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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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Let’s Put a Smile on That Face December 17th, 2007

High Res­o­lu­tion Screen­shots from The Dark Knight Trailer

Just for you (espe­cially those that can’t play HD video on their machines) we have some won­der­ful high res­o­lu­tion screen­shots from the trailer that was offi­cially released yes­ter­day. I highly rec­om­mend look­ing at the Joker images, they are quite fantastic.

Dark Knight Official Website Update December 17th, 2007

The Warner Broth­ers web­site, thedark​knight​.warner​bros​.com, has now updated — click­ing the large blue logo takes you to a page with down­load links for high def­i­n­i­tion for­mats of the offi­cial trailer. They have also kindly pro­vided us with a nice high res­o­lu­tion, offi­cial copy of the third teaser poster that we have seen only through blurry cam­era shots of so far.

Dark Knight Trailer Now Officially Online in HD December 17th, 2007

A Taste for the The­atri­cal, a clue that was revealed via the lat­est Joker teaser posters, as seen around cin­e­mas, has unveiled what we have all been wait­ing for. Some of you may have seen this on a cin­ema screen — big, bold and bril­liant, or on a YouTube boot­legged cam shot — small, grainy and mys­te­ri­ous. Today we can all down­load for our­selves a high res­o­lu­tion trailer of The Dark Knight.

Down­load The Trailer:

A taste for the theatrical…

Best qual­ity (98.2mb)
High qual­ity (78.1mb)
Med qual­ity (24.6mb)

Watch it on YouTube:

Dark Knight Prologue Leaks Online December 16th, 2007

The 7 minute footage seen in IMAX cin­e­mas prior to screen­ings of I Am Leg­end has recently been leaked online. If you’re lucky and this hasn’t yet been removed from YouTube you can catch it here.

In other news, we still don’t have our offi­cial ver­sion of the trailer yet.

The Dark Knight Trailer Leaked, Official Launch Sunday 16th December 14th, 2007

For a few days now The Dark Knight pro­logue has been show­ing before screen­ings of I Am Leg­end at IMAX cin­e­mas across the states. We’ve read the reviews, heard the rumors and many of us that want to see it, but can­not, will soon get our chance.

The boot­legged ver­sion of the trailer has been pop­ping in and out of YouTube all day today as users upload it as fast as the WB remove it. There are rum­blings afoot that this short film is incred­i­ble, indeed, even bet­ter than the entire I Am Leg­end feature.

In the last hour or so a new Dark Knight viral web­site has been unveiled, “A taste for the the­atri­cal”, www​.ataste​for​thethe​atri​cal​.com. It reads,

Sun­day — It’s what you have been wait­ing for! Sure, you can see it on dis­play, but begin­ning this Sun­day, you can take it home for your very own

So, you now have a choice, either be patient and wait until Sun­day to see a high qual­ity down­load­able ver­sion or hop onto the buzz train right now and view the boot­legged copy on YouTube…

Thanks to Adam at Hol­ly­wood Chicago for the video, there’s a few more links there if you need them.

Two Awesome Joker Posters December 14th, 2007

Well, today is a day for fab­u­lous Dark Knight imagery, and here we have two more posters for you to wrap your­self around. The first comes in the same vein as the Inter­na­tional Dark Knight Teaser Poster fea­tur­ing Bat­man, though this time we have a great, and incred­i­bly teas­ing, shot of The Joker. The sec­ond poster shows us The Joker’s gnarly grin through a steamed up panel embla­zoned with the words “Why So Seri­ous?”, we’ll be look­ing out for a high res­o­lu­tion ver­sion of this in the next few days.

These pic­tures have come via Judao and Allocine.

Buy the Joker Teaser Posters (~$26.99 each at the moment)

Dark Knight - Joker Teaser Poster

Dark KNight - Joker Teaser Poster

Alternative View of the Joker Poster

New International Dark Knight Teaser Poster December 14th, 2007

Just take a look at this stun­ning new Dark Knight poster, fea­tur­ing bat­man stand­ing in front of an open win­dow (Wayne Tower?), with an awe inspir­ing but dark view of Gotham City. Beau­ti­ful. Click the image for a high res­o­lu­tion version.

Via Omelette

New Dark Knight Image — The Batpod December 11th, 2007

Warner Broth­ers have today released a slew of pro­mo­tional images for a num­ber of their upcom­ing films. Two of these were Dark Knight related, the first is Bat­man atop the Bat-pod. The sec­ond was that shot of the Joker which donned the front cover of the recent Empire mag­a­zine. Now in high res­o­lu­tion with­out the “Empire” text.

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