect Getaway

Why So Seri­ous Per­fect Get­away and Threat­en­ing Audio Message

St Swith­uns Church with mar­riage and bap­tism cer­tifi­cates and Betty’s House of Pies

Orig­i­nal Article:

Head on over to www​.the​gotham​times​.com to read the news­pa­per arti­cles that we posted about yes­ter­day. You can also email the edi­tor of the paper with a “let­ter”, letterstotheeditor@​thegothamtimes.​com.

Gotham Times Secrets

Click­ing around on page 1 of the arti­cle reveals this lit­tle click­able secret left by The Joker:

Gotham Times Secret Joker

This leads you to the HA HA Time, www​.the​ha​ha​ha​times​.com, a mock­ery of the paper:

We are the Answer

The “We are the answer” (www​.wearethean​swer​.org) now shows a “Not autho­rised” page, the defacto Inter­net Explorer ver­sion… which I’m not sure I should see on Fire­fox. This hints that the page itself is man­u­fac­tured, per­haps just saved as the index.

The web­site is now up! It seems to be some sort of neigh­bor­hood watch scheme where civil­ians can report crimes in their area. You can also find these choice quotes from Gotham politi­cian Har­vey Dent:

“Pos­i­tive Feed­back makes for a Pos­i­tive City” — Har­vey Dent
“Help us make Gotham a bet­ter, safer and stronger city by help­ing us to stomp out cor­rup­tion” — Har­vey Dent

And from the Let­ters of Sup­port:

In a city where “busi­ness as usual” has meant con­tin­u­ing cor­rup­tion and scan­dal, Har­vey Dent is any­thing but usual. The assis­tant Dis­trict Attor­ney is shin­ing a light on a lot of dark cor­ners and expos­ing cor­rupt cops and city offi­cials. He’s mak­ing some ene­mies, but here at Action 3 News, we think he might be the best friend this city has had in many, many years.

–Wil­son Cor­ri­gan, Spot­light on City Hall, Action 3 News.

I was born in this city in 1925 and I’ve seen her go through the dark days of World War II and the bright days of the civil rights move­ment and the crazy days of the six­ties. But noth­ing seemed as bad as the last cou­ple of years. Bless Har­vey Dent. What we need is more peo­ple like him, instead of hav­ing to depend on a crazy man in a cos­tume to do what the police aren’t doing.

–T. John­son, let­ter to The Gotham Times


Dear Mr. Dent,

After all the things that have been hap­pen­ing, and espe­cially the Fear Toxin attack, I applied for a trans­fer with my com­pany. I felt that, despite the roots I have here—I grew up here and my par­ents live here—Gotham was not a place where my wife and I could raise our soon to be born son. I hated to move away. If peo­ple like me move away, soon all that would be left would be the poor and the des­per­ate. I with­drew that request for trans­fer today. You make me feel hope for this city. Your work gives me the courage to stay and fight for the city I love.

–Perry Licht­man

Other Viral Sites

Some new viral mar­ket­ing sites have also popped up, the first is one for Gotham’s National Bank found at www​.gotham​na​tion​al​bank​.com.

And Remem­ber­ing Gina, which can be found at www​.remem​ber​ing​gina​.org

Thirdly, there is a Gotham Police web­site located at www​.gotham​po​lice​.com.

And another one… this time its Gotham City Rail, www​.gotham​c​i​tyrail​.com, com­plete with a map of Gotham City, clearly show­ing the dam­age done dur­ing Bat­man Begins in the region of The Narrows.

Dark Knight IMAX Prologue Preview November 22nd, 2007

The offi­cial IMAX web­site have posted a pre­view to the IMAX Dark Knight pro­logue. The video fea­tures an inter­view with direc­tor Christo­pher Nolan amidst scenes from the movies film­ing — we see small clips from action sequences, the film crews, a cou­ple of small explo­sions, Bat­man swoop­ing down, the Bat­mo­bile, etc. But most of all the short video is just a mas­sive pro­mo­tion for the won­der that is the IMAX format.

IMAX Dark Knight Prologue


IMAX Dark Knight Prologue


IMAX Dark Knight Prologue


IMAX Dark Knight Prologue

The Gotham Times Newspaper Prize November 22nd, 2007

So, the folks that were lucky enough to be recruited by The Joker have now started to receive their gifts. It seems that they shall be receiv­ing a Gotham Times new paper, com­plete with news arti­cles, com­men­taries, Gotham adverts and much more to set the tone of the movie.

Bat­man­sJoker and Mito88 were kind enough to share some of their joys:

The arti­cles in this news­pa­per pay a num­ber of ref­er­ences to a few new web­sites, the first is that of The Gotham Times itself, www​.the​gotham​times​.com, with its first online edi­tion launch­ing Fri­day Novem­ber 23rd. The sec­ond new viral mar­ket­ing web­site seems to be one “We are the answer” which appears mul­ti­ple times — refer­ring to the page www​.wearethean​swer​.org, but this site hasn’t yet gone online, we’ll have to wait a lit­tle longer to see the treats that it holds. Thirdly, a ref­er­ence to an email was included in the print for humanresources@​whysoserious.​com, and when email­ing this address this auto response is returned:

See you found my lit­tle mes­sage. So, do you think you have what it takes to be a part of my cir­cle of friends? Are you a back­stab­bing, self-promoting, ambi­tious clown who will do any­thing to prove your­self to me? If so, the first step of your appli­ca­tion process awaits…if you know where to look.

Rory’s Death Kiss Deadline Passes November 18th, 2007

… and no major, news­wor­thy update yet. Rory’s Death Kiss… has how­ever updated with a new mes­sage at the bot­tom of the page:

It seems those with accepted sub­mis­sions will receive some­thing spe­cial in the post, prob­a­bly around Thanks­giv­ing. We’ll have to wait and see what that is, the rumors sug­gest some sort of Poster.

The feed­back we’re get­ting from the fans that waited for this dead­line to pass is that the major­ity are extremely dis­ap­pointed, espe­cially those that took part in the photo tak­ing chal­lenge but had their pic­tures rejected or those that took pic­tures of the let­ters to reveal the hid­den mes­sage — they will not be rewarded for their pro­mo­tional efforts.

Maybe this is because the old prize — a set of Dark Knight stills, was let loose on the net a few weeks back, spoil­ing the entire sce­nario. How­ever that’s just spec­u­la­tion on my part.

More pictures from Hong Kong November 14th, 2007

HLTam has kindly given us per­mis­sion to post the shots that he took dur­ing Batman’s brief film­ing spell in Hong Kong. You can see more of his pho­tog­ra­phy here.

Flickr user 070758 has also granted us per­mis­sion to repro­duce these two pho­tos depict­ing prepa­ra­tion for the “bat­man base jump” and a nicely posed police offi­cer extra:

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