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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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3 New Dark Knight Images December 8th, 2007

These three pro­mo­tional shots (one of which we have seen before, but clouded with cover page texts) come via Comics2Film. I par­tic­u­larly love the last image, which at first glance appears to be unre­lated, until you notice the mask.

Dark Knight Animé (Gotham Knight) Image December 7th, 2007

As some of you are aware, The Dark Knight movie will be pre­ceeded by a multi-part animé story, sim­i­lar to the way that the Ani­ma­trix worked — although as of late details about this project have been in short supply.

Just Press Play have a brand new screen cap via the lat­est Wiz­ard Uni­verse issue, illus­trat­ing one of the new animé sto­ry­lines, it does look incred­iby awesome.

For the low-down on the six short films in the animé I rec­om­mend read­ing our older post, pre­vi­ously thought to be lost in the depths of our archives. The DVD is set for a direct to video release close to July, but we should see a lot more of the Gotham Knight before then.

Dark Knight Anime

We are the Answer thanks us, hints at new campaign December 7th, 2007

We are the Answer, part of The Dark Knight’s viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign, www​.wearethean​swer​.org, has updated and sent out emails to thank every­one that rat­ted out on the cor­rupt police offi­cers of Gotham City:

Adam at Hol­ly­wood Chicago received this email:

Dear cit­i­zen,

Today is a momen­tous day for Gotham and for all of us who have par­tic­i­pated in We Are The Answer.

Tips from con­cerned cit­i­zens like you are help­ing to bring cor­rupt offi­cers to jus­tice. You can be proud that you have aided your fel­low cit­i­zens in tak­ing the first step toward a safer city.

Due to the over­whelm­ing cit­i­zen response, we at We Are The Answer are pour­ing through an avalanche of police cor­rup­tion tips.

We should be through with the cur­rent back­log of tips by the very begin­ning of the New Year.

Thank you again. The good cit­i­zens of Gotham have to stick together to fight crime and cor­rup­tion. All of us have a brighter future to look for­ward to.

Whilst the web­site has added this new mes­sage — the bit at the very bot­tom is inter­est­ing — it implies that a new viral cam­paign may start up some­time in the New Year (when they have got through the back­log that is):

 UPDATE: First Police Offi­cers Indicted Thanks To We Are The Answer

We Are The Answer has been over­whelmed by the reac­tion of Gotham cit­i­zens since we asked for your help. Thou­sands of con­cerned men and women who are out­raged at how Gotham City has been betrayed by the very peo­ple who are sup­posed to defend us have flooded this web­site with tips.

All of your sub­mis­sions are being inves­ti­gated, and We Are The Answer today announces the indict­ment of two GPD offi­cers for cor­rup­tion. It is with sad­ness, not pride, that We Are The Answer seems to have shown in a mat­ter of weeks how deep the cor­rup­tion in Gotham goes.

These offi­cers are Jason McCree and Larry Coniglia. McCree is sus­pected of accept­ing bribes. Larry Coniglia is under sus­pi­cion of inter­fer­ing in an inves­ti­ga­tion, rack­e­teer­ing, and assault. Coniglia is also being inves­ti­gated for the death of a Chechen gang mem­ber who died in a police hold­ing cell.

It is impor­tant to note that these offi­cers are inno­cent until proven guilty. We Are The Answer will con­tinue to fight to clean up GPD, and ensure that police offi­cers are work­ing for the cit­i­zens of Gotham and not its criminals.

Work­ing with GPD’s Inter­nal Affairs and Assis­tant Dis­trict Attor­ney Har­vey Dent, We Are The Answer has taken the first step to tak­ing back our streets from crime and cor­rup­tion. Thanks to all Gotham cit­i­zens who have helped us in this essen­tial endeavor.

