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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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Brief Maggie Gyllenhaal Interview March 26th, 2008

SHH have had a short moment to talk with Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal (Rachel Dawes in the Dark Knight) at ShoWest:

When asked about tak­ing over from Katie Holmes,

“I think she’s a won­der­ful actress and I really admired the work that she did in the first Bat­man, but I don’t think it would have worked if I tried to imi­tate her. I think the only way to do it is to do it like myself,”

“They just (expect you to) sus­pend your dis­be­lief, I’m Rachel Dawes now. I mean, how many Bat­men have there been? Lots of them!”

Speak­ing about work­ing on her first major blockbuster,

“I antic­i­pated it was going to be much dif­fer­ent than mak­ing a small movie, and in the end, it didn’t feel that way, and I think it was because I was work­ing with really good actors like Gary Old­man and Michael Caine and Chris­t­ian Bale, Aaron Eck­hart and Heath Ledger. It felt like mak­ing any other movie, and I think Chris Nolan has a lot to do with that, and also because he really likes and respects actors, so it felt like doing good scenes in any movie.”

And get­ting involved in the action…

“They took really good care of me. I thought I might get bruised up but in fact, I didn’t. They really knew what they were doing. I was scared to do some of the action stuff I had to do, and I did it once, and I was like, ‘Oh, this is a blast!’”

Thanks Austin!

Nolan and Bale interview from ShoWest March 17th, 2008

The Asso­ci­ated Press have put together a short video inter­view with Chris Nolan and Chris­t­ian Bale from the recent ShoW­est. Bale and Nolan talk about Heath Ledger’s per­for­mance, Bale describes it as “defin­ing” whilst re-iterating the seri­ous­ness of the movie. In other news — the clip is ter­ri­bly cut together amongst the Dark Knight Trailer:

Gotham Knight cover art exposed March 17th, 2008

DVDAc­tive have posted up the first shots of the soon to be Gotham Knight DVD and Blu-Ray cover.

Two New Viral Sites March 14th, 2008

The Har­vey Dent viral cam­paign is really crank­ing up now, the first two exter­nal viral sites have been uncov­ered — both relate to the elec­tion process in Gotham City:

Gotham Elec­tion Board: www​.gotham​elec​tion​board​.com

The Gotham Elec­tion Board will be imple­ment­ing online voter
reg­is­tra­tion later this year. Watch this site for details.

Gotham City Clerk: www​.gotham​c​i​ty​clerk​.com

Please excuse the incon­ve­nience, as we are cur­rently rebuild­ing our web­site and file sys­tem after server dam­age due to the recent Orange Line destruc­tion. We hope to be back online serv­ing Gotham City very soon.

•   Forms and appli­ca­tions for the fol­low­ing ser­vices are still avail­able at our N. 6th St. offices: Park­ing per­mits, busi­ness licenses, dog licenses, festival/block party/raffle/bazaar per­mits, night­club licenses, oath of office forms, oper­a­tor licenses, retail licenses, liquor licenses, street ven­dor licenses, med­ical reg­is­tra­tion forms, notice of claim forms, and garage sale permits.

•   The Gotham City Clerk announces approval for exten­sive absen­tee voter sup­port in the upcom­ing munic­i­pal elec­tion. Once the sys­tem is in place, we will post details and pro­ce­dures for both online and mail-in absen­tee balloting.

The Dentmobile is doing the rounds! March 13th, 2008

For those signed up to the Har­vey Dent email alerts, you’ve prob­a­bly seen this already, but for those that are new to this viral lark:

Cross-Country Tour of Cam­paign Bus Con­tin­ues As Thou­sands of Dent Sup­port­ers March, Rally For The One Man Who Can Save Gotham!

Check the updated sched­ule at http://​www​.ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com/​o​n​t​h​e​r​o​a​d​.​a​spx to see if a Dent­mo­bile is com­ing to your neigh­bor­hood. [Full list after the break]

Dent’s chal­lenge to Gotham to show their desire for change has been met with a city-wide explo­sion of activism, with thou­sands of sup­port­ers orga­niz­ing ral­lies, meet-ups, peti­tion dri­ves, and post­ing signs and plac­ards in every neigh­bor­hood. Check out some of the best pho­tos and videos at http://​www​.ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com/​y​o​u​i​n​a​c​t​i​o​n​.​a​spx.
Dent is expected to make his deci­sion whether to run for Gotham Dis­trict Attor­ney within weeks and your sup­port does make a difference!

**Spe­cial Alert**

For those of you who can get down to Rock­e­feller Cen­ter tomor­row morn­ing between 6 and 9 am, there’s a very good chance your friends might be able to see you on a cer­tain morn­ing tele­vi­sion show.

Spread the word. Make an impres­sion! Let’s get cre­ative in demon­strat­ing our support!

Take Back Gotham!

Hol­ly­wood Chicago and Vlkers54 have a nice lit­tle report of the events at 8am:

I was at the 8 a.m. stop. I got there at 7:30 a.m. and I sure am glad I did. At 8:03 a.m., the cops came and kicked us out! Only me and another guy showed up, but we did end up get­ting a lot of free stuff [includ­ing] bumper stick­ers, posters, but­tons and a T-shirt.

You should have seen the peo­ple as they were com­ing out of the train station:

“Who is Har­vey Dent?”, “What is this all about?”, “Is this for that movie?” (We responded: “What movie? ‘No Coun­try For Old Men?’ That’s a movie!”)

We kept “in char­ac­ter” and pro­moted Har­vey Dent for [dis­trict attor­ney] as if he were a real per­son. Con­fus­ing peo­ple was a lot of fun. Some peo­ple did catch on to what was going on. Even middle-aged men who knew who [Har­vey Dent] was were excited, [asked] for but­tons and filled out the peti­tion forms.

It was a lot of fun, but let’s hope the cops don’t ruin the 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. ses­sions. I can’t make the 11 a.m., but I will be at the 4 p.m. trail.

Read the rest of this entry »

Collectable Dark Knight Busts, Figures, Props March 13th, 2008

MTV (via /Film) have got the scoop on some awe­some look­ing Dark Knight ‘Busts’ and fig­ures of Bat­man and The Joker, plus some props:

Joker Bust

New Batpod shots from ShoWest March 12th, 2008

Com­ing­Soon have posted some high res­o­lu­tion pho­tos of The Dark Knight’s Bat­pod, from the ShoW­est Las Vegas convention:

Official Gotham Knight Website Online March 11th, 2008

Warner Broth­ers have today reveal the offi­cial web­site for Bat­man: Gotham Knight. There’s very lit­tle infor­ma­tion on the site at the moment, but it does include snip­pets of the video doc­u­men­tary we recently saw leaked on YouTube — with a lot more animé, help­fully the site comes with some copy and paste embed code:

Gotham Knight website

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