NOTE: Due to the over­whelm­ing cit­i­zen response, we at We Are The Answer are pour­ing through an avalanche of police cor­rup­tion tips. We should be through with the cur­rent back­log of tips by the very begin­ning of the New Year

High Resolution Dark Knight Poster and Joker December 5th, 2007

We all like to see high res­o­lu­tion pic­tures, today I have two of them for you. The first is a whop­ping 300dpi 100mb ver­sion of the teaser poster. To illus­trate the detail of a pic­ture like this, here’s a fully sized extract:

Dark Knight Poster High Resolution Preview

The more astute will have noticed a link to this file on Why So Seri­ous. It appears to the bot­tom right of the nor­mal sized picture:

Down­load 100mb poster image


(beware, 100mb down­load may take a while!)
If this link suf­fers under the traf­fic, etc, here is a handy mir­ror site: Alter­nate Download

Next up we have the medium-to-high res­o­lu­tion ver­sion of that Empire mag­a­zine cover thanks to David:

High Resolution Preview

Down­load (only 420kb this time)

Why So Serious Catch Up and Screenings December 5th, 2007

So, yes­ter­day evening the Why So Seri­ous viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign that we have been par­tic­i­pat­ing in as of late came to its con­clu­sion by unveil­ing The Dark Knight teaser poster.

This post is a catch-up entry to fill in the gaps between the “step right up” chal­lenge and the release of the poster. My last post revealed a num­ber of scary cud­dly toys with loca­tions pinned to their bel­lies, at each of these loca­tions was a bak­ery with a cake, inside of which was an evi­dence bag con­tain­ing a phone, a joker card and a note. When each cake was grabbed, the bear was removed and we all came one step closer to hit­ting the bell.

Here are some more pic­tures of the cakes via our friends at Hol­ly­wood Chicago:

Step Right Up Cake


Why So Serious Cake Evidence


Joker Card and Phone in the cake

When all of these cakes were dis­cov­ered, hit­ting the bell won the prize… and click­ing through lead you to an evi­dence page with two joker cards:

Each of the cards is a link, the left card takes you to the poster page, which we have all seen by now. The right takes you to a sign up page for what looks to be some pre­view screen­ings in IMAX cin­e­mas across the coun­try — the pro­logue perhaps?

And here’s a pic­ture of the ticket via Hol­ly­wood Chicago:

Why So Serious Preview Screening Event Ticket

Dark Knight Teaser Poster Released December 4th, 2007

Batman The Dark Knight Teaser Poster

Step Right Up Countdown Challenge December 4th, 2007

Update: Bat­sean has been to the bak­ery to get his cake…

Dark Knight Cake

Dark Knight Insides of Cake

The Evidence in the Cake

The note says:

Wow, you really took the cake! Now, put the icing on it: call (phone num­ber) imme­di­ately from this phone and THIS PHONE ONLY. Do NOT give this phone num­ber to any­one else.

Let’s hope your fel­low goons come through as well as you. Once all the lay­ers are in place, you’ll all get your just desserts. I’m a man of my word

Step Right Up

The count­down on the lat­est why so seri­ous viral mar­ket­ing puz­zle has come to an end, and revealed the final challenge.


Hang­ing from the stall in front of you are, as of now, 6 cud­dly toys, although not at all cute. Each of them has a loca­tion pinned on, a loca­tion that, by instruc­tion, you must travel to and not call.

The Cuddly Toys and Locations

Why So Serious Bears

The instruc­tions also ask you to go under the name “Robin Banks” (aka Rob­bing Banks) at each of these places, with “One per loca­tion, first come, first served”. It seems that each of these is a bak­ery store, with the prize being some­sort of bak­ery delight with an attached phone num­ber. Some of the bears are already start­ing to dis­ap­pear, and with each new dis­cov­ery the mal­let on the left hits a lit­tle harder.

Hit­ting the base of the machine used to invoke a pathet­i­cally small rise of the weight, not even enough to light the first level.

Why So Serious — Step Right Up December 4th, 2007

EDIT: Chal­lenge unveiled.

Via Hol­ly­wood Chicago:

humanresources@​whysoserious.​com has sent out a new WhySoSe​ri​ous​.com
mes­sage and code for “The Dark Knight” viral marketing:

Heads up, clown! Tomor­row means that there’s one last shifty step left in the inter­view process: Arwoeuf­gryo

By mov­ing each let­ter one to the right on a QWERTY key­board, the word “steprightup” is spelled.

This led to a new WhySoSe​ri​ous​.com page at the URL www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​s​t​e​p​r​i​g​h​tup with a count­down to 12 p.m. EST on Dec. 4 along with a stuffed mon­key with an exposed stom­ach.

